Weekly Comic Spotlight
Moderator: JohnMayo
Weekly Comic Spotlight
I think the new format is working fine gentlemen. Obviously prefer when both of you can comment but the magic is still happening. Enjoyed #249 (as I do the others).
Not reading as much DC but interested in the debate regarding limited series vs. some type of revolving permanent title. You guys also discussed this in Spotlight 236. I would advise people go back and listen after they listen to this episode. I tried to find the review of issue 1 but could not locate it. Checked the show notes for DC Publishers Spotlight but no reference to it. It should have been in week 3. Did you guys cover it?
As far as DC, I would think two other possible options, (1) the team-up where you use a popular character to anchor the new character. Marvel did (and does) this with Spider-man (Avenging Spider-man, Marvel Team-Up) but DC could have a Batman team-up book (particularly with "Batman" in the title) that could bring the folks into the fold. (2) maybe do a double sized issue with two stories, one with a popular character and one with the new one. In this instance I agree with Bob in that the stories should be 1 shots (or maybe 2 parters) but not your normal 5 to 6 issues for a story. They could also just try stocking the rotating title with top name creators but with that strategy the cost of the book goes up (or at least I assume it does) so that seems like a riskier approach.
I also wanted to chime in about Bob's comments regarding X/O issue. I am similar in that if something interests me but has a few problems, then I often get more animated and seem more critical than something that I just don't like. If I don't like a book, movie, comic, etc, then often I don't have much to say because it doesn't engage me. If I like it but there are a few things that really get to me, I have more to say because I think more about the book. Superficially it may make it seem that I dislike one more than the other but its just I have more to say because I thought more about one than the other.
I liked Ursa Minor as well but felt that it was a little light. Maybe that is not fair but I wanted more out of a first issue. I will get 2 (assuming it is at my LCS).
Last is a forum question. I feel strange creating new topics all the time so I don't always comment on the episodes. I have left the number of the Spotlight off this thread title so that it could potentially provide a place to comment on subsequent podcast episodes or is that too cheeky? I only post to two forums so not always sure what is considered the proper posting rules and saw nothing addressing this elsewhere.
Not reading as much DC but interested in the debate regarding limited series vs. some type of revolving permanent title. You guys also discussed this in Spotlight 236. I would advise people go back and listen after they listen to this episode. I tried to find the review of issue 1 but could not locate it. Checked the show notes for DC Publishers Spotlight but no reference to it. It should have been in week 3. Did you guys cover it?
As far as DC, I would think two other possible options, (1) the team-up where you use a popular character to anchor the new character. Marvel did (and does) this with Spider-man (Avenging Spider-man, Marvel Team-Up) but DC could have a Batman team-up book (particularly with "Batman" in the title) that could bring the folks into the fold. (2) maybe do a double sized issue with two stories, one with a popular character and one with the new one. In this instance I agree with Bob in that the stories should be 1 shots (or maybe 2 parters) but not your normal 5 to 6 issues for a story. They could also just try stocking the rotating title with top name creators but with that strategy the cost of the book goes up (or at least I assume it does) so that seems like a riskier approach.
I also wanted to chime in about Bob's comments regarding X/O issue. I am similar in that if something interests me but has a few problems, then I often get more animated and seem more critical than something that I just don't like. If I don't like a book, movie, comic, etc, then often I don't have much to say because it doesn't engage me. If I like it but there are a few things that really get to me, I have more to say because I think more about the book. Superficially it may make it seem that I dislike one more than the other but its just I have more to say because I thought more about one than the other.
I liked Ursa Minor as well but felt that it was a little light. Maybe that is not fair but I wanted more out of a first issue. I will get 2 (assuming it is at my LCS).
Last is a forum question. I feel strange creating new topics all the time so I don't always comment on the episodes. I have left the number of the Spotlight off this thread title so that it could potentially provide a place to comment on subsequent podcast episodes or is that too cheeky? I only post to two forums so not always sure what is considered the proper posting rules and saw nothing addressing this elsewhere.
LA Rabbit
We covered one of the New 52 comics as the DC section of the Weekly Comics Spotlight during those weeks:
Weekly Comics Spotlight #212: Justice League #1 (in the Bonus slot)
Weekly Comics Spotlight #213: Action Comics #1
Weekly Comics Spotlight #214: Resurrection Man #1
Weekly Comics Spotlight #215: DC Universe Presents#1
Weekly Comics Spotlight #216: All-Star Western #1
We've also covered the first issue of most of the other titles since the reboot:
Weekly Comics Spotlight #217: Huntress #1
Weekly Comics Spotlight #218: Shade #1
Weekly Comics Spotlight #220: Legion: Secret Origin #1
Weekly Comics Spotlight #225: T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents #1
Weekly Comics Spotlight #227: Ray #1
Weekly Comics Spotlight #239: Night Force #1
Weekly Comics Spotlight #247: Dial H #1, GI Combat #1, Earth 2 #1 and Worlds' Finest #1
As for creating a new topic per episode or not, I don't have strong feelings either way. Personally, I would appreciate more feedback on the episodes.
Weekly Comics Spotlight #212: Justice League #1 (in the Bonus slot)
Weekly Comics Spotlight #213: Action Comics #1
Weekly Comics Spotlight #214: Resurrection Man #1
Weekly Comics Spotlight #215: DC Universe Presents#1
Weekly Comics Spotlight #216: All-Star Western #1
We've also covered the first issue of most of the other titles since the reboot:
Weekly Comics Spotlight #217: Huntress #1
Weekly Comics Spotlight #218: Shade #1
Weekly Comics Spotlight #220: Legion: Secret Origin #1
Weekly Comics Spotlight #225: T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents #1
Weekly Comics Spotlight #227: Ray #1
Weekly Comics Spotlight #239: Night Force #1
Weekly Comics Spotlight #247: Dial H #1, GI Combat #1, Earth 2 #1 and Worlds' Finest #1
As for creating a new topic per episode or not, I don't have strong feelings either way. Personally, I would appreciate more feedback on the episodes.
Some others create an announce thread for every episode as it is posted and then that becomes the discussion for that ep.JohnMayo wrote:We covered one of the New 52 comics as the DC section of the Weekly Comics Spotlight during those weeks:
Weekly Comics Spotlight #212: Justice League #1 (in the Bonus slot)
Weekly Comics Spotlight #213: Action Comics #1
Weekly Comics Spotlight #214: Resurrection Man #1
Weekly Comics Spotlight #215: DC Universe Presents#1
Weekly Comics Spotlight #216: All-Star Western #1
We've also covered the first issue of most of the other titles since the reboot:
Weekly Comics Spotlight #217: Huntress #1
Weekly Comics Spotlight #218: Shade #1
Weekly Comics Spotlight #220: Legion: Secret Origin #1
Weekly Comics Spotlight #225: T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents #1
Weekly Comics Spotlight #227: Ray #1
Weekly Comics Spotlight #239: Night Force #1
Weekly Comics Spotlight #247: Dial H #1, GI Combat #1, Earth 2 #1 and Worlds' Finest #1
As for creating a new topic per episode or not, I don't have strong feelings either way. Personally, I would appreciate more feedback on the episodes.
I'm in a similar boat. I don't always create a new thread on an ep unless I have something just burning in me to say. But I would probably comment more on them if they were already.
Lazy, I know.
- Master Reviewer
- Posts: 5522
- Joined: Mon Mar 26, 2007 7:44 pm
What if we 'stickied' a "Discuss the latest episode" thread?? Would people use that?JohnMayo wrote:So, are you guys saying we will get more discussion if we create threads for each episode? If so, we can easily create new threads for each episode. But there is little point in doing so if those thread sit empty.
I would. At least on occasion. (Getting my books bi-weekly tends to make me a little late to the party at times)BobBretall wrote:What if we 'stickied' a "Discuss the latest episode" thread?? Would people use that?JohnMayo wrote:So, are you guys saying we will get more discussion if we create threads for each episode? If so, we can easily create new threads for each episode. But there is little point in doing so if those thread sit empty.

Yep. Having a generic Weekly Comics Spotlight thread has certainly spawned more comments and feedback on the episodes...JohnMayo wrote:So, are you guys saying we will get more discussion if we create threads for each episode? If so, we can easily create new threads for each episode. But there is little point in doing so if those thread sit empty.

You are not alone Bob. Number 10 was the final straw for me on batman. I have been really enjoying the art but the story is not for me. I was going to cancel this title earlier but number 5 gave it a stay of execution for its design. I do not want to spoil it but read it in paper. I was really delighted by the layout.
I was tempted by Spider-men but I figured it will be in trade very soon. There was nothing about it that screamed pick me up in single issues, so I skipped that.
I am not sure if this is the generic thread or not so apologies otherwise.
I was tempted by Spider-men but I figured it will be in trade very soon. There was nothing about it that screamed pick me up in single issues, so I skipped that.
I am not sure if this is the generic thread or not so apologies otherwise.
LA Rabbit
I also enjoyed Hypernaturals, the FCBD issue and the number 1 issue. I did not first buy the number 1 issue because I wasn't sure if it was the same as the FCBD issue. Additionally the multiple covers always makes me pause as well. I know they make money and it is fun to see them all but I do get confused on multiple covers at times. I love the FCBD push but I wonder if they did not go with $1 first issue because it got FCBD push, or Abnett & Lanning are such a draw already or if A&L cost so much that they don't want to lose a bunch on the first book? Just speculation.
Excited for SDCC.
Excited for SDCC.
LA Rabbit
The art in Demon Knights has kept me buying the series. I like the story but at times it is a little too decompressed. Still with such pretty artwork I will stay for now. If they split art becomes too distracting then I will bail but glad DC is sticking to the schedule. The other option is the Red Hood method to stay on track where they have a backup with a different artist. I did not enjoy the back-up that much but don't want them to fire Rocafort. If he goes, I go. It looks like another artist is on the zero issue?
I know drawing comics is really tough work but it seems nearly impossible for some of my favorite modern artists to do a full monthly issue on time each month.
I know drawing comics is really tough work but it seems nearly impossible for some of my favorite modern artists to do a full monthly issue on time each month.
LA Rabbit
To be fair it has been hard for most artists over time. The house style and inventory stories were created just to help with that problem.LA Rabbit wrote:The art in Demon Knights has kept me buying the series. I like the story but at times it is a little too decompressed. Still with such pretty artwork I will stay for now. If they split art becomes too distracting then I will bail but glad DC is sticking to the schedule. The other option is the Red Hood method to stay on track where they have a backup with a different artist. I did not enjoy the back-up that much but don't want them to fire Rocafort. If he goes, I go. It looks like another artist is on the zero issue?
I know drawing comics is really tough work but it seems nearly impossible for some of my favorite modern artists to do a full monthly issue on time each month.
These days with solicits the way they are and the direct market (and non-returnability) driving sales, inventory stories are rarely used and books just are late or have a different artist.
Andy did you get hypernaturals 1 at sdcc? I picked one up at an abnett and lanning signing. Was nice to tell them how much I live their writing in person. And get my hypernaturals 1 signed by them both.
Btw, I think I got an sdcc variant.

The art rocks. 'Nuff said on that.LA Rabbit wrote:The art in Demon Knights has kept me buying the series. I like the story but at times it is a little too decompressed. Still with such pretty artwork I will stay for now. If they split art becomes too distracting then I will bail but glad DC is sticking to the schedule. The other option is the Red Hood method to stay on track where they have a backup with a different artist. I did not enjoy the back-up that much but don't want them to fire Rocafort. If he goes, I go. It looks like another artist is on the zero issue?
I know drawing comics is really tough work but it seems nearly impossible for some of my favorite modern artists to do a full monthly issue on time each month.
Normally I hate decompressed story telling on 'superhero' books, but I think it's ok on this one. There are so many characters that each one needs time to do their thing. Each issue has been entertaining and it's one of the few books that survived my most recent efforts to slow down my comic book buying. I also would have to go back and reread some of the issues, but I don't really think this one has decompression.
To me decompression is when a given scene is stretched out because the writer and/or artist would rather be making a movie. For example, if it takes three pages for the heroes to break into a warehouse so they can show all the cool John-Woo (or even worse, Michael Bay) style cinematics. That's decompressed. In comics it should take, at most, one page. Maybe it's a splash where the team poses as they blast the doors off their hinges, or it's a series of panels where each hero bursts in from various entry points. Either way, in comics it shouldn't take 3 pages of illustration with no dialogue to burst into the warehouse. I think Todd McFarlane explained it best while he was at the height of his popularity: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UypAi8rhwpY&t=13m45s (no Liefeld jokes please). I see a lot of modern day comics doing exactly what he said not to do.