Comic book writing + babelfish = amazing spiderman?

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Comic book writing + babelfish = amazing spiderman?

Post by Pictor »

In the most recent issue of The Amazing Spider-Man (#567), there is a pane in which one of the characters speaks french. Unfortuanately, it wasn't exactly translated correctly. I might be one of the few people to have noticed it, but it bugged me enough to take me out of the story a bit, and enough to make this post. =/

p23 Kraven says: "Où allez-vous? Je ne suis pas massacre fait vous encore."

Rougly translated (it's hard to translate something that's written incorrectly and preserve why it's wrong) back into english, it says something like:
"Where are you going? I am not massacre make you yet"
It seems that they probably tried to far-to-litterally translate
"I'm not done massacring you yet"
Rather than allowing themselves to write something slightly different like
"Je n'avais pas vous massacré encore" (I haven't massacred you yet).

I guess Marvel doesn't have a foreign language editor. They must really be butchering skrull :P

But seriously, if you're gonna be writing in a foreign language, I think it might be worthwhile to make sure you are writing it correctly.
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Post by BobBretall »

That's a really good point. They probably used Babel-fish, which does not do a tremendous job, but can generally get you close enough that you know the gist of what's going on.

If they cannot be bothered to get the foreign language completely correct, the should just put the text as English in << angle-brackets >> with a note:
* Translated from the French

I guess Marvel doesn't have a foreign language editor. They must really be butchering skrull :P
HA! Good one ;)
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