Listening to Weekly Comics Spotlight #470: 2016-08-10.
You noted some things in your all-new-xmen talk, i have actually dropped that title but i have some small memory of the stuff you talked about...
Angel helps Wolverine in the first issue/s of the new title, when hunting/tracking Lauras
and is mentioned as flying boyfriend in issue #10(?)
Also remember the bamfs from Kittys fairytale. And they probably pop up in other places but these are the ones i remember:
They appeared when Nightcrawler found out
some x-men title around 2010 i think?
When Wolverine and the Xmen title was ongoing they were appearing in the new jean grey school for some reason
due to Beast tampering with dimensions
Then later when Nightcrawler
returned from death/heaven
they appear again and I think these are the ones appearing now in the X-Men comics.
creative spoiler tagging

trying to summarize any xmen history is usually pretty ridculous...