2017 Yearly Comics Spotlight

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2017 Yearly Comics Spotlight

Post by drew »

John and I will be recording a Best of 2017 episode at the end of December. It loosely follows the Weekly Comic Spotlight Format in that it focuses on Marvel, DC, Image and Other publisher's "best of" and additional categories.

If you would like to vote, we would love to see what listeners of the show think about this year in comics. You don't have to have choices for each one (although that would be great) just the ones that stood out to you. Here are the categories we will be discussing:

Favorite Series (New or continuing)-
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc-
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc)-
Book you wish more people read-
Book you wish they would publish-

Favorite Series (New or continuing)-
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc-
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc)-
Book you wish more people read-
Book you wish they would publish-

Favorite Series (New or continuing)-
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc-
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc)-
Book you wish more people read-
Book you wish they would publish-

Other Publishers:
Favorite Series (New or continuing)-
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc-
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc)-
Book you wish more people read-
Book you wish they would publish-

Most improved-
Favorite Publisher-
Best All Ages title-
Favorite Comic Television Show-
Favorite Comic Movie-
Best Other (trade, hardcover, periodical or book)-
Highlight of 2017-
Prediction for 2018-
How often do post on the forum?
Have you joined the Slack channel?
Have you ever submitted a Previews Spotlight Clip?
Has the Comic Book Page podcast added any comics to your reading list? If so, which comics and why?

Additional Comments

Please have your entries in by Christmas - Thanks for Voting!
Last edited by drew on Mon Dec 04, 2017 6:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2017 Yearly Comics Spotlight

Post by NicksPicks »

Still working on my list, but I've got a suggestion for another miscellaneous category: Most Improved. I imagine it could be most improved series, writer, publisher, artist, etc. For example this year, I would give most improved to the Aquaman series. The art switch to Sejic really elevated Dan Abnett's writing, and the whole series moved from average to must-read.
I read comic books for fun.
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Re: 2017 Yearly Comics Spotlight

Post by drew »

That’s a good idea I like it
Comics For Fun and Profit(also available on iTunes and Stitcher)
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Re: 2017 Yearly Comics Spotlight

Post by NiklasJ »


Dont read much DC and frankly all the (unearned) positive press is offputting :-)
everything after DC uni rebirth has been just the same mess as Nu52 before it, not going anywhere. Saturn girl...

Still theres good stuff to be found, Green Lanterns, Detective comics and a for me new comic in Wildstorm are my takes

Favorite Series (New or continuing)- Green Lanterns (two new lanterns with little history in dc, good for those that dont read all DC)
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc- Wildstorm #1 (cool scifi action stuff)
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc)- James S Tynion (?) Detective comics
Book you wish more people read- Green Lanterns
Book you wish they would publish- Legends of Tomorrow


So much marvel, have cut number of titles but they publish more often instead avengers, spiderman and xmen. I think fewer titles in marvel as a whole also which i think is good. Iron Fist and jessica jones and moon knight and thanos and dr strange should also be mentioned

Favorite Series (New or continuing)- Spectacular SpiderMan
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc- Hulk (SheHulk) #1-#6
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc)- Brian Bendis (Jesica Jones, Defenders, Iron Manx2)
Book you wish more people read- Secret Warriors
Book you wish they would publish- Doom 2099


My weekly list gets shorter since i get more and more image titles but they wont publish their books very often... :-( lots of awesomeness still, monstress, lazarus, seven to eternity, injection, newcomer old guard was good also

Favorite Series (New or continuing)- Monstress
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc- Injection TPB #3 (issues 12-15 i think?)
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc)- Rick Remender (Seven to eternity)
Book you wish more people read- Low
Book you wish they would publish- Lazarus (publish more often!!)

Other Publishers: (so I cheated...)

SW = great.

Favorite Series (New or continuing)- SW Dr Aphra
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc- SW the screaming citadel
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc)- G Camuncoli
Book you wish more people read- Dr Aphra
Book you wish they would publish- SW KOTOR

Most improved- Invincible Iron (two strong titles went into one that have started nicely)
Favorite Publisher- Marvel
Best All Ages title- Gwenpool (all ages?) if not then Hilda
Favorite Comic Television Show- Lucifer
Favorite Comic Movie- WonderWoman
Best Other (trade, hardcover, periodical or book)- hmm Ann Leckies books were good not from this year i think, Hobbs latest Fitz and Fool trilogy finished this year right, prelude to malaz books by Esslemont
Highlight of 2017- Spockingbird
Prediction for 2018- avengers infinity war breaks all records
How often do post on the forum? bi-weekly?
Have you joined the Slack channel? I do use slack for utopia game but havent connected to comicbookpage slack yet
Have you ever submitted a Previews Spotlight Clip? Not yet, different language :-)
Has the Comic Book Page podcast added any comics to your reading list? If so, which comics and why? Mockingbird
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Re: 2017 Yearly Comics Spotlight

Post by erickowabunga »

Favorite Series (New or continuing) - Nightwing New Order
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc - Batman: Creature of the Night #1 (I am a huge Batman fan, as well as Busiek’s writing style. It only gets better for me, as Boston is my favorite city, and what kid didn’t dream of being Batman? This has the makings of being another “must have” series from Kurt.)
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc) - Kurt Busiek
Book you wish more people read - Nightwing New Order
Book you wish they would publish - Detective Comics that goes back to its roots and is compilation of smaller detective stories.

Favorite Series (New or continuing)- Silver Surfer (finished this year)
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc- Silver Surfer #14
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc)- Mike Allred
Book you wish more people read- N/A
Book you wish they would publish- Where is Martian Manhunter!? I would like a team up book with J’onn J’onzz

Favorite Series (New or continuing)- Black Magick Honorable Mention: Kill or be Killed, Black Monday Murders, Saga
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc- Black Magick #6
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc)- Ed Burbaker
Book you wish more people read- Black Magick … and Black Monday Murders
Book you wish they would publish- Black Magick Source Book complete with maps of Portsmouth and surrounding area, as well as the magical realm.

Other Publishers:
Favorite Series (New or continuing)- Normandy Gold, Honorable Mention: Jazz Maynard, Briggs Land Lone Wolves
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc- BL Lone Wolves
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc)- Brian Wood
Book you wish more people read- Jazz Maynard
Book you wish they would publish- A Hard Case Crime single issue crossover.

Most improved- Titan: Adding the Hard Case Crime line has really been a fun expansion for a company that works in a heavily licensed niche. The new creative folks from across the pond bring a new voice, and the stories themselves have a different and fun flair.
Favorite Publisher- Titan Comics - Hard Case Crime Imprint
Best All Ages title- DC Superhero Girls
Favorite Comic Television Show- N/A
Favorite Comic Movie- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2
Best Other (trade, hardcover, periodical or book)- Huge fan of the $75 Golden Age Batman Hard Covers.
Highlight of 2017- European infusion in US comics (Hard Case Crime, Jazz Maynard, etc.)
Prediction for 2018- Marvel make more executive level changes, but the practices remain the same.
How often do post on the forum? Monthly
Have you joined the Slack channel? I’ve heard of it :)
Have you ever submitted a Previews Spotlight Clip? Yes, and my resolution is to contribute to 4 episodes this year.
Has the Comic Book Page podcast added any comics to your reading list? If so, which comics and why? I find the back half publishers more on my monthly reading list due to hearing people bring them up in the previews spotlights.
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Re: 2017 Yearly Comics Spotlight

Post by bralinator »

Favorite Series (New or continuing) - Batman White Knight
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc - Batman Annual #2
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc) - Sean Gordon Murphy
Book you wish more people read - Batman White Knight
Book you wish they would publish - Metal Men

Favorite Series (New or continuing) - Thanos
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc - Thanos #13
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc) - Donny Cates
Book you wish more people read - Punisher Platoon
Book you wish they would publish - Classic Defenders

Favorite Series (New or continuing) - Moonshine
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc - God Country
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc) - Donny Cates
Book you wish more people read - Descender
Book you wish they would publish - 1963 Annual #1

Other Publishers:
Favorite Series (New or continuing) - Black Hammer (Dark Horse)
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc - Star Trek TNG Mirror Broken (IDW)
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc) - Evan "Doc" Shaner (artist)
Book you wish more people read - Atoll (Big Picture Comics) / Red Sonja (Dynamite)
Book you wish they would publish - Buck Rogers

Most improved - Marvel's Thanos
Favorite Publisher - BOOM!
Best All Ages title - Amazing Age (Alterna)
Favorite Comic Television Show - The Punisher (Netflix)
Favorite Comic Movie - Thor Ragnarok (current year)
Best Other (trade, hardcover, periodical or book) - Punisher Omnibus The War Continues
Highlight of 2017 - C.B. Cebulski replacing Axel Alonso at Marvel
Prediction for 2018 - Marvel continues to lose ground in comic sales

How often do post on the forum? bi-weekly
Have you joined the Slack channel? yes
Have you ever submitted a Previews Spotlight Clip? Yes, several
Has the Comic Book Page podcast added any comics to your reading list? If so, which comics and why? Too many to count.
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Re: 2017 Yearly Comics Spotlight

Post by SpideySavestheDay »

Favorite Series (New or continuing)- Mister Miracle
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc- Mister Miracle #4
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc)- Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo on Metal
Book you wish more people read- DC's 1-shots and mini-series. A lot of quality and risks worth reading.

Favorite Series (New or continuing)- The Wicked + The Divine
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc- The Wicked + The Divine: Imperial Phase II
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc)- Jaime McKelvie and Kieron Gillen for The Wicked + The Divine
Book you wish more people read- Manifest Destiny
Book you wish they would publish- More historical fantasy like Manifest Destiny and Black Monday Murders

Other Publishers:
Favorite Series (New or continuing)- Black Hammer (Dark Horse)
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc- Black Hammer Annual 1
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc)- Jeff Lemeire for Black Hammer
Book you wish more people read- Lady Mechanika (Benetiz)

Most improved- DC. DC abandoned the mini-series with the New52, but with Rebirth, they are producing some of their best work. Mister Miracle, Metal, Flintstones, Batman: White Knight. Also, smaller story arcs
Favorite Publisher- DC
Favorite Comic Television Show- Punisher
Favorite Comic Movie- Logan
Highlight of 2017- The presence of Jack Kirby was everywhere for his 100th birthday. DC - The Kirby one-shots, Mister Miracle mini-series. Thor: Ragnarok was Kirby's art come to life.
Prediction for 2018- Marvel rights the ship under new leadership. DC builds on Watchmen and Bendis. Comics on TV and the movies continues.
How often do post on the forum? Maybe once a month. The Slack channel is my main point of communication.
Have you joined the Slack channel? See above
Have you ever submitted a Previews Spotlight Clip? Yes, but its been a few years.
Has the Comic Book Page podcast added any comics to your reading list? If so, which comics and why? I've added comics like Astro City and Elephantmen because of the podcast.
Last edited by SpideySavestheDay on Sat Dec 23, 2017 11:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2017 Yearly Comics Spotlight

Post by victorvondoom »

Favorite Series (New or continuing)- Injustice
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc- Scooby Doo Team Up 30 featuring Challengers of The Unknown, Sea Devils, Cave Carson and crew, and Rip Hunter and his crew. Awesome!
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc)- Sholly Fisch (Scooby writer)
Book you wish more people read- Wildstorm
Book you wish they would publish- Legion of Superheroes

Favorite Series (New or continuing)- Moon Knight
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc- Weapons of Mutant Destruction crossover in Weapon X and Totally Awesome Hulk
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc)- Greg Pak (Weapon X writer)
Book you wish more people read- Moon Knight
Book you wish they would publish- Tomb of Dracula

Favorite Series (New or continuing)- Walking Dead
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc- Winnebago Graveyard mini series
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc)- Robert Kirkman
Book you wish more people read- Copperhead
Book you wish they would publish- Stranger Things

Other Publishers:
Favorite Series (New or continuing)- Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (Archie Comics)
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc- The Unsound (mini series by Boom)
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc)- Larry Hama (GI Joe A Real American Hero writer)
Book you wish more people read- X-Files (IDW)
Book you wish they would publish- Librarians ongoing series

Most improved- Boom Studios
Favorite Publisher- That's tough. I read a ton of IDW so I will go with them.
Best All Ages title- Scooby Doo Where are You? or Scooby Doo Team Up.
Favorite Comic Television Show- The Walking Dead
Favorite Comic Movie- Atomic Blonde
Best Other (trade, hardcover, periodical or book)- Master of Kung Fu Omnibus 3 and 4 (1 and 2 were released in 2016)
Highlight of 2017- Donny Cates making his mark after I was lauding his early work in 2015 and 2016.
Prediction for 2018- Marvel will release way too many books
How often do post on the forum? Occasionally, not as much since Slack Channel started.
Have you joined the Slack channel? Yes.
Have you ever submitted a Previews Spotlight Clip? Yes.
Has the Comic Book Page podcast added any comics to your reading list? If so, which comics and why? Many. Between Previews Spotlight and Weekly Comics Spotlight a sampling of titles I picked up include Mech Cadet Yu, Librarians, and recently Gotham City Garage. GC Garage I had no interest in or intention of even trying until it was reviewed. I picked up the first few issues to give it a shot and really enjoyed it.

Additional Comments- 2017 was a tough year for me personally and I read roughly half as many books as last year due to time constraints. Looking forward to 2018 and I appreciate all of the effort that goes into the podcasts. Thanks.
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Re: 2017 Yearly Comics Spotlight

Post by victorvondoom »

compsolut wrote:
Favorite Series (New or continuing)- Silver Surfer (finished this year)
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc- Silver Surfer #14
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc)- Mike Allred
Book you wish more people read- N/A
Book you wish they would publish- Where is Martian Manhunter!? I would like a team up book with J’onn J’onzz
Do you really want Marvel to publish a Martian Manhunter book? That's weird. :shock:
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Re: 2017 Yearly Comics Spotlight

Post by ChrisMyers »

Comic Book Page Best of 2017

Favorite Series (New or continuing)- Nightwing: New Order, honorable mention Batman

Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc- Batman and Elmer Fudd, honorable mention Detective Comics: A Lonely Place of Living or The Button

Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc)- Kyle Higgins

Book you wish more people read- Super Sons

Book you wish they would publish- Challengers of the Unknown

Favorite Series (New or continuing)- Kingpin

Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc- Bullseye mini series

Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc)- Matthew Rosenberg

Book you wish more people read-????

Book you wish they would publish- Marvel needs to publish less not more.

Favorite Series (New or continuing)- Rose, honorable mention Copperhead, Elsewhere

Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc- Old Guard

Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc)- Jay Faerber

Book you wish more people read- Jay Faerber books

Book you wish they would publish- more Old Guard

Other Publishers:
Favorite Series (New or continuing)- Black Hammer (Dark Horse) , honorable mention Lady Mechanika: Clockwork Assassin (Benitez Productions), Misfit City (Boom) , The Deep (Boom) , Red Team Double Tap, Center Maas (Dynamite) , Letter 44 (Oni)

Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc- The Visitor: How & Why He Stayed (Dark Horse), honorable mention Motor Girl (Abstract Studios)

Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc)- Jeff Lemire

Book you wish more people read- Bandette, then we could get it more often.

Book you wish they would publish- a monthly Lady Mechanika series

Favorite Publisher- Dark Horse

Best All Ages title- Bandette (Digital First)

Favorite Comic Television Show- N/A

Favorite Comic Movie- Wonder Woman

Best Other (trade, hardcover, periodical or book)- Surfside Girls: Secret of Danger Point

Highlight of 2017- Roughneck by Jeff Lemire

Prediction for 2018- To many books and not enough time.

How often do post on the forum? A few times a year

Have you joined the Slack channel? Yes

Have you ever submitted a Previews Spotlight Clip? Yes

Has the Comic Book Page podcast added any comics to your reading list? If so, which comics and why? Scooby-Doo Team Up, Bankshot, Rivers of London, The Librarians, Adam Wreck, Colossi, Red Ten, the why is because I have faith in John and Drew's recommendations, sometimes it's a hit, sometimes its a miss but their always worth trying.

Additional Comments I want to take a moment and thank John and Drew for all the work they put into the Weekly Comics Spotlight, they do honest reviews, they support their positions whether good or bad and they do it without spoilers or profanity. You guys make it a nice way to spend fifty or so minutes every week.
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Re: 2017 Yearly Comics Spotlight

Post by jrphoenix »

Favorite Series (New or continuing)- Aquaman, best series for me.
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc- Batman Annual #2
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc)- Dan Abnet
Book you wish more people read- Aquaman
Book you wish they would publish- Warlord Comic

Favorite Series (New or continuing)- Thor
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc- Thanos (Jeff Lemire) most took place in 2017
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc)- Jason Aaron
Book you wish more people read- Punisher Platoon
Book you wish they would publish- Get the Conan & Red Sonja license :)

Favorite Series (New or continuing)- Lazarus
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc- God Country
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc)- Greg Rucka
Book you wish more people read- Lazarus
Book you wish they would publish- ???

Other Publishers:
Favorite Series (New or continuing)- Briggs Land
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc- Harrow County "Dark Times A Comin"
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc)- Brian Wood or Jeff Lemire
Book you wish more people read- Briggs Land
Book you wish they would publish- ???

Most improved- Donny Cates
Favorite Publisher- Dark Horse
Best All Ages title- Ms. Marvel
Favorite Comic Television Show- Inhumans
Favorite Comic Movie- Thor Ragnarok
Best Other (trade, hardcover, periodical or book)- The Incal (Jodorowsky / Mobieus)
Highlight of 2017- Bendis leaves Marvel
Prediction for 2018- Marvel gets their act together to the benefit of the comics industry
How often do post on the forum? Rarely (once a month or so)
Have you joined the Slack channel? No, I don't know what slack is?
Have you ever submitted a Previews Spotlight Clip? Yes, when I'm not too busy.
Has the Comic Book Page podcast added any comics to your reading list? If so, which comics and why? Yes... too many to list. Blackhammer is one that comes to mind and I love it, Aquaman too based on this podcast gushing over it.
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Re: 2017 Yearly Comics Spotlight

Post by fudd71 »

Favorite Series (New or continuing)-Action Comics
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc-Batman/Elmer Fudd Special
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc)-Dan Abnett
Book you wish more people read- Titans
Book you wish they would publish-Detective Chimp
Favorite Series (New or continuing)-Walking Dead
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc-Spawn Dark Horror (#276-#280)
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc)-Jason Shawn Alexander
Book you wish more people read-Spawn
Book you wish they would publish-A Sara Pezzini Witchblade
Other Publishers:
Favorite Series (New or continuing)-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc-G.I. Joe: Real American Hero #237
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc)-Kevin Eastman
Book you wish more people read-Wynonna Earp Season Zero

Favorite Publisher-DC
Best All Ages title-Looney Tunes
Favorite Comic Television Show-Lucifer
Favorite Comic Movie-Justice League
Best Other (trade, hardcover, periodical or book)-Marvel Epic Collection
Have you joined the Slack channel? Yes
Have you ever submitted a Previews Spotlight Clip? Yes
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Re: 2017 Yearly Comics Spotlight

Post by drew »

Thanks guys - great turnout - lots of good stuff on your lists - keep em coming
Comics For Fun and Profit(also available on iTunes and Stitcher)
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Re: 2017 Yearly Comics Spotlight

Post by Perseus »

Favorite Series (New or continuing)- Aquaman Honorable Mention: Batgirl
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc- Scooby-Doo Team Up #30 (Challengers of the Unknown), Scooby-Doo Team Up #33 (Legion of Super Heroes)
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc)- Dan Abnett/Stjepan Sejic (Aquaman) Honorable Mention: Chris Wildgoose (artist on Batgirl)
Book you wish more people read- Scooby-Doo Team Up
Book you wish they would publish- Rex the Wonder Dog/Detective Chimp Team Up (must be all ages). I would say Legion of Super-Heroes, but I mention that on the Slack channel every two weeks.

Favorite Series (New or continuing)- Elsewhere
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc- Elsewhere #1
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc)- Jay Faerber
Book you wish more people read- Scales and Scoundrels
Book you wish they would publish- Jay Faerber brings back Noble Causes

Other Publishers:
Favorite Series (New or continuing)- Time and Vine
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc- Time and Vine #1
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc)- Thom Zahler
Book you wish more people read- Beasts of Burden (by Evan Dorkin and Jill Thompson)
Book you wish they would publish- Dungeons and Dragons comic based on the animated series from the 80's.

Most improved- Batgirl (Wildgoose's art is amazing)
Favorite Publisher- DC (big), Dark Horse (middle), First Second (small)
Best All Ages title- The Stone Heart by Faith Erin Hicks and Jordie Bellaire (First Second), Honorable Mention: Scooby-Doo Team Up (DC)

Favorite Comic Television Show- Arrow
Favorite Comic Movie- Logan Honorable Mention: Thor Ragnarok
Best Other (trade, hardcover, periodical or book)- Best Manga: A Silent Voice by Yoshitoki Ōima , Best Trade from this year: Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes vol 1 by Gerry Conway and others.
Highlight of 2017- DC staying strong with Rebirth and continues to put out great books. Comics news: Marvel finally joins Hoopla Digital Library service.
Prediction for 2018- DC will have another strong year with Doomsday Clock and more. Personally, I can see myself getting comic book movie fatigue.
How often do post on the forum? Occasionally, but I'm always putting posts on the Slack channel.
Have you joined the Slack channel? Yes
Have you ever submitted a Previews Spotlight Clip? Yes I have. I hope to do more this year.
Has the Comic Book Page podcast added any comics to your reading list? If so, which comics and why? I credit John and Sam really fueling my interest in the Legion of Super Heroes. I have read two Legion trades this year including the famous Great Darkness Saga. I am now a huge Legion of Super Heroes fan, and I hope to get their omnibus editions this coming year. Long live the Legion!

Additional Comments

I want to thank John and the crew for such a great year with podcasts, slack channel participation, and more.

I also want to thank John for the teleconference each and every month. I try to attend when I can each month. Getting a chance to talk about comics and pop culture with you all is a great treat. It is one of my favorite times in every month. So thanks for that.

I also encourage anyone again who wants to try their local library for comics you may have missed, please do so. See also if your library has Hoopla. It is a great digital experience for checking out comics in issue or trade forms. Hoopla now has publishers like Marvel and DC all the way to Fantagraphics and Titan.

I look forward to a great 2018 from the Comic Book Page. Thank you again John! Big shoutout also to Eric (Kowabunga) and Jason (from Hawaii). I appreciate you both! We have the best comics community on the internet.

P.S. Read more manga (to Drew) !
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Re: 2017 Yearly Comics Spotlight

Post by doctormo »

Favorite Series (New or continuing) - The Wildstorm
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc - Dark Night’s Metal
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc) - Tom King (Batman & Mister Miracle writer) | Nick Derrington (artist of Doom Patrol & covers for Mister Miracle)
Book you wish more people read - The Wildstorm
Book you wish they would publish - Legion of Super-Heroes

Favorite Series (New or continuing) - The Defenders
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc - Amazing Spider-Man (The Fall of Parker arc)
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc) - Dan Slott (writer - the Amazing Spider-Man/The Silver Surfer) | David Marquez (artist the Defenders)
Book you wish more people read - The Defenders
Book you wish they would publish - Excalibur/something starring Marvel UK characters

Favorite Series (New or continuing) - Youngblood
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc - The Wicked + The Divine issues 31 & 32
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc) - Chad Bowers (Youngblood) | Jamie McKelvie (artist of The Wicked + The Divine)
Book you wish more people read - Kingsman: The Red Diamond (great for fans of the film/comic property plus it reunites the creative team from 2000 AD’s Nikolai Dante).
Book you wish they would publish - Aria by Brian Holguin and Jay Anacleto or superhero titles written by Jay Faerber

Other Publishers:
Favorite Series (New or continuing) - Robotech from Titan (because I was so enamored with the property as a child)
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc - Black (Black Mask Studios) - the arc started in 2016 but finally ended in 2017
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc) - Adam Warren (writer) | Jamal Igle (artist of Black)
Book you wish more people read - Empowered by Adam Warren
Book you wish they would publish - Greg Rucka’s Queen & Country from Oni

Most improved - The Flash (Season 4 is much more enjoyable *so far* than Season 3)
Favorite Publisher - DC Comics
Best All Ages title - Batman '66 Meets the Legion of Super-Heroes
Favorite Comic Television Show - Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD
Favorite Comic Movie - Wonder Woman
Best Other (trade, hardcover, periodical or book) - My Hero Academia
Highlight of 2017- Crisis on Earth X
Prediction for 2018 - Marvel will relaunch/reboot
How often do post on the forum? - Not as often as I should
Have you joined the Slack channel? - Yes
Have you ever submitted a Previews Spotlight Clip? - Yes
Has the Comic Book Page podcast added any comics to your reading list? If so, which comics and why? - Yes, Mech Cadet Yu
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