Weekly Comic Spotlight

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LA Rabbit
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by LA Rabbit »

fudd71 wrote:Take into account that the average book has also gone from 22 pages to 20 pages that means the book today with no splash pages would have 44.4% less content than an issue from the older era (5.93 X 22 pages vs. 3.63 X 20 pages). So yes in some ways you are really getting half an issue now compared to the older days.

The other thing that is easily noticeable looking at the older books is the number of words on the page.

Editors have also been trained by fans that they don’t like too many words, so they coach their writers that way. So why it is easy for fans to complain about decompressed stories it is ultimately the fan’s tastes in art and lack of words on the page that has brought us to this current state of decompressed storytelling. As long as fans demand better more detailed art and fewer words on the page I’m not sure what writers can do to tell stories faster.
Excellent analysis and I think you have hit upon what I feel although there are some exceptions in the indy comics worlds that have plenty of words and not so much on the backgrounds. To be honest, I am one of those that don't mind books with or without backgrounds, for me it is more what is the artist's style. If the cartooning works, I don't need anything (Peanuts is a good example). I don't know how much of it is specific editorial mandate and how much of it is on the writers and artists. I think there is some pressure to get the stories roughly within trade size but there are examples of stories in one part, two parts, 11 parts, etc.

If I am going to lay blame it is on the movie-phication of comics. Here is where I put on my crazy old man hat because I hate this, if a few people did it, it would be ok. What I mean by that is a rejection of some elements that are fine in cartooning and stress storytelling techniques that mimic movies/tv. I think it was a perceived way to make comics seem more grown-up. Hence we have to remove the thought balloons. They sometimes use caption boxes for the same effect but that is merely the "narration" so they can justify it. Another is using several panels to zoom in (a Bendis special). I would also throw in the overuse of cut-aways and static shots (usually for a bit of humor). No storytelling technique should be banned but I hate the overuse/neglect of some. If editorial want to do some meddling, they could try to have consistent portrayal of the characters as they appear in different issues almost at the same time.
OK, getting off my soapbox.

My LCS has a pretty good selection and a nice discount on all new issues. I have special ordered 1 comic there because it was from 215 Ink which is a publisher he doesn't carry. I am a problematic customer in that I don't have a pull list nor do I know what I will buy week in and week out. I feel that if he is just acting like a catalog then why wouldn't I use DCBS or some other mailorder and save myself stopping by on Wednesday.

In addition to the other complaints on Age of Ultron, I am probably the only person who was so-so on the art. I didn't always recognize who was who until they were identified (Hammerhead leaps to mind). On the story:
those Ultron robots seem like garbage. There are a bunch of them and Clint takes one (or maybe all, couldn't tell at the time and don't have the book on me thought that was poor storytelling) with his improvised exploding arrow. These are the feared baddies? You would think that She-Hulk or Luke Cage could tear through them if an exploding arrow so quickly defeats them
Right there with you Bob on those blurring effects. I thought the printer messed up. 8) The effect worked but was overdone to my liking. The art should be an appeal.

I did read issue 2 and
I am sad that 2 issues in and we don't have any action from the big bad of the series. Is this the new James Bond movie, no, those actually start with exciting action pieces, not just guns vs bows. You have super-powers and 2 issues in it is all guns. I don't mind big dumb fun events but these are super powers people, use them. I don't need another half (bleep) terminator/road warrior movie.
Apparently I had a lot to get off my chest. Thanks.
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by fudd71 »

Listening to this week’s show as I do every Monday morning I was surprised and saddened when Bob announced that he is leaving the show. I just wanted to say thank you for the wonderful content you have provided me over the years. Thank you for the time and effort you gave to provide such an enjoyable show over the years. I also wish you all happiness and success moving forward. Thank You Bob!
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by ctowner1 »

fudd71 wrote:Listening to this week’s show as I do every Monday morning I was surprised and saddened when Bob announced that he is leaving the show. I just wanted to say thank you for the wonderful content you have provided me over the years. Thank you for the time and effort you gave to provide such an enjoyable show over the years. I also wish you all happiness and success moving forward. Thank You Bob!
whoa!!! Didn't know this. Sorry to hear. where's Bob going? Is someone new coming in?

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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by Perry »

I would also like to acknowledge my sadness in the announcement of Bob's upcoming departure. Good luck to John and to all those that want to jump into Bob's shoes. They are gonna be tough to fill.
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by BadDeacon »

Wow, Bob stepping down.

Thanks for all the good listens over the years, Bob!

I hope the transition is with a new host is nice and smooth, John!
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by comicm »

I was shocked when I heard that Bob was leaving the show. I don't have too much time to listen to podcasts but I never miss The Weekly Comics Spotlight, The Previews Podcast and the Mayo Reports. First of all I have not been too vocal on the forums because I have my own podcasts and so many comics to read per week. Bob I just want to personally thank you for all of the hours of entertainment you provided. I am also very sorry for your recent loss and wish you the best.

take care,

Mike Myers
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by Webhead »

I am so sorry to hear that you are leaving the show Bob.

Thank You for all your hard work and time you put into the show.

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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by Perry »

On a related note, Bob, are you still podcasting at all or just over it all? (a roundabout way of asking why you are leaving)
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by Gilgabob »

Bummer news. You guys had a great run. Thanks for the years of podcast entertainment!
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by the1captain »

Sorry to see you go Bob. You and John do a very good job of playing off each other. You have mature disscusions that don't turn into angry whining. Unlike some other podcasts.

Good luck in the future and I hope you stick around the forums and the occational guest appearance on a podcast or 2.
LA Rabbit
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by LA Rabbit »

Re episode 299 question, I also do not read those segments at the end of the DC books. I think it is not that interesting to me (content or visually) but I am not reading much of the new 52 so it has less meaning. I think it would be more to my taste if it was some sort of letter from the editor/Stan's Soapbox type thing. The Movement did not really move me to buy the next issue. I think by tying the name to the now dated political story but not really tying the content to it, seems odd. I hope it found its audience.

I thought Suicide Risk was very well done. I don't know if it scratches any current itches I have, but I can't really fault it. Not everything is going to be to my tastes at the time, however it is nice to see such excellently crafted books that effectively launch a new series.

See at that Guiness World Record attempt!
LA Rabbit
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by Mavey »

I read the Channel 52 segment from my last DC book each week. I wouldn't care if they replaced it, but as it stands I enjoy seeing Ambush Bug.
Quick reviews of what I'm reading.
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by JohnMayo »

Mavey wrote:I read the Channel 52 segment from my last DC book each week. I wouldn't care if they replaced it, but as it stands I enjoy seeing Ambush Bug.
Ambush Bug is the part of Channel 52 that I like. But I've always liked that character.
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by fudd71 »

As far as the Chanel 52 pages go I think it is a great way for DC to remind people of the rest of the universe and sell other titles without having to do crossovers. It is actual comic artwork pages, can be entertaining and is better then the alternatives to me. The DC Nation page they still do I find to be a complete waste of space covering other media and the editorial staffs convention schedule, seemingly anything but comics. I do skip that page most weeks. The other options are a generic house ad (we really don’t need more of those), the sales department could sell real ads (they seem completely incapable in their ability to do this) or a letters page (letters pages I’m mixed on, they can be great, but most aren’t, it takes a special creator or editor to make a letters page interesting and I don’t think the average letter’s page is very good).

While I see flaws with the Channel 52 pages overall I think it is a good idea and applaud the effort. To the point about them spoiling stories one has not had the chance to read, I agree. They should probably cover last weeks books not the current weeks book, so reader would have had the chance to read them already if they wanted to. As to the actual information revealed it is no more then is in found in the solicits.
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by JohnMayo »

fudd71 wrote:As far as the Chanel 52 pages go I think it is a great way for DC to remind people of the rest of the universe and sell other titles without having to do crossovers. It is actual comic artwork pages, can be entertaining and is better then the alternatives to me. The DC Nation page they still do I find to be a complete waste of space covering other media and the editorial staffs convention schedule, seemingly anything but comics. I do skip that page most weeks. The other options are a generic house ad (we really don’t need more of those), the sales department could sell real ads (they seem completely incapable in their ability to do this) or a letters page (letters pages I’m mixed on, they can be great, but most aren’t, it takes a special creator or editor to make a letters page interesting and I don’t think the average letter’s page is very good).

While I see flaws with the Channel 52 pages overall I think it is a good idea and applaud the effort. To the point about them spoiling stories one has not had the chance to read, I agree. They should probably cover last weeks books not the current weeks book, so reader would have had the chance to read them already if they wanted to. As to the actual information revealed it is no more then is in found in the solicits.
You bring up an interesting point. Now that I think about it, while I wait to read the Channel 52 until after reading all of the New 52 comics for the week, I've stopped reading the DC Nation page pretty much entirely.

I think the Channel 52 feature has merits and could be very successful if retooled a little.

I think the amount of information in Channel 52 is sometimes a lot more than is revealed in the solicits. Then again, some of the full page house ads are surprisingly revealing.
The Red Lanterns ad showing Guy Gardner as the leader of that Corps seems like a major spoiler to me.
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