Holiday gifts?

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Post by torchsong »

Surprisingly - I got nothing comic-wise (from anyone else) for Christmas. Perhaps my two biggest geek-items were a Star Wars apron and spatula and a set of New Orleans Saints tumblers (two things I geek out about when I'm not doing comics).

For MYSELF, however...bwah ha haaa...I hit fearlessreadersonline, tfaw, and other sites and bought merch BROADWAY style! :)

On the sixth day of Christmas, Torchsong bought for himself -

Six Witchblade Tomes
Five Marvel Premere Hardcovers
Four Essentials and Showcases
Three Classic GI Joe Trades
Two Runaway books
And a Snoowwwbiiirdd miiiniiii - buuuuusssstttt! (she was a nick & dent for $20 and I'm not ashamed to admit I like Alpha Flight!) :)
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Post by Trev »

torchsong wrote:
On the sixth day of Christmas, Torchsong bought for himself -

Six Witchblade Tomes
Five Marvel Premere Hardcovers
Four Essentials and Showcases
Three Classic GI Joe Trades
Two Runaway books
And a Snoowwwbiiirdd miiiniiii - buuuuusssstttt! (she was a nick & dent for $20 and I'm not ashamed to admit I like Alpha Flight!) :)
LOL. Awesome. Did you structure it like that on purpose?

Nothing wrong with Alpha Flight. That was one of my favorite books when it started with Byrne.
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Post by IanG »

I got an iPad from my sister-in-law. I didn't expect it at all. I like it so far. It won't yet replace my reading comics on dead trees. I think the ipad is great for trying out series or maybe reading a missing issue or two. Now if publishers drop the price to $0.99 and release closer to ship date then I'd think about replacing half of my comics with digital.

The best gift is the one I gave myself. This is the first year I haven't had to travel, by plane or long car ride, on Christmas in 14 years.
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