Trinity War

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Trinity War

Post by fudd71 »

While I enjoyed Justice League 22 and have been reading DC Universe stuff almost 3 decades I am far from a DC historian and have a terrible memory. Anyone with an opinion or answer on below question would be appreciated. Even if your as lost as me but wish to discuss the issue and talk about what it is going on.
The outsider character on the final page, who is this? Is this the New 52 Alfred Pennyworth, is it the Outsider from the Flashpoint series, is it the Outsider (Alfred from earth 3) of the older DCU, or some completely other character I haven't even considered?
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Re: Trinity War

Post by comicm »

Yes he is the character from the Flashpoint series. - Geek Brunch (both available on iTunes via the iTunes store.)
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Re: Trinity War

Post by fudd71 »

Thanks, that was what I thought but thought those others were all possibilities as well. This does lead the several interesting questions like.
If the Flashpoint Universe exists and is interacting with the New 52 Universe, does the old DCU exist? Is trinity war the way to undo the entire New 52? Just because the old DCU does exist will DC use it? After just two years have they completely given on the New 52? (personally I would be pretty ticked off if they undid the whole New 52)
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Re: Trinity War

Post by comicm »

The trinity of sin and Pandora have always been there way back to the old Universe. I think in a couple of years we will be back to the old DCU if sales warrant it. - Geek Brunch (both available on iTunes via the iTunes store.)
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Re: Trinity War

Post by fudd71 »

While that is true, and we have always known that was the back door, I trusted and believed Johns, Lee and Didio when they said "no way, there is no way back".

To be fair this is still all speculation at this point and they haven't actually done anything like undoing the New 52. I'm however starting to think it could happen, and I hope it is never done
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Re: Trinity War

Post by fudd71 »

Am I the only one still reading Trinity War?

I simply loved Justice League Dark #22. This issue was a ton of fun and just awesome, best one of three very good issues in this event. I enjoyed Constantine #5 too, but Justice League Dark I think was easily the best book I read this week.
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Re: Trinity War

Post by Mavey »

I'm reading and loving it
Quick reviews of what I'm reading.
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Re: Trinity War

Post by JohnMayo »

comicm wrote:
Yes he is the character from the Flashpoint series.
What makes you say that?
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Re: Trinity War

Post by JohnMayo »

fudd71 wrote:Thanks, that was what I thought but thought those others were all possibilities as well. This does lead the several interesting questions like.
If the Flashpoint Universe exists and is interacting with the New 52 Universe, does the old DCU exist? Is trinity war the way to undo the entire New 52? Just because the old DCU does exist will DC use it? After just two years have they completely given on the New 52? (personally I would be pretty ticked off if they undid the whole New 52)
The way they have told the stories so far, the New 52 overwrote the Post-Crisis timeline. It did not create a new parallel world. That having been said, Marvel did the same thing a time or two and then declare those temporary timelines to be parallel worlds.

I too would be a bit disappointed if they reverted from the New 52 back to the post-Crisis universe. It would render most of what they have done the past two years moot and potentially turn off a ton of readers, both new and old. That having been said, I've seen no indication at all that DC plans to cut and run from the New 52. If anything, they seem as committed to it as ever.
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Re: Trinity War

Post by comicm »

JohnMayo wrote:
comicm wrote:
Yes he is the character from the Flashpoint series.
What makes you say that?
Because he was revealed in Justice League of America. May not be the same instance but his first appearance is in Flashpoint - Geek Brunch (both available on iTunes via the iTunes store.)
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Re: Trinity War

Post by JohnMayo »

comicm wrote:
JohnMayo wrote:
comicm wrote:
Yes he is the character from the Flashpoint series.
What makes you say that?
Because he was revealed in Justice League of America. May not be the same instance but his first appearance is in Flashpoint
Ah. I took your comment to mean it was same version of the character as from Flashpoint.
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Re: Trinity War

Post by fudd71 »

JohnMayo wrote:
comicm wrote:
JohnMayo wrote:
What makes you say that?
Because he was revealed in Justice League of America. May not be the same instance but his first appearance is in Flashpoint
Ah. I took your comment to mean it was same version of the character as from Flashpoint.
So with all that being said, in essence we are saying this is a brand new character. Maybe with some similarities to some previous version (versions), but not necessarily the same as any of them. Where this person comes from or what their back story is, is still somewhat a mystery?
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Re: Trinity War

Post by JohnMayo »

fudd71 wrote:So with all that being said, in essence we are saying this is a brand new character. Maybe with some similarities to some previous version (versions), but not necessarily the same as any of them. Where this person comes from or what their back story is, is still somewhat a mystery?
Yeah, that is my take on it.
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Re: Trinity War

Post by fudd71 »

Geoff Johns did an interesting interview about the end of Trinity War and Forever Evil. Some interesting stuff but one of two items I would consider big spoilers (its a great read but be warned) ... ium=social
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Re: Trinity War

Post by comicm »

Overall I thought this was great and a great entry point into the company wide Villains Month event.
1) Loved the tie-ins to Phantom Stranger - Great story in which Batman, Deadman, Katana, and Phantom Stranger take a trip to heaven to try and prove Superman's innocence by finding Dr. Lights soul. So much to love about this issue. Each being is confronted with their own version of heaven. Batman's was by far the best. The thing I loved is if Phantom Stranger returned to Heaven, Azrael promised he would cease to exist. Damn good issue.
2) Pandora this book added to the story by giving us the Seven Deadly sins as they were infecting the Justice League members as seen in the Justice League books.
3) Constantine this book showed how Constantine tricked Billy into giving him the Shazam power.
4) Trinity War (Justice League books) Loved the double agent in the Atom, The ending was fantastic with the Crime Syndicate, the link of Pandora's Box to the Mother Box oh my, I thought they used the Dr. Light set up very well, The super-hero conflict was not overplayed, The use of Dr. Psycho was great even though I don't care for the new look, the Kryptonite Poisoning of Superman......just some highlights I loved. - Geek Brunch (both available on iTunes via the iTunes store.)
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