1st issue Challenge

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Post by comicm »

Caliber I am going to get issue 2 and then decide if I want to continue.
War that Time Forgot #1
Tor #1
Gemini #1 by far my favorite of these. Loved the art and thought the concept was real original.
1001 Arabian Nights Adventures Of Sinbad #0Removed this from my pull list
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Post by BobBretall »

comicm wrote: Gemini #1 by far my favorite of these. Loved the art and thought the concept was real original.
Tell me about this one, I'm not familiar with it. Who does it? What's the basic story?
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Post by comicm »

Jay Faerber is the writer and Jon Sommariva. It is from Image comics and I think you are aware of it because you mentioned it in the Friday previews call and said it sounded interesting but you hated the artwork.

It is about a superhero (human) who is activated and controlled remotely by a mysterious organization. These people are only identified by numbers. I found the concept very original and the artwork which I thought I was going to hate grew on me and now I am a fan. It really worked well with the story.
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Post by David Akers »

comicm wrote:Caliber I am going to get issue 2 and then decide if I want to continue.
War that Time Forgot #1
I was surprised by this one. I never thought I would like a Bruce Jones book, but I did with this one.

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Post by Wood »

comicm wrote:Jay Faerber is the writer and Jon Sommariva. It is from Image comics and I think you are aware of it because you mentioned it in the Friday previews call and said it sounded interesting but you hated the artwork.

It is about a superhero (human) who is activated and controlled remotely by a mysterious organization. These people are only identified by numbers. I found the concept very original and the artwork which I thought I was going to hate grew on me and now I am a fan. It really worked well with the story.
I just read Gemini #1 today while having my lunch and am onboard for the full 5 issue series. Jay Faerber can do no wrong in my book right now, as Dynamo 5 is another gem of a book.

The one thing about Gemini is the art is VERY stylized. For those wondering, think Todd Nauck's Young Justice only MORE cartoony. It works for me in a book like this b/c I have no prior picture of the characters or the universe in my mind, but I can see how it would turn off some folks.

The final page really pulled me in. The story was fairly straightforward (but fun) up until that last page and then....WHOA!
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Post by comicm »

Wood wrote:
I just read Gemini #1 today while having my lunch and am onboard for the full 5 issue series. Jay Faerber can do no wrong in my book right now, as Dynamo 5 is another gem of a book.

The one thing about Gemini is the art is VERY stylized. For those wondering, think Todd Nauck's Young Justice only MORE cartoony. It works for me in a book like this b/c I have no prior picture of the characters or the universe in my mind, but I can see how it would turn off some folks.

The final page really pulled me in. The story was fairly straightforward (but fun) up until that last page and then....WHOA!
Wood I agree with your assessment 100%. It was a complete package for a #1 and made me really want to read issue #2. The artwork worked very very nicely with the story. I love when the story and arwork move together as one smooth motion.
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Post by BobBretall »

comicm wrote:Jay Faerber is the writer and Jon Sommariva. It is from Image comics and I think you are aware of it because you mentioned it in the Friday previews call and said it sounded interesting but you hated the artwork.
Right you are, I remember it now.....

I don't think the art will grow on me, it seems like a showstopper......but I have about 150 other comics I read this month, so one more with art I am iffy on is really not something I need to add to the pile.
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Post by comicm »

The Man with No Name #1 from Dynamite. Excellent book for fans of westerns especially those Clint Eastwood movies.
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Post by comicm »

JLAFan wrote:Big Badz #1 - Neutral - I was not crazy in love with it, but it was good enough for me to get #2

Man With No Name #1 - Thumbs Up - I got this at the LCS on a lark and was surprised that I liked it so much. I think it helps that I LOVED the movies, and this felt like it flowed out of the movies (to me, anyway).

War That Time Forgot #1 - Thumbs Up - I really liked this one. I have added this series to my pull list. Bruce Jones has taken a step towards redeeming himself in my eyes. It's been a long time since I've enjoyed one of his stories, and this one has me anticipating the next issue.
I agree with all of you assessments here. There was just enough for Big Badz for me to return. As far as Bruce Jones goes I loved his Incredible Hulk run and so far from what I read liked his Vertigo Deadman series. I enjoyed Warlord, OMAC, Man-bat and Kingpin. The only work that I did not enjoy was Nightwing.
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Post by comicm »

The Huntress Year One #1
Big Badz #1
Anna Mercury #1
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Post by comicm »

Rann/Thanagar War #1
Invincible Iron Man #1
Secret Invasion Captain Britain #1
Secret Invasion Fantastic Four #1

Chutulu Tales #1
Texas Chainsaw Massacre Rasing Cain #1

Lost Boys Reign of the Frogs #1
Iron Man Viva Las Vegas #1
Pretty Baby Machine #1
House of Mystery #1
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Post by JohnMayo »

comicm wrote:[
Pretty Baby Machine #1
I don't think I've heard of this one. What is it and who publishes it?
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Post by comicm »

johnmayo wrote: I don't think I've heard of this one. What is it and who publishes it?
It is a crime book from Image comics about Pretty Boy Floyd, Baby Face Nelson and Machine Gun Kelly. They team up to take on Capone. It is black and white with a $3.50 cover price from the Shadowline imprint. It is by Clark Westerman with art by Kody Chamberlain.
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Post by comicm »

Young X-men #1
Batman Confidential #1
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Post by BobBretall »

Checkmate #26 This was the first issue by Bruce Jones (who I have mixed feelings about), so I subjected it to my "1st issue challenge". It did not pass. This really did not feel like a Checkmate story to me at all, and I'm really sick of "evil Government type experiment on a wounded soldier to turn him into a weird killing machine" type of stories, and that's what this looks like it's going to be. I'll probably pick up Checkmate #27 thru when it gets canceled out of a 50 cent bin at some point in the future to see how the story turns out. It may be worth 50 cents, it's not worth $2.99/issue
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