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Just in case anyone was worried that Marvel may have slipped in its global conquest, allow me to ease your mind. They have once more shown us how good they are at getting those green backs from our wallet.
Recent solicit for the upcoming INFINITY issue #1 shows us it is a $4.99 book ($2.99 DCBS). That price, recently, has become the norm for "special" issues from both Marvel and DC. The issues at that price will usually have a few extra pages of story as well as perhaps throwing in a reprint for us old geezers to reminisce over. But how Marvel separates themselves from all other pretenders ... how they rationalize that bump in price ... by throwing in the FCBD issue.
Yes, that free issue that just came out, and was ... free ... will be included in this issue and make up for that extra cost they are charging.
Perry wrote:
Recent solicit for the upcoming INFINITY issue #1 shows us it is a $4.99 book ($2.99 DCBS). That price, recently, has become the norm for "special" issues from both Marvel and DC. The issues at that price will usually have a few extra pages of story as well as perhaps throwing in a reprint for us old geezers to reminisce over. But how Marvel separates themselves from all other pretenders ... how they rationalize that bump in price ... by throwing in the FCBD issue.
Yes, that free issue that just came out, and was ... free ... will be included in this issue and make up for that extra cost they are charging.
I was thoroughly unimpressed with the Infinity FCBD issue.
As a $4.99 1st issue that incorporates material I already have & was unimpressed by, it looks like I'll be skipping yet another Marvel Event.
I used to have the compulsion to go along with all the events at Marvel so I didn't "miss anything" important. Fear Itself caused me to re-evaluate this position and I have skipped all events from both publishers since. To be honest it's been kind of refreshing. I am able to freely skip all associated tie-ins, save myself the expense, and have used that money to either collect a few trades or support a book I've never tried before.
Now that the big two have decided to cash in by charging an extra dollar for first issues on selected titles it merely enforces my desire to skip these sorts of things. It seems to me they should employ the OPPOSITE strategy. That is, charge a dollar less on a new offering in hopes of hooking a new reader into buying future issues but I know their thinking is that people buy far more number one issues than number two so let's grab that revenue while we can.
Gilgabob wrote:I used to have the compulsion to go along with all the events at Marvel so I didn't "miss anything" important. Fear Itself caused me to re-evaluate this position and I have skipped all events from both publishers since. To be honest it's been kind of refreshing. I am able to freely skip all associated tie-ins, save myself the expense, and have used that money to either collect a few trades or support a book I've never tried before.
Now that the big two have decided to cash in by charging an extra dollar for first issues on selected titles it merely enforces my desire to skip these sorts of things. It seems to me they should employ the OPPOSITE strategy. That is, charge a dollar less on a new offering in hopes of hooking a new reader into buying future issues but I know their thinking is that people buy far more number one issues than number two so let's grab that revenue while we can.
Exactly my thoughts. I think Fear Itself was the straw that broke the camel's back for me as well.
Sadly, as I get my comics monthly, I have not had a chance to read the Infinity FCBD issue.
However, make no mistake, I have zero compulsion to follow Marvel events. I lost that desire some time ago. Having said that, I love Marvel cosmic and I am super interested in what this INFINITY event could be. So for now, I am all over this.
If it is half as good as ANNIHILATION was for me (the last "event" I enjoyed thoroughly ... and last one I purchased to completion I believe), I will come away content and happy.
I'm still a bit of a sucker for these events - so it works on me. In my (meager) defense, I will say that I virtually never buy the tie-ins (unless they cleverly appear to include it in the regular numbering of a series I already collect (I'm looking at you Ultron FF AU #6!!). I think...not sure...but think I might be able to develop an immunity to those types of tie-ins (are any such planned for the Infinity event??).
ctowner1 wrote:I think...not sure...but think I might be able to develop an immunity to those types of tie-ins (are any such planned for the Infinity event??).
L nny
I am sure they will have the occasional one or two later, like AoU did, and of course right out of the gate, Hickman's Avengers (both titles) will be tied-in, but as I get them anyway, it is not going to effect me. I see, according to solicits, that both Kelly Sue Deconnick's titles (AVENGERS ASSEMBLE & CAPTAIN MARVEL) will each have a two part tie in (damn good books ... writing wise, art ... not so much, sadly, so I will probably skip those .... or try to).
Lastly, at least for August's tie-ins, are THUNDERBOLTS #14 (new creative team). I will not be getting that one.
ctowner1 wrote:I think...not sure...but think I might be able to develop an immunity to those types of tie-ins (are any such planned for the Infinity event??).
L nny
I am sure they will have the occasional one or two later, like AoU did, and of course right out of the gate, Hickman's Avengers (both titles) will be tied-in, but as I get them anyway, it is not going to effect me. I see, according to solicits, that both Kelly Sue Deconnick's titles (AVENGERS ASSEMBLE & CAPTAIN MARVEL) will each have a two part tie in (damn good books ... writing wise, art ... not so much, sadly, so I will probably skip those .... or try to).
Lastly, at least for August's tie-ins, are THUNDERBOLTS #14 (new creative team). I will not be getting that one.
Well, I don't have any problem skipping tie-ins that are in books I don't regularly buy. Or tie in mini-series by creators I don't care for. My tougher call is this new practice where the tie-ins are not exactly part of the numbering of the series I regularly buy (so I feel no need to buy it) but simultaneously ARE part of the numbering (so I feel the need to buy it to keep my collection complete). (bleeps)!
Since I started, I read all Marvel's events. I thought AvX was pretty good. Age of Ultron was fun, but not really a great series and I could understand if you hated it. I got most of the tie-ins for AofU and most of them weren't great, so I will probably start skipping out on them. I'm already subbed for Infinity, so we'll see how that goes. The FCBD issue was ok, but paying extra for it in the first issue is ridiculous!