Weekly Comic Spotlight

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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by MichaelCastle »

Yea that would a lot of work. I ordered the #1 DC bundle from DCBS and I'm sure it will take me a little while to get through them. I'm waiting for reviews on the stuff coming out of Secret Wars. Even with the DCBS discount the bundle was out of my price range. Deadpool & Magneto were the two main Marvel series I was reading and Deadpool is dead and I'm not sure Magneto continues after Secret Wars. I'm really pumped for Cullen Bunns Green Lantern : The Lost Army because I loved what he did with Magneto.
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by JohnMayo »

fudd71 wrote:It has been done. If you go back in the archives to September and October of 2011 Publisher Spotlight #6-9 covered all of the DC New 52 books. It would be a ton of work for John and Drew but I would love to hear it. Same thing with the books coming out of Secret Wars.
It isn't out of the question but I'd need to figure out when we'd need to record it and if I have the time for it. I like the idea.
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by clobberin_time_bs »

Thanks for reviewing Secret Wars #1. Being the huge Fantastic Four fan that I am the ending really depressed me
but I've since read issue two and can say the F4 are probably going to be OK.

Keep up the great work!
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by NiklasJ »

Resurrecting this thread to comment on latest wcp #416

Im a diligent reader of solicits which means i ordered the Batgirl Annual in advance based on Graysons appearance. Happy with the first part of the comic, while the rest were advertising for other books and characters I haven´t seen before. Curious they used Batwoman, I thought that book was cancelled? Anyways Batgirl seems like a fun character and I´ll be picking up her soloseries for a few issues at least. Marketing gimmick sucess...

Not much to say about Thors, FrogThor is awesome, have liked Thor since the femthorstory began (again a marketing gimmick working for this sucker... but Dautermans art is just sweeet).

A general point I have when you go through other comics you´ve read over the last week it´s hard to follow which comic you´re talking about sometimes, I have to jump back several times to get which comic you are talking about. While I of course should listen more attentively maybe you could just list the mentioned issues beside the General Discussion point in the podcast notes?

Wishlist for future episodes: Black Magick (Rucka/Image), MartianManhunter (nuDCu), Karnak (marvel), Low (image), Ody-C (image), Trees (image), new starts for spiderfemaletitles and Slott´s AMS, Injection (image), batman and robin eternal, Paper girls (image), Ultimates (marvel), new creative team on Captain Marvel, x-23 wolverine, invincible iron man, dr strange... Ok so pretty much everything new from marvel :-)
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by JohnMayo »

NiklasJ wrote:A general point I have when you go through other comics you´ve read over the last week it´s hard to follow which comic you´re talking about sometimes, I have to jump back several times to get which comic you are talking about. While I of course should listen more attentively maybe you could just list the mentioned issues beside the General Discussion point in the podcast notes?
That is a good idea. The main downside I see to listing the items we talk about during the General Discussion section in the show notes is that means I have to listen more attentively while I record and/or edit the podcast to put together the list. Let me give this some thought to see if there is an easy way for me to do something along these lines without adding too much more to my workflow.
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by drew »

NiklasJ wrote: Wishlist for future episodes: Low (image),
love this title, not sure if John is reading it though
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by JohnMayo »

drew102e wrote:
NiklasJ wrote: Wishlist for future episodes: Low (image),
love this title, not sure if John is reading it though
I am not reading Low.
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by SpideySavestheDay »

JohnMayo wrote:
drew102e wrote:
NiklasJ wrote: Wishlist for future episodes: Low (image),
love this title, not sure if John is reading it though
I am not reading Low.
Too bad. It is a phenomenal book. There's something about Greg Toccini's artwork. There are moments where I can't understand the image, but after a second glance the art work just pops and takes the story to a different level.
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by erickowabunga »

Just listened to the newest weekly spotlight. I agree with some of the mixed reviews on DC Bombshells, but have to admit that I am looking forward to how they tie everything in together. I love the time period, and I think that if they tie this together as a team up quickly, this could be a good series.

As a side note, I just met Ant Lucia (bombshell cover artist) at Wizard World Chicago, and he is one of the nicest creators I have met. Talk about a story of being at the right place at the right time. He was at a Con last year, selling his art, and DC walked by, saw his style, and talked to him about doing bombshell covers for an upcoming idea they had. A couple months later the deal was done, and he was doing Wonder Woman as his first bombshell.
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by NiklasJ »

Didn't Mockingbird get a power upgrade in a New Avengers comic a while back? She was shot in a fight with Hydra and got some kind of super serum to make her not die.
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by JohnMayo »

NiklasJ wrote:Didn't Mockingbird get a power upgrade in a New Avengers comic a while back? She was shot in a fight with Hydra and got some kind of super serum to make her not die.
Now that you mention it, that does sound vaguely familiar. It is the kind of situation were a footnote reminding me of that story would might have been enough to job my memory and, as a result of that, change my opinion about the issue. The problem is more often than not in these sorts of situations, my knowledge of the characters and their backstory is better than that of the writer and editor. Obviously that isn't always going to be that case such as here. Thanks for reminding me of that story.
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by comicm »

JohnMayo wrote:
NiklasJ wrote:Didn't Mockingbird get a power upgrade in a New Avengers comic a while back? She was shot in a fight with Hydra and got some kind of super serum to make her not die.
Now that you mention it, that does sound vaguely familiar. It is the kind of situation were a footnote reminding me of that story would might have been enough to job my memory and, as a result of that, change my opinion about the issue. The problem is more often than not in these sorts of situations, my knowledge of the characters and their backstory is better than that of the writer and editor. Obviously that isn't always going to be that case such as here. Thanks for reminding me of that story.

Reference (Mockingbird) New Avengers Volume 2 #13. Also Tom King did not do Convergence. It was Jeff King.
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by JohnMayo »

comicm wrote:Reference (Mockingbird) New Avengers Volume 2 #13. Also Tom King did not do Convergence. It was Jeff King.
Thanks for the issue reference.

As for mixing up the Tom King and Jeff King, I read enough comics that it is next to impossible for me to keep most of the names straight. It doesn't excuse the error but it does explain it. Thanks for the correction.
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by NiklasJ »

Unless you read everything from every publisher and remember everything it can be hard to know every possible in and out of the industry? ;-)

Mockingbird hasn´t been in the top avengers titles since that new avenger series? Maybe in secret avengers? either way they used to be better with notes from editor on recent changes. Didnt read the comic but such a recent power upgrade could have been noted on the title page?

Did you do a spotlight on Injection? The first issues were confusing but its picked up steam, next issue #6 should be a nice "jumping on" point for anyone to check out. Havent seen a solicit on it yet, its on a customary image hiatus but should pop up again in a couple of months.
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by JohnMayo »

NiklasJ wrote:Did you do a spotlight on Injection? The first issues were confusing but its picked up steam, next issue #6 should be a nice "jumping on" point for anyone to check out. Havent seen a solicit on it yet, its on a customary image hiatus but should pop up again in a couple of months.
We haven't talked about Injection, mainly because I didn't pick up the title.
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