So I ended up dropping the following titles:
1) Cable - Never really loved the character and thought the first three issues were moving too slow. Also, there are too many X-Men titles out there and I can't get them all.
2) Guardians of the Galaxy - Read the first issue. Thought it was ok but didn't set my world on fire.
3) Ms. Marvel - I feel that the book has been so-so since the Civil War. Nothing exciting going on here for me.
4) Hercules - This is a fun book but I don't necessary feel for the characters
5) Avengers/ Invaders - I thought the first issue was very predictable. This is a wait for the HC type book for me.
6) Punisher War Journal - It was hit or miss with me.
7) Avengers Initiative - This has been a well written book but after a dozen of issues, I never fell in love with the characters.
8 ) Moon Knight - Tried the series with the new writer. It was ok but again, didn't set my world on fire.
On the Fence
1) Legion of Super-heroes - I love the Legion, but I rather read stories about the "original" Legion than this Legion.
2) Batman and the Outsiders - This has been average, but I think I might keep with it until after the "R.I.P." crossover.
3) Young X-Men - I am waiting until the first arc is completed to make my decision.
4) Wildcats: World's End - I am going to pick up the first issue and try it out. But, I don't necessary like the direction the whole line is heading toward.
Yeah, I dropped mostly Marvel Titles. You can tell that I am a DC hardcore DC fan, as I have trouble dropping DC titles.
I would say that I am still picking up a lot of Marvel titles and I will try to first issue of every SI mini, but at the same time, I am already tired of seeing Skrulls in every Marvel title.
