Feedback Thread: 2007-02 Trades

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Feedback Thread: 2007-02 Trades

Post by JohnMayo »

This episode contains the monthly discussion that I have with Chris Marshall of the Collected Comic Library podcast about the sales estimates for the top 100 graphic novels, trade paperbacks and hardcovers. This time around we go over the data for February 2007.

After discussing the sales estiamtes for the direct market, Chris and I discuss some information that he found about mass market sales in Canada.
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Post by Koete »

Great episode guys. Haven't listened to the segment on the Canadian trades yet, but I mean to. As for Justice, I'm waiting for the one nice HC or trade (non Absolute) because it'll probably be cheaper than the three HCs put together. Plus, it's nice to have the story in one volume. As for the second Green Lantern Showcase, the first one did have a $9.99 cover price as opposed to a $16.99 cover price, but like you guys said it may be because it shipped the last day of February.
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Post by JohnMayo »

Koete wrote:Great episode guys. Haven't listened to the segment on the Canadian trades yet, but I mean to. As for Justice, I'm waiting for the one nice HC or trade (non Absolute) because it'll probably be cheaper than the three HCs put together. Plus, it's nice to have the story in one volume. As for the second Green Lantern Showcase, the first one did have a $9.99 cover price as opposed to a $16.99 cover price, but like you guys said it may be because it shipped the last day of February.
I have to wonder if releasing Justice piecemeal in hardcovers really makes sense for DC to do or not. I mean, presumably it does or they wouldn't have done so. But I think that a lot of people are waiting for the complete series to get collected in an oversized edition for the exact reasons you mention.

I hadn't considered the fact that the first Showcase Presents Green Lantern had the rock bottom cover price. That would certainly account for some of the drop. I need to rework the format of the Excel file I use as a cheat sheet for the podcasts to include that sort of thing.

Good catch, Chris. Thanks.
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Post by Koete »

No problem John. And thank you for putting a link to the Spider-Cast in your links section. I've gotten a few hits on my site from yours so thanks.
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Post by JohnMayo »

Koete wrote:No problem John. And thank you for putting a link to the Spider-Cast in your links section. I've gotten a few hits on my site from yours so thanks.
I'm glad you got a few hits from the link. I figure once people get bored with my site, I should give them some place cool to check out. And you podcast certainly fits that bill.

I haven't had a chance to listen to the episode you did with Bob and Rick. I'm really looking forward to that one. Keep up the good work and let me know if I can help out in any way...
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Post by Terry »

Wow I figured the Civil War numbers would be higher. I guess people really do have Civil War fatigue. And weren't a bunch of people kind of underwhelmed with the ending? I'm one of the apparent minority who will be reading it exclusively in trades but I haven't completely settled on which ones I'll pick up beyond the main series. I'm going to wait a while for them all to come out and buy them at one time.
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Post by JohnMayo »

Terry wrote:Wow I figured the Civil War numbers would be higher. I guess people really do have Civil War fatigue. And weren't a bunch of people kind of underwhelmed with the ending? I'm one of the apparent minority who will be reading it exclusively in trades but I haven't completely settled on which ones I'll pick up beyond the main series. I'm going to wait a while for them all to come out and buy them at one time.
You might want to consider getting the Civil War Chronicles which apparently "tells the story as it was meant to be told" in a 12 issue monthly series. Chris Marshall talked about it in his latest episode of the Collected Comics Library. And if people are tired of Civil War now (and I think a lot of people are), just imagine how tired of it they will be by this time next year... :roll:
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Post by Jeff_GNA »

John - great show. This particular episode acted as an introduction to your Comic Book Page podcast (I've been a listener of Chris' Trade Secrets for a good while), and will be tuning in for more CBP from here on.


P.S. Plugged your 'cast on the GNA. :-)
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Post by JohnMayo »

Jeff_GNA wrote:John - great show. This particular episode acted as an introduction to your Comic Book Page podcast (I've been a listener of Chris' Trade Secrets for a good while), and will be tuning in for more CBP from here on.


P.S. Plugged your 'cast on the GNA. :-)
I'm glad you liked the show. And thanks for the great plug on GNA. :D
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