Comic Book Page
Publisher New Items Reorder Items Total Items Min Price Max Price Average Price Total Units Total Dollars Breakdown By Units Breakdown By Dollars
DC Comics 15 7 22 $9.95 $49.95 $16.86 62,767 $1,018,013.65 28.59% 29.23%
Marvel Comics 19 2 21 $11.99 $49.99 $20.85 52,383 $1,013,014.49 23.86% 29.08%
Dark Horse 9 5 14 $9.95 $29.95 $18.24 36,344 $683,000.80 16.56% 19.61%
VIZ 13 1 14 $7.95 $9.95 $9.31 21,670 $199,874.50 9.87% 5.74%
Tokyo Pop 11 1 12 $9.99 $9.99 $9.99 16,033 $160,169.67 7.30% 4.60%
Devil's Due Publishing 3 0 3 $9.99 $15.95 $12.96 7,254 $90,929.70 3.30% 2.61%
Image Comics 2 0 2 $11.95 $16.99 $14.47 3,960 $55,895.04 1.80% 1.60%
Gemstone 1 0 1 $7.95 $7.95 $7.95 3,835 $30,488.25 1.75% 0.88%
Adventure House 3 0 3 $9.99 $14.98 $11.65 3,311 $38,486.05 1.51% 1.10%
Dreamwave 1 0 1 $17.95 $17.95 $17.95 3,018 $54,173.10 1.37% 1.56%
IDW Publishing 1 1 2 $17.99 $19.99 $18.99 2,684 $50,419.16 1.22% 1.45%
One Peace Books 1 0 1 $16.95 $16.95 $16.95 1,451 $24,594.45 0.66% 0.71%
Harper Collins Publishers 1 0 1 $19.95 $19.95 $19.95 1,409 $28,109.55 0.64% 0.81%
CPM Manga 1 0 1 $9.99 $9.99 $9.99 1,259 $12,577.41 0.57% 0.36%
Pocket Books 1 0 1 $12.95 $12.95 $12.95 1,101 $14,257.95 0.50% 0.41%
Fantagraphics Books 1 0 1 $8.95 $8.95 $8.95 1,026 $9,182.70 0.47% 0.26%

Order index data provided courtesy of Diamond Comic Distributors, Inc. and used with permission.

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