This weekend I added a few more art pieces to my batcave.

I added one print by Steve Stanley and an airbrush illustration by Bob Kimball on the left side of my desk and Alex Ross poster.

"Atomic Batteries To Power..." print.

Batmobile painting.

Alex Ross Oscar Night America - 2002 Academy Awards poster.

They both go great together and it's awesome to finally see them up on the wall.

I moved the 60's Batman mini movie poster I got from Bob over to the right closer to my door.

I also put up a photo of the batcave model Bob did.

Back of my door- bat-buttons and lanyard collection display.

Harley Quinn button hand draw by Bruce Timm at the 2008 San Diego Comic Con.

Some of my other bat-art...

Animated Batman comic page by Terry Beatty and Joe Staton.

World's Finest Batman/Superman comic page by Steve Rude.

Batsignal art by Sam Ray.

An animation cel, Alex Ross print, and 60s TV promo.
Got a few more pieces of art here and there. Will post more pics once I get the walls painted, floors done, and new shelves built.

Oh, and the bat-collectible that started the obsession for me. From my 3rd birthday cake back in '69.