Review Assessment Scale

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Moderator: JohnMayo

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Post by laseraw »

i hate to be a pain in the ...
but i personally like 1 to 10 scale ratings because it leaves more room to address in detail the pros&cons of each book discussed.

this may not help for chart clarity or easier visualization but it does allow more accuracy.

i would even go as far as trying out having two 1 to 10 ratings; one for art, one for writing, and finally an over all 1 to 3 rating after that (pass/neutral/fail, thumbs up/thumbs down kind of thing)

there's many books that fail on one of the two aspects and yet succeed on the other. but this maybe something that only concerns me.
i buy plenty of bad books with great art and mediocre books with amazing stories or that are just "vital" to certain continuity, you name it ...

in my opinion, on the shows so far, your assessment of the books discussed has been thorough enough that, both of you pronounce yourselves over the products on a multitude of levels (and that's an understatement).
so the detailed assessment is something your clearly capable of.

however, the attitude the program has toward the medium of comics is always a positive one, this i believe comes naturally from both of you, and its maintained by your continued effort to review upcoming artists, new publishers, new books, lines, formats and venues, as well as to help these "new comers" and the even the "big two", as far as you can, to improve on their product, its marketing and distribution.
this natural "good will" and devotion towards the medium of comics, its industry and, the determined attention to the many facets involved in its production and marketing makes your podcasts quite unique. and that's why i love it!
but, on a shorter assestment scale, this same "good will" may become a problem when evaluating negatively.
like a teacher who loves the students so much that's unable to flunk them before the summer.
its always hard to say "no" to the loved ones... but sometimes you just have to.

i believe the harshness of a gladiatorial "yei or nei" can be avoided by allowing detailed assessment.

... i'd probably be like the red queen on the crazy gang "off with their heads!"

so, i propose trying something like this

visual evaluation 1 to 10 (art, inks, color, layout, lettering, character acting/interpretation, page flow and visual comprehension, interiors and covers, etc)
textual evaluation 1 to 10 (story, dialog, plot, character representation, narration, tempo, continuity coherence/consciousness, single issue and story arc development etc)

over all evaluation 1 to 3 (at end of the day, the good old yei or nei)
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I took a look at the rating system in action////

Post by Frank »

Easy to use.... I liked the color coding.... If you see a rating then you can easily listen to the review and get the details... I think this is a good service for your listeners!


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Post by BobBretall »

Go here to see what we settled on: ... ewList.php

Thanks to everyone who provided feedback & comments! We took all comments into consideration.
Fnord Serious
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Post by Fnord Serious »

I like the system you ended up with. The arrow system is a nice visual representation.
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Post by Wood »

Hey John and Bob,

I was a little behind in my podcasts thanks to my vacation, but listened to last week (and this week) on my way home. After listening to last week, I was all set to chime in tonight and suggest a 5-point scale. Well, looks like I was too late to influence your decision but perhaps I can simply reinforce that I think you made the right choice!
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Post by JohnMayo »

FYI, I'm slowly going through the early episodes of the Weekly Comics Spotlight and updating the Review List in my ever proverbial spare time...
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