Comic Book Collecting Software.

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Post by spid »

JohnMayo wrote:FYI, I've posted a tutorial/review of Comic Collector 5.0 Pro on adding Pre-ordered comic into the database and another on Converting a batch of new comic fro m"On Order" to "In Collection".
Off topic, but what are using to create the tutorials?
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Post by JohnMayo »

I am using Camtastia.
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Post by Flagwaver »

About four years ago I switched from using inventory sheets from "The Bag Man" to ComicbookDB to keep track of my collection. I found it much easier but was often frustrated whenever CBDB would be down. I started looking around for a secondary solution that I could use offline. I happened to win a copy of ComicBase from the Comis Buyer's Guide and also tried CollectorZ's free trial. I found them both to be somewhat clunky and too expensive for my tastes. I continued to look for seomthing else and came across Comic Collector Live. It is not perfect but it suits my basic needs of keeping track of what books I have and their condition. In fact, I finally finished entering my collection yesterday. I really do like that I can search their group of stores for books that are in my wantlist and I just placed my fifth order this past weekend.
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Post by JohnMayo »

Flagwaver, how big is your collection?
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Post by Flagwaver »

Not very big. Just over 13,000.
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Post by spid »

JohnMayo wrote:FYI, I've posted a tutorial/review of Comic Collector 5.0 Pro on adding Pre-ordered comic into the database and another on Converting a batch of new comic fro m"On Order" to "In Collection".
I watched, well I skipped a lot of the adding stuff, your video, and I am really surprised they do not have a subscription function. As you say this seems like a no-brainer feature to add.
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Post by JohnMayo »

spid wrote:
JohnMayo wrote:FYI, I've posted a tutorial/review of Comic Collector 5.0 Pro on adding Pre-ordered comic into the database and another on Converting a batch of new comic fro m"On Order" to "In Collection".
I watched, well I skipped a lot of the adding stuff, your video, and I am really surprised they do not have a subscription function. As you say this seems like a no-brainer feature to add.
I've been told by the support team that this is a new and unique request than none of the thousands of users have asked for in the past. A review of their forum reveals that not to be the case.
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Post by BobBretall »

I can see where software would not have the capability to have stuff in an "on order" state (ComicBase does not have this, to my knowledge).

BUT, if you give the ability to mark something as "on order" it seems bizarre to not have an easy way to make something move from "on order" to "in collection"...... Having it "on order" is just a step away from owning it!
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Post by onemaddog »

Does anyone have a reccomendation for an application just to catalog trades ?

Something like DVD profiler but for books
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Post by JohnMayo »

onemaddog wrote:Does anyone have a reccomendation for an application just to catalog trades ?

Something like DVD profiler but for books
Either Comic Collector or Book Collector from CollectorZ should be able to inventory your trades. I've used Book Collector for some of my role playing game collection and it has worked surprisingly well for that.
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CLZ Barry

Post by boshuda »

I have the Comic CollectorZ software for my collection, and I recently picked up the Barry app. It allows you to scan with your Android (or Iphone, and maybe crackberry?) phone and send the info to the keyboard field for ISBNs across a network. I was skeptical because I ordered the software with the Cue-Cat scanner and that thing was horrible. I could enter the ISBNs by hand about two times as fast as I could scan them. With the Barry app, though, it's fast and easy and I can do it from across the room. And that's on a crappy, slow, outdated, lemon of an Android. If you have Comic CollectorZ I recommend picking it up.

As for using it for trades I put my trades as well as my comics in it and it handles the trades pretty well. So I second John's recommendation for the Comic CollectorZ software. But keep an eye on the site and wait for a sale - they don't give a discount all the time, but often enough to wait for one. Unless you're getting a ton of trades I also don't recommend the scanners, entering by hand is pretty easy.
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Post by Gilgabob »

I use Comic Collector Live for all my stuff. There is a $30 annual fee but the software is good and updated constantly.

There is also a built in marketplace feature that I've used just recently as a matter of fact that I like. I believe I saw Dan's store on there.
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Post by Danscomics »

Gilgabob wrote: There is also a built in marketplace feature that I've used just recently as a matter of fact that I like. I believe I saw Dan's store on there.
I do have some stuff on there. I also have a stand alone website but CCL has the advantage of already having traffic where as my site I'm having trouble getting customers to see.

The software isn't too bad. My only complaint is with how difficult it is to get new issues added. I have been fighting for 4 days against the approvers to get an issue added and there is no end in sight (as well as a list of about 20 books that have been out for up to 2 months that haven't appeared yet). Unfortunately it is not a popular title so there seems to be no rush to get it added to the database. Books also are not well represented in the software so unless you want to go through the process of adding books it probably isn't a good solution for keeping track of those.
We now have digital comics for sale. Check out our shop

Looking for comics or games? Check out my main store and Comic Collector Live store. You can also sign up for the Comic Collector's Club subscription service on my main site.
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Post by JohnMayo »

Between Comic Collector, Book Collector and Movie Collector, I've gotten plenty of use out of the Opticon 2001 barcode scanner I got off eBay.

I haven't cut over to Comic Collector for my comic book collection but I am trying to get to where I can. I just need to get a threshold percentage of my collection into there. No idea when/if that will happen.

I've got most of my DVDs in Movie Collector but still need to go through the exercise of validating the inventory is complete. The barcode scanner works great for this.
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Post by GABE! »

I've been using Comic Collector Pro for Mac along with the iPhone app and CLZ Barry for the iPhone. I'm very happy with the integration of the Barry app and the computer software.
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