Weekly Comic Spotlight

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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by drew »

victorvondoom wrote:In regards to Weekly Comic Spotlight 482.

There was discussion about some of the DC titles and Drew commented that he is enjoying the Superman books more than the Batman books, maybe for the first time ever. I feel the exact same way. Not that there is anything wrong with how the Batman line has been doing, but since Rebirth I find myself enjoying Superman and Action Comics much more than any Superman books that I have read in a long time. These are the kinds of Superman stories I am interested in. Hats off to Dan Jurgens, Peter Tomasi, and everyone else involved.

and now I'm even excited for the super sons book after reading Supe #10 - I am all In!!!
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by fudd71 »

Drew take heart! You are correct, we are similar and both missed Batman the Animated series. At this point I have turned a corner and it is almost a point of pride. I'm sure the series is great as many have repeatedly said. It is just one of those things that I was the wrong age for, and at this point it is so far down the list I have resigned myself to the fact I may never get around to watching it. c'est la vie
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by drew »

I thought so ...we'll have to stick together on that one
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by MichaelCastle »

I haven't seen BATMAN the animated series either my friends usually are just horrified that I didn't see it when it was coming out. At some point I suppose I will get around to watching it. I'm sad you guys didn't really like Mother Panic all that well but I think my vision may be clouded somewhat because I'm all in through DCBS for $8 a month for the Young Animal line. I think I really like all of them mainly because they are so different than anything else out on the market right now and all the books are about these weird strange characters who have weird stuff happening and it's not necessarily about a story per se. Anyways great show as always and hope everyone has an awesome thanksgiving! Can't believe the end of the year is almost upon us really can't wait for the award show and everyone's pics!
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by drew »

MichaelCastle wrote:I haven't seen BATMAN the animated series either my friends usually are just horrified that I didn't see it when it was coming out. At some point I suppose I will get around to watching it. I'm sad you guys didn't really like Mother Panic all that well but I think my vision may be clouded somewhat because I'm all in through DCBS for $8 a month for the Young Animal line. I think I really like all of them mainly because they are so different than anything else out on the market right now and all the books are about these weird strange characters who have weird stuff happening and it's not necessarily about a story per se. Anyways great show as always and hope everyone has an awesome thanksgiving! Can't believe the end of the year is almost upon us really can't wait for the award show and everyone's pics!
ideally i would give all comics a complete arc before deciding to keep/drop bu that is tougher to do nowadays - i will revisit if there are standouts though

looking forward to the end of year episode and all the listener submisions
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by doctormo »

Hi John and Drew,

I look forward to submitting my picks for the best of list. Regarding the loft in Nightwing #9. This has been the Titans HQ since Titans Rebirth #1/Titans #1 (http://www.cbr.com/titans-1/). I agree with John, we need more done-in-ones. I do not think it would hurt a trade if the starting and stopping points are thought out. The Nightwing trades from the Chuck Dixon contained a mixture of story arc lengths.

The artist Marcio Takara has been around for a while. He recently worked on All New Wolverine. I first came across Takara when he working on Incorruptible with Mark Waid for Boom.
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by MichaelCastle »

More titles keep dropping off my pull list from DC Rebirth because of the double shipping and that most are literally written for the trade to be collected. Monster Men event was so awful that I'm leaning towards going to trade waiting so I can skip things like that because it will be collected separately from the main story. Looks like Marvel is going to be double shipping the new X-Men titles starting in February so it looks like that is where most books are headed. I will probably sample them all but trade wait because there is no way I could keep up. So much good stuff out there right now!
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by erickowabunga »

MichaelCastle wrote:Monster Men event was so awful that I'm leaning towards going to trade waiting so I can skip things like that because it will be collected separately from the main story.
We recently had Tim Seeley in our shop, and we talked about things overall at DC. His sentiments were that no publisher treats their staff better (same from a retailer front), and that overall the new Rebirth pace has been fun from a storytelling side. We talked about Monster Men, and he commented that because of the fast turnaround to get Rebirth started, all of the writers on the Bat books needed a bit of a breather to make sure their ongoing stories were still aligning as best as they could, and get scripts to the art teams. It sounds like these "verse" based events that take 1 month to complete may be something we see periodically - especially in the Bat-verse and Super-verse.

I myself have dropped off of certain titles, in favor of the trade. This is not because the stories are bad, but because I want to read ALL of the storyline at once, and don't want to wait. Rebirth continues to be a steady improvement over New52 in our shop, and for that we are grateful :)
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by JohnMayo »

compsolut wrote:It sounds like these "verse" based events that take 1 month to complete may be something we see periodically - especially in the Bat-verse and Super-verse.
I consider those to be editorial office based events. ("Verse" implies narrative universe to me.)

Interesting way to provide time for the ongoing creative teams to handle the accelerated schedule. Not a bad plan provided they have good mini-events. Alas, "Monster Men" wasn't a great mini-event. It just didn't feel like a Batman style story. I'm all for giant monsters and robots but Gotham City isn't the place for that.
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by tehkeizer »

I really enjoyed the 'segment', for lack of a better term, when y'all talked about a few things that were going on with the boards and talked about somethings people said.
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by JohnMayo »

tehkeizer wrote:I really enjoyed the 'segment', for lack of a better term, when y'all talked about a few things that were going on with the boards and talked about somethings people said.
I'm happy that you enjoyed it. It was Drew's idea and fun to do. We should probably do that sort of thing more often.
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by tehkeizer »

JohnMayo wrote:We should probably do that sort of thing more often.
i agree. it really made me feel and think of the whole community you've developed here. but, its also not the kind of thing you can shoehorn into every episode, so you gotta pick your places. it could be a good tool to have more discussion on the boards as well, a fun byproduct.
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by MichaelCastle »

JohnMayo wrote:
compsolut wrote:It sounds like these "verse" based events that take 1 month to complete may be something we see periodically - especially in the Bat-verse and Super-verse.
I consider those to be editorial office based events. ("Verse" implies narrative universe to me.)

Interesting way to provide time for the ongoing creative teams to handle the accelerated schedule. Not a bad plan provided they have good mini-events. Alas, "Monster Men" wasn't a great mini-event. It just didn't feel like a Batman style story. I'm all for giant monsters and robots but Gotham City isn't the place for that.
I agree it sounds like DC editorial is just going to green light any random mini event idea as long as it gives the creative team a chance to catch up with the real story. The only positive side to me is that these will be quick and don't derail the stories in the books. I just wish the big 2 would get away from having at least one huge event every year that has book changing quotas on their entire line. The problem is that they will continue to do them because they sell in huge numbers. Civil War II has had long delays and always cracks the top ten when an issue appears.
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by doctormo »

I tried to do some digging to pin-point when the Pre-Flashpoint look of Amanda Waller returned. I thought it happened during the Harley Quinn and the Suicide Squad April Fool's Special, which was done by Rob Williams and Jim Lee. Bleeding Cool appeared to come up with the same solution - http://www.bleedingcool.com/2016/04/06/ ... -spoilers/.

Jim Lee's finally issue (a least for now) will be this month's only issue #8 - http://www.newsarama.com/32350-insanity ... riter.html).

I am trying to decide whether or not I want to continue with Suicide Squad past the crossover. Part of this book's attraction (for me) was Jim Lee. I run hot and cold with the Suicide Squad. Rob Williams' scripts have been okay, but this does not feel like an essential book.
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by victorvondoom »

As was discussed in the Weekly Comics Spotlight 485.
Ghost Rider #1 was not good. I read that book and scratched my head trying to figure out what exactly was the point of the issue. Not a good beginning to a new series that I was actually looking forward to reading. It may be time to reboot and solicit another Ghost Rider #1.
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