Weekly Comic Spotlight

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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by GABE! »

Perseus wrote:Gabe, you are in luck. DC is finally releasing the Mark Waid run on the Flash (Wally West) this year in trade paperback.
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

REALLY? That's great. I'll pick those up for sure.

Side note. I'm always disappointed DC doesn't release their back catalogue in hardcover formate more often.
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by NiklasJ »

I liked the SpiderWomen crossover, it had some slow parts but overall an enjoying read.

I really like the lower selling spiderwoman and silk titles more than the gwenny one so i hope they can get a decent following to keep going...
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by doctormo »

Though I understood which Superman belonged to which continuity in Superman Rebirth #1, I also felt this was not a true launchpad for the adventures of Pa Superman. This issue should have been branded the epilogue of the Last Days of Superman Storyline. I would have enjoyed the issue even more if it lived up to its solicit. That said, Superman Rebirth #1 provided the emotional interactions that make for a good Superman story (IMO).
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by NiklasJ »

Listening to Weekly Comics Spotlight #470: 2016-08-10.

You noted some things in your all-new-xmen talk, i have actually dropped that title but i have some small memory of the stuff you talked about...

Angel helps Wolverine in the first issue/s of the new title, when hunting/tracking Lauras
and is mentioned as flying boyfriend in issue #10(?)

Also remember the bamfs from Kittys fairytale. And they probably pop up in other places but these are the ones i remember:

They appeared when Nightcrawler found out
his father
some x-men title around 2010 i think?

When Wolverine and the Xmen title was ongoing they were appearing in the new jean grey school for some reason
due to Beast tampering with dimensions
Then later when Nightcrawler
returned from death/heaven
they appear again and I think these are the ones appearing now in the X-Men comics.

creative spoiler tagging :-) trying to summarize any xmen history is usually pretty ridculous...
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by JohnMayo »

I remember the Bamfs being established as essentially infesting the X-School. What I don't recall is if/when they established the scope of the teleporting powers of the Bamfs.

And, NilkasJ, that is some fast feedback on the episode!
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by NiklasJ »

JohnMayo wrote:I remember the Bamfs being established as essentially infesting the X-School. What I don't recall is if/when they established the scope of the teleporting powers of the Bamfs.

And, NilkasJ, that is some fast feedback on the episode!
Yes thanks for putting the episodes up just in time for monday mornings in sweden!

Glanced through the first amazing x-men (2013) comics i cant find anything about the extent of their powers just origin in hell and connection to Azazel and Kurt. Maybe one of those things that havent been explained yet...
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by doctormo »

Hi John & Drew,

I am glad you two also enjoyed Superwoman #1. Issue #2 will be the first book I read the week it is released given the issue #1 cliffhanger. I always think Phil Jimenez does his best work on DC properties. He was recently working on Angela: Asgard's Assassin for Marvel. Like John, I have been a fan of this creator since the 90s when he did work on various New Titans/Team Titans titles. I will admit that I am not used to Jimenez's new inker, Matt Santorelli. Jimenez talked about how his found Santorelli on a recent episode of the Legion of Substitute Heroes podcast - http://paulfrench.ca/losp/?p=1431.

Regarding the question about the New 52 Crime Syndicate's Superwoman, Geoff Johns used traditional version of the character. She is the Earth-3 Wonder Woman who goes by the name Lois Lane.
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by JohnMayo »

doctormo wrote:Regarding the question about the New 52 Crime Syndicate's Superwoman, Geoff Johns used traditional version of the character. She is the Earth-3 Wonder Woman who goes by the name Lois Lane.
Thanks for clarifying that.

I'm finding as I get older and the continuities keep revamping/retooling/retconning/rebooting that I'm having a harder and harder time keeping things straight.
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by drew »

doctormo wrote:Hi John & Drew,

Regarding the question about the New 52 Crime Syndicate's Superwoman, Geoff Johns used traditional version of the character. She is the Earth-3 Wonder Woman who goes by the name Lois Lane.
huh so
shes dead right?
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by doctormo »

Matt Hawkins Addresses The State Of Top Cow - http://www.bleedingcool.com/2016/09/13/ ... f-top-cow/

I shared this with Drew and John on Twitter, but figured this may interest some of the people on the forum who listened to the latest episode. I have reading Top Cow on-and-off since the studio started; some of the upcoming titles peek my interest.

Regarding Earth 2 Society, I have been really frustrated with this book. I loved the Earth 2 and stayed the course through Earth 2 World's End. I bought the first eight issues of this title then dropped off. I kept hoping the Earth 2 heroes/heroines would coalesce into an actual team. After Daniel Wilson left, I figured Dan Abnett was brought on board to wrap things up. I was surprised this title got an annual and right now is solicited through issue 18 in November. When DC Rebirth was announced, Earth 2 (and Super Sons) were supposed to start this fall. Based on this episode's review, I am just going to hold out and see if the title is relaunched.
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by drew »

doctormo wrote:Matt Hawkins Addresses The State Of Top Cow - http://www.bleedingcool.com/2016/09/13/ ... f-top-cow/

I shared this with Drew and John on Twitter, but figured this may interest some of the people on the forum who listened to the latest episode. I have reading Top Cow on-and-off since the studio started;
Love him calling it The Edenverse (Think Tank, The Tithe, Postal and Eden’s Fall) - never heard it called that before-

"He describes them as “reader books”, ignoring the collectors market and moving away from variant covers. These books also do very well in the bookstores and through Amazon. The first Think Tank trade has outsold all of the individual issues combined."

yet another case of diamonds trade list being a completely worthless indicator of real sales
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by JohnMayo »

drew wrote: These books also do very well in the bookstores and through Amazon. The first Think Tank trade has outsold all of the individual issues combined."

yet another case of diamonds trade list being a completely worthless indicator of real sales
I agree that the mass market is a big factor for trade sales but I disagree that the Diamond Top Trades list is completely worthless. Sales to bookstores are returnable and therefore risky for publishers. More than one publisher has nearly been shut down by a flood of returns over the years. The Diamond sales are solid sales and to the core comic book reading audience and as such are a very useful indicator of the strength of the material in trade format.
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by drew »

JohnMayo wrote:
drew wrote: These books also do very well in the bookstores and through Amazon. The first Think Tank trade has outsold all of the individual issues combined."

yet another case of diamonds trade list being a completely worthless indicator of real sales
I agree that the mass market is a big factor for trade sales but I disagree that the Diamond Top Trades list is completely worthless. Sales to bookstores are returnable and therefore risky for publishers. More than one publisher has nearly been shut down by a flood of returns over the years. The Diamond sales are solid sales and to the core comic book reading audience and as such are a very useful indicator of the strength of the material in trade format.
Agree to disagree - direct market is a small sliver of trade sales compared to Amazon bookstores and libraries and the best sellers there are much more diverse than what comic retailers per purchase
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by JohnMayo »

drew wrote:Agree to disagree - direct market is a small sliver of trade sales compared to Amazon bookstores and libraries and the best sellers there are much more diverse than what comic retailers per purchase

Fair enough. The funny thing is I agree with much of what you say about the mass market and libraries being a large and diverse market. But how often do we see something flop in the direct market yet continue to get published because of the mass market? The direct market sales are an important measure of how trades sell. It isn't an all inclusive measure but it is a useful one.
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by doctormo »

John and Drew, I thought this was a very funny episode.

I am a huge fan of Fables, especially anything written by Bill Willingham. However I did not always enjoy (or purchase) some of the spin-offs, though I sampled everything. I felt a little indifferent when it came to Everafter: From the Pages of Fables. The creative team was alright; I enjoyed this more than their work on their digital first Fables comic. Also, Fables has not been gone long enough (IMO) to warrant diving back into this franchise. I will keep an eye on this book. If I decide to pick it up, it will be through trade or a cons.

Due to popular demand, Red One comes to the forums! Much to Drew's displeasure 8) I will admit to adding this title to my pull list back in 2015, mainly because the Dodsons were handling the artwork. I thought the writing for issues one and two were okay; I wish issue two ended on a different not given the length of time between issues two and three. When I first heard about Red One, I knew that it would be published in Europe first. Image would have the American publication rights - http://www.bleedingcool.com/2016/05/21/ ... -volume-2/ and https://www.facebook.com/EurocomicsUSA/ ... 7146026783. Though this episode was really funny, I am now questioning some life choices. :D

John - you need to put "the more you read the harder it is to keep reading" on bumper sticker.
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