DC and 3.99

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DC and 3.99

Post by jediknightbobby »

So here is my question..I was just reading on Bleeding Cool that DC will probably move to all 3.99 comics in the future. As someone that is getting about 20 DC titles at the moment, this would really affect my purchases. I have already dropped the 3.99 titles from my pull list, and now I am left wondering what will be left of my pull list if the 2.99 comics go up to 3.99. I can keep them all if they are monthly, but bi-monthly 3.99 OUCH. This type of math puts me at dropping half of my titles, and this would be terrible. I am so invested in the DC universe right now, and loosing so many titles will make me drop more and more and I start to feel disconnected from the universe. If this happens I might go to Omnibus collecting, but I love reading new comics and enjoy talking about them. What is your opinon?
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Re: DC and 3.99

Post by MisterFerro »

I don't see DC doing $3.99 double-shipping at all. But remember this is just Rich speculating at this point.
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Re: DC and 3.99

Post by JohnMayo »

jediknightbobby wrote:What is your opinon?
I'll wait for DC to actually make such an announcement before worrying about it.
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Re: DC and 3.99

Post by jrphoenix »

jediknightbobby wrote:So here is my question..I was just reading on Bleeding Cool that DC will probably move to all 3.99 comics in the future. As someone that is getting about 20 DC titles at the moment, this would really affect my purchases. I have already dropped the 3.99 titles from my pull list, and now I am left wondering what will be left of my pull list if the 2.99 comics go up to 3.99. I can keep them all if they are monthly, but bi-monthly 3.99 OUCH. This type of math puts me at dropping half of my titles, and this would be terrible. I am so invested in the DC universe right now, and loosing so many titles will make me drop more and more and I start to feel disconnected from the universe. If this happens I might go to Omnibus collecting, but I love reading new comics and enjoy talking about them. What is your opinon?
The info coming out is that the monthly books will move to $3.99 (with a digital code like Marvel was doing). All the bi-monthly books will stay at $2.99 with no digital code. I only get one DC book that is monthly right now (per-ordered Bat woman title).
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Re: DC and 3.99

Post by JohnMayo »

DC has keep the prices at $2.99 on most of their line for significantly (five or six years) longer than most other publishers. Soon or later, the prices will have to go up.
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Re: DC and 3.99

Post by drew »

MisterFerro wrote:I don't see DC doing $3.99 double-shipping at all. But remember this is just Rich speculating at this point.
i will drop them all if they do - even batman - i'll just read a few monthlies
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Re: DC and 3.99

Post by MichaelCastle »

Honestly wouldn't mind it if they introduced a DC Unlimited app similar to Marvel Unlimited where you have access to their entire back catalog on a six month delay. I recently enrolled in Marvel Unlimited because of Sam raving about how good it is on the Mayo report and I love it. The entire history of the Marvel Universe at my fingertips for less than $6 a month with new comics on a six month delay. I really hope DC is developing something similar for the future.
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Re: DC and 3.99

Post by JohnMayo »

MichaelCastle wrote:I really hope DC is developing something similar for the future.

I agree. DC should have a digital subscription service. I would sign up for it. I've already signed up for Marvel's Digital Comics Unlimited. Given the speed of output from Marvel and DC, I'd give very serious consideration to dropping the physical books in favor of the digital subscriptions.
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Re: DC and 3.99

Post by Perseus »

I really want DC to have an unlimited digital service.

People talk how obscure titles won't physically sell, and all of that type of talk.

It's a perfect place for the digital service. DC has not reprinted many of their 1950's titles in physical tpb or HC's. The digital platform would be the best place to put so many old titles DC has never thought of reprinting.

Things like Infantino's Detective Chimp, Rex the Wonder Dog, Toth and Gil Kane doing All Star Western, and the list keeps going.

I hope DC will just develop a digital app and put much of their classic output on it.
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Re: DC and 3.99

Post by jacovny »

I don't begrudge D.C. returning to industry-standard pricing, however I wouldn't be able to support multiple double-shipped books at that price point, if those books were part of the increase. (I realize we're just speaking hypothetically here.) Action Comics is currently the only one I would unquestionably buy twice monthly at $3.99.

That said, some of the titles I've been lukewarm on (Blue Beetle, Justice League by Hitch, etc.) are looking less appealing at $3.99 than they did at a dollar cheaper.
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Re: DC and 3.99

Post by jediknightbobby »

An unlimited plan would be great, but I just don't see that happening with DC. I just hope they hold the line on the 2.99 pricing. What scares me is that Marvel just started a new X-men run that is 3.99 bi-monthly, and they did it for two different X-men books. That's 16.00 just for one title. Crazy stuff. I also have the Marvel unlimited plan and its o.k. Just not a big fan of digital comics.
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Re: DC and 3.99

Post by drew »

jediknightbobby wrote:An unlimited plan would be great, but I just don't see that happening with DC.

they have so much more content than marvel i would pay 20 bucks monthly for access to all that great stuff
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Re: DC and 3.99

Post by erickowabunga »

I think some of the difference in Marvel and DC digital offerings is a systemic difference in managing bodies. Marvel is run by Disney directly, and does not exist as a separate silo. Disney is very digital-savvy company at this point. It seems that they view their digital comic platform as an extension of their MCU.

As far as DC goes, they exist as a separate entity from WB, and are still run as a comic book company - they understand and appreciate digital, but from my personal interaction with them, they are very much pro-published material. The view their published books as the entry to their film franchise (and let's be honest, the film franchise has an on-ramp that is about 10 feet long, and butts up to the Autobahn in some aspects).

DC has also been much better at keeping their older material in print, and a bit more wallet friendly. $75 Batman Golden age omnibuses are easier to sell than a $100 Howard the Duck that has about 2/3 of the amount of pages ...
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Re: DC and 3.99

Post by erickowabunga »

I think some of the difference in Marvel and DC digital offerings is a systemic difference in managing bodies. Marvel is run by Disney directly, and does not exist as a separate silo. Disney is very digital-savvy company at this point. It seems that they view their digital comic platform as an extension of their MCU.

As far as DC goes, they exist as a separate entity from WB, and are still run as a comic book company - they understand and appreciate digital, but from my personal interaction with them, they are very much pro-published material. The view their published books as the entry to their film franchise (and let's be honest, the film franchise has an on-ramp that is about 10 feet long, and butts up to the Autobahn in some aspects).

DC has also been much better at keeping their older material in print, and a bit more wallet friendly. $75 Batman Golden age omnibuses are easier to sell than a $100 Howard the Duck that has about 2/3 of the amount of pages ...
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Re: DC and 3.99

Post by doctormo »

Hopefully someone attending Emerald City will bring pricing up during a DC Universe panel. Does anyone know if DC is doing road shows this year? I have to give DC credit, they have always tried to be mindful of the price point as far back as the mid/late 1980s.
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