Mayo Report

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Re: Mayo Report

Post by BobBretall »

SpideySavestheDay wrote: Think about every time you visit your LCS. Who's shopping? Kids or adults? Who's buying - kids or adults? Are the shop owners appealing to people who are 'all in' or those on a budget (usually kids).
I'm not sure how the word got out on it, but the only time in recent memory I've seen a kid drag their parent into a shop (and it's been more than once now), is seeing little girls wanting to buy the My Little Pony comic from IDW.

Not sure what IDW is doing to reach out to female Doctor Who fans. Tons of them dressing up at Wonder Con, but mostly there for the TV show related panels. Didn't see them buying/holding/discussing any of the comics.
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Re: Mayo Report

Post by Gilgabob »

I noticed Jupiter's Legacy #1 from Image sold over 100k in April. Nice to see a non-DC/Marvel book get some love. Hopefully the #2 won't dip 50%.
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Re: Mayo Report

Post by JohnMayo »

Gilgabob wrote:I noticed Jupiter's Legacy #1 from Image sold over 100k in April. Nice to see a non-DC/Marvel book get some love. Hopefully the #2 won't dip 50%.
It will probably dip some but hopefully not too much. Between Jupiter's Legacy, Walking Dead, Saga and East of West, Image has a number of very strong sellers these days. Hopefully they will continue that trend and we'll see some more such titles added to the lineup.
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Re: Mayo Report

Post by fudd71 »

JohnMayo wrote:
Gilgabob wrote:I noticed Jupiter's Legacy #1 from Image sold over 100k in April. Nice to see a non-DC/Marvel book get some love. Hopefully the #2 won't dip 50%.
It will probably dip some but hopefully not too much. Between Jupiter's Legacy, Walking Dead, Saga and East of West, Image has a number of very strong sellers these days. Hopefully they will continue that trend and we'll see some more such titles added to the lineup.

Unfortunately this book did drop slightly over 54% with its second issue. I didn't read this book and am generally not a fan of Mark Millars, but I was still somewhat shocked that it dropped that much.

Looking at reviews the second issue seems to not be as well received but you would still have to read it to find that out. That would result in a drop on the third issue, would it not?

Were the first issue numbers helped by any kind of gimmick or incentive (were the numbers inflated on the first issue, or was this legitimately a loss of half the readership)?

Have Mark Millar and Frank Quitely lost a large portion of their fanbase?

Did Millar fans simply forget about this book with Kick (bleep) 3 coming out in June as well?

I don't know, but there doesn't seem to be much explanation to that huge drop
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Re: Mayo Report

Post by fudd71 »

During the Mayo report trades episode Chris mentioned with a frustration I share the lack of interest or knowledge about some classic characters like the Lone Ranger, Green Hornet and Flash Gordon.

For those interest in learning more about the Lone Ranger one of the best Lone Ranger novels "The Lone Ranger Rides" is currently available for free in Kindle edition from Amazon.
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Re: Mayo Report

Post by JohnMayo »

fudd71 wrote:During the Mayo report trades episode Chris mentioned with a frustration I share the lack of interest or knowledge about some classic characters like the Lone Ranger, Green Hornet and Flash Gordon.

For those interest in learning more about the Lone Ranger one of the best Lone Ranger novels "The Lone Ranger Rides" is currently available for free in Kindle edition from Amazon.
For the lazy among us (meaning myself at the very least), can you provide a link? That sounds like a fun book to read.
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Re: Mayo Report

Post by fudd71 »

JohnMayo wrote: For the lazy among us (meaning myself at the very least), can you provide a link? That sounds like a fun book to read. ... 252&sr=1-1
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Re: Mayo Report

Post by JohnMayo »

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Re: Mayo Report

Post by HipHopHead »

I would be interested in seeing if Marvel or DC comic sales increase with the release of their successful movies (Dark Knight and All Marvel Studio Movies).

I also think Marvel has tied their movies and comics very successfully. I also think Marvel is doing a better job of selling their comics digitally. Marvel has made the $3.99 cover price with digital download WORTH every "extra" dollar. (I think they also include digital download on the new hard covers). This increases the chance of comics being loaned (given away) to someone who just saw an Iron Man or Avenger Movie. Marvel has digital sales twice a week. (Since I have gone digital, I have been waiting for Vertigo to have a Preacher .99 cent Sale).

Thor: God of Thunder's God Bomb (Jason Aaron, Esad Ribic & creative crew) perfectly provides an explanation for the Thor in Marvel Movies. READ God Bomb by the way!!!

Infinity by Marvel clearly tie directly to the up coming Avenger's movie. How about the creation of excellent Avenger/X-Men comic Uncanny Avengers (Rick Remender, John Cassidy, Daniel Acuna & creative crew) to appeal to X-Men movie fans?

What does your numbers show, John?
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Re: Mayo Report

Post by JohnMayo »

Historically, the comic sales trends are not really influenced by the release of movies. While those movie probably are helping comic book sales any such impact seems to be slow and not obvious. So, while the Avengers movie probably did drive some traffic to comic book stores, the Avengers title itself didn't see any real uptick in sales as a result.

On the other hand, if a movie is released that has a particular collected edition that would benefit such as 300 or Watchmen, there usually is a bump in sales that seems to be directly connected to the movie.

It is entirely possible and probable that the influence on digital sales is more pronounced.
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Re: Mayo Report

Post by comicm »

I think Dynamite might have got more orders for Lords of Mars if more people realized this was a crossover between Jon Carter and Tarzan (Hence the Lord - Lord of the Jungle). Two great properties by Edgar Rice Burroughs. - Geek Brunch (both available on iTunes via the iTunes store.)
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Re: Mayo Report

Post by the1captain »

JohnMayo wrote:Historically, the comic sales trends are not really influenced by the release of movies. While those movie probably are helping comic book sales any such impact seems to be slow and not obvious. So, while the Avengers movie probably did drive some traffic to comic book stores, the Avengers title itself didn't see any real uptick in sales as a result.

On the other hand, if a movie is released that has a particular collected edition that would benefit such as 300 or Watchmen, there usually is a bump in sales that seems to be directly connected to the movie.

It is entirely possible and probable that the influence on digital sales is more pronounced.
True. But often the comic industry doesn't make it easy either. If the Avengers drew some interests to the comics, how does a new fan jump in? There are some many Avengers books it could get confusing to a newbie. Captain America is on vol. 7.

Also the loss of the newsstand doesn't help either. If someone was interested in trying an Avengers comic based on their enjoyment of the movie, it would rely on them having and finding a local comic shop to look for books. Sure there's Barnes and Noble. But with so much confusing numbering of volumes, and the cost of just trying a trade or hardcover of something they don't even know they'll like is a barrier. Online such as amazon once again doesn't help a new possible reader figure out what to try. Digital? As much as I love digital, how many people that don't already read comics even know that is an option? Or how to access it?

If that same someone was, say grocery shopping, and saw a 3-4 dollar Avengers book sitting right there, they might be willing to impulse buy and try it.
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Re: Mayo Report

Post by fudd71 »

A very interesting article I found on the business of comics ... -deal.html
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Re: Mayo Report

Post by SpideySavestheDay »

Great podcast. The addition of Sam has created some good conversations.

Read the latest Tilting Windmills and it makes DC's Villians' Month success questionable.

"The 2-D covers, on the other hand, were an unmitigated flop -- we've mustered just a 27% sell through, which is brutally low."

Ouch. ... e&id=48608
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Re: Mayo Report

Post by JohnMayo »

SpideySavestheDay wrote:Great podcast. The addition of Sam has created some good conversations.

Read the latest Tilting Windmills and it makes DC's Villians' Month success questionable.

"The 2-D covers, on the other hand, were an unmitigated flop -- we've mustered just a 27% sell through, which is brutally low."

Ouch. ... e&id=48608
Yeah, I'm finding the conversations with Sam to be a lot of fun.

As for the Villains Month being a success or not, for DC is seems to have been a major one. For retailers, I agree that it isn't so cut and dry. Between the allocations, how the issues sold for them and the smokescreen those issues put around the sales for the month, I can certainly understand (and agree with) retailers feeling it was not a success.
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