10 Years Later...

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10 Years Later...

Post by JohnMayo »

I'm open to suggestions for the format and nature for the 2017-08-23 episode of the Comic Book Page podcast to celebrate a full decade of the Comic Book Page podcast.

While the Comic Book Page podcast started on 2007-01-17 with the Episode #0 and there are a few syndicated episodes I back dated on the feed to reflect the original air dates else where, the first Weekly Comics Spotlight episode was released on 2007-08-27. That episode marked the start on an unbroken series of weekly episodes for the podcast which has lasted nearly a decade.

I'm figuring the episode will either be a Q&A and/or a Round Table Discussion episode but I'd like to know what you all think.
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Re: 10 Years Later...

Post by jrphoenix »

Congratulations on the upcoming mile marker. I've only been on board for 5 years. I would go with a combination Q&A and roundtable discussion. You could also include some fun facts / tidbits:

1. how your collection has grown from 10 years ago
2. market trends / sales from 2007 compared to 2017
3. have your reading habits / preferences changed over the years

Thanks for all that you do!
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Re: 10 Years Later...

Post by bralinator »

Congrats John! And many thanks for the countless hours of infotainment you've produced. I'd like to know how the podcast has affected your taste in comics, titles you've added to your "must read" list due to the podcast, and maybe talk a. It about the history of the podcast and your history with comics in general.

I like the Q&A format a lot, but would love to hear a bit about the history, including things that didn't work as well as you'd hoped and surprises you've enjoyed over the years. Maybe your co-hosts could record some congratulatory comments for the anniversary also.
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Re: 10 Years Later...

Post by jediknightbobby »

Congrats on 10 years. Thanks for all the podcast, love them all. Really the only thing that I would like to hear from you is more about yourself. You always talk about maybe opening up a comic book store, writing a comic, that type of stuff, but you never go into detail. I would like to hear about what you would do to open a comic book store, and what you would do to make it profitable. If you would write a comic what would it be about? Inside baseball stuff. Maybe have a co-host do a sit down with you with questions from you listeners. Once again great stuff!!!
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Re: 10 Years Later...

Post by doctormo »

Congratulations John, here is to 10 more years!

You could do a Q&A discussion involving individuals who have been involved with the podcast. This could be a panel discussion or individual segments.

You could also do a clip show that includes new commentary.
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Re: 10 Years Later...

Post by JohnMayo »

If you have questions for the episode, get them in before Wednesday, August 16th which is when we'll be recording the 10 Years Later episode.
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Re: 10 Years Later...

Post by comicm »

I have not been active on the forums but thanks for 10 years. I have been there since the beginning with the Mayo Report on CGS.

Mike Myers
www.geekbrunchpodcast.com - Geek Brunch
www.dcnoisepodcast.com (both available on iTunes via the iTunes store.)
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Re: 10 Years Later...

Post by JohnMayo »

comicm wrote:I have not been active on the forums but thanks for 10 years. I have been there since the beginning with the Mayo Report on CGS.

Mike Myers
Thanks for being a long time listener.
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Re: 10 Years Later...

Post by bralinator »

My questions:

1) What prompted you to start the podcast and how did you get involved in podcasting?

2) Do you have any long term plans for the show? Do you see yourself continuing to produce the podcast for another 10 years?

3) Would sponsors like DCBS, TFAW, Superhero Stuff, etc be a viable way for you to help pay for producing the podcast or your comic purchases? Would you be interested in sponsors that wouldn't create any conflict of interest? If not, why not? Also, can you promote your paypal acct for donations now and again until said sponsors turn up?

4) What are some of your favorite earliest comics books that you remember reading that got you into the hobby? What are some of your childhood experiences with comics that you recall?

5) Are there any other podcasts that you listen to now and again besides your own? Could you name a few?

6) What's your favorite part of the entire process of The Comic Book Page and what is your least favorite aspect?

7) if you could go back and change anything, what would you have done differently?

8 Talk about the various co-hosts during the course of the show (i.e. how you met, what prompted them to join forces with you, when did they start, etc)

9) Talk a bit about your process, how you approach an episode, what the setup is like, how long it takes, how much is usually cut, how has this process changed since your first episodes.
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Re: 10 Years Later...

Post by bralinator »

Fun episode guys!

Congrats John, and thanks for all the infotainment!
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