I did enjoy your Toys and Collectibles special. I would recommend doing them every couple of months or when there is something interesting to discuss.
Even though I am HUGE comic book fan, I am not into Toys and Statues that others might be. It is a matter of money and space. And I have the same issue that you guys have, once I start collecting, I feel I need to have it all

The stuff I generally get is the DC Direct Figures or the Bowen Busts. Although people complain about the DC Direct Figures, I like the fact that I could easily get whichever figures I wanted. Of course, I don't like every line, but that is a good thing from a cost perspective

I think the Bowen Busts (and Statues) are the best. I have found the DC Direct busts to be hit or miss, depending on the line. I would think the Carlos Pacheco line of busts might be something I am interested in, but the GL bust looks only ok. I need to get a couple of the Batman Black and White statues.
The new Kotobukiya Marvel busts looks pretty cool. I like the Cyclops.