DCBS Monthly Shipments

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Re: DCBS Monthly Shipments

Post by jrphoenix »

nacho wrote:Ok, after twelve years with DCBS, I made the switch to Kowabunga! It's nerve-racking, like breaking up with a long-time girlfriend or something :lol: Hopefully I won't have too many straggler issues that don't make it into my final DCBS regular shipment. There's that awkward time when you want to read the books that trickle in afterward, but you have two or three REALLY late books that keep you from shipping the stragglers for a couple of months. Or those two trades that were solicited in 2016 that still haven't come out. What to do then? Arrrgh. Another example of first-world problems I suppose. :)

February order is in! Looking forward to doing business with these guys @ Kowabunga, as they really seem to have their act together.
Welcome to the Kowabunga Klub (trademark pending) :D :lol: I was super nervous when switching from DCBS. Basically you have paid for books 2 month in advance and thus 2 more monthly shipments from the time you stopped ordering. After that 2nd order, if you still have outstanding books / trades (like me), DCBS holds all of your books / trades in a dead drop file. They won't ship anything else until everything arrives. If you would like an earlier or additional shipment you can just email DCBS and for $7.50 they will ship out whatever is in your file within a week.

P.S. I made the switch and couldn't be happier. I feel like I've left an abusive relationship but, I didn't know :)
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Re: DCBS Monthly Shipments

Post by drew »

jrphoenix wrote: P.S. I made the switch and couldn't be happier. I feel like I've left an abusive relationship but, I didn't know :)
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Re: DCBS Monthly Shipments

Post by JohnMayo »

jrphoenix wrote: Welcome to the Kowabunga Klub (trademark pending) :D :lol: I was super nervous when switching from DCBS. Basically you have paid for books 2 month in advance and thus 2 more monthly shipments from the time you stopped ordering. After that 2nd order, if you still have outstanding books / trades (like me), DCBS holds all of your books / trades in a dead drop file. They won't ship anything else until everything arrives. If you would like an earlier or additional shipment you can just email DCBS and for $7.50 they will ship out whatever is in your file within a week.
Yeah, my weekly shipments from DCBS ended at the end of the year. I'm in the situation of having around 36 items at DCBS waiting to be shipped and another 39 items in the pipeline. The latest of those items are scheduled to ship on 2018-06-27 but I'm certain they all won't ship by then given three of those items are issues of a given series. Another of those items with an expected ship date of 2018-06-27 was originally scheduled to ship on 2015-03-18.

I need to figure out when it is most cost effective to have them ship the items which have accumulated and then just wait for the rest when they all ship or get cancelled.
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Re: DCBS Monthly Shipments

Post by jrphoenix »

JohnMayo wrote:
jrphoenix wrote: Welcome to the Kowabunga Klub (trademark pending) :D :lol: I was super nervous when switching from DCBS. Basically you have paid for books 2 month in advance and thus 2 more monthly shipments from the time you stopped ordering. After that 2nd order, if you still have outstanding books / trades (like me), DCBS holds all of your books / trades in a dead drop file. They won't ship anything else until everything arrives. If you would like an earlier or additional shipment you can just email DCBS and for $7.50 they will ship out whatever is in your file within a week.
Yeah, my weekly shipments from DCBS ended at the end of the year. I'm in the situation of having around 36 items at DCBS waiting to be shipped and another 39 items in the pipeline. The latest of those items are scheduled to ship on 2018-06-27 but I'm certain they all won't ship by then given three of those items are issues of a given series. Another of those items with an expected ship date of 2018-06-27 was originally scheduled to ship on 2015-03-18.

I need to figure out when it is most cost effective to have them ship the items which have accumulated and then just wait for the rest when they all ship or get cancelled.
That's my situation. I had and extra shipment once all of my "regular issues" were in my box. I'm not paying for another shipment until the trades all get in. I pre-ordered 12 issues of Bloodshot from Valiant. They've been piling up since issue 4, I think. I'll just wait for all 12 8 to arrive and read them like a trade :)
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Re: DCBS Monthly Shipments

Post by nacho »

I have a few outstanding collections from IDW that were solicited two years ago. Not sure if those are ever going to come out. Otherwise, I assume that most of my straggler single-issues will come out within a month or two of my final shipment, and I'll only have to pay for one "extra".

But those HCs... as I understand it, DCBS doesn't do refunds, so it would be cheaper to leave the paid order alone and pay for another shipment if/when the collections drop someday. I know paying in advance for monthly issues is a necessity in the mail-order business (because of course), but there should be some kind of time limit where publishers cancel products of a certain age and stores credit/refund preorder customers.

It's one thing for single issues to be late, but how can a collection take years (plural) to produce when the material was already complete and packaged in various trades before?! If there aren't enough preorders to justify the printing, why not cancel the book? I suspect the real answer is that neither the publisher, nor diamond, nor the retailers have any skin in the game when a book simply fails to surface. Only customers who paid in advance are actually out anything, and we don't blip anyone's radar. :|
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Re: DCBS Monthly Shipments

Post by jrphoenix »

nacho wrote:I have a few outstanding collections from IDW that were solicited two years ago. Not sure if those are ever going to come out. Otherwise, I assume that most of my straggler single-issues will come out within a month or two of my final shipment, and I'll only have to pay for one "extra".

But those HCs... as I understand it, DCBS doesn't do refunds, so it would be cheaper to leave the paid order alone and pay for another shipment if/when the collections drop someday. I know paying in advance for monthly issues is a necessity in the mail-order business (because of course), but there should be some kind of time limit where publishers cancel products of a certain age and stores credit/refund preorder customers.

It's one thing for single issues to be late, but how can a collection take years (plural) to produce when the material was already complete and packaged in various trades before?! If there aren't enough preorders to justify the printing, why not cancel the book? I suspect the real answer is that neither the publisher, nor diamond, nor the retailers have any skin in the game when a book simply fails to surface. Only customers who paid in advance are actually out anything, and we don't blip anyone's radar. :|
Agree 100%. Something I have noticed with DCBS is they don't always stay on top of things until someone notifies them something is "missing or seems off". An example would be me notifying them that something was missing that I knew shipped after the item sat on my list for months or one time over a year. After I emailed them, they sent out the mass mail the XXXX had been cancelled and issued a credit. I am guessing the cancellations by publishers / creators are not automatically processed by DCBS. The burden they goes to the pre-order customers to speak up and let them know something is wrong. It's funny because I didn't know that and then it seemed like I was the cause of a lot of their mass cancellation emails when I started updating them on items that were way over due.

Good luck and I'm sure you are going to love Kowabunga :)
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Re: DCBS Monthly Shipments

Post by nacho »

So, I have a question for all the new Kowabunga mail-order customers... have you had any difficulty getting your remaining items from DCBS?

I asked them to hold my final (March) shipment a couple of weeks so that a few straggler issues could be included. Once all those items were released, I asked them to go ahead and ship at their convenience. However, it never happened. They said they'd ship it more than two weeks ago, but they did not. And now, several items that were listed as being in my next shipment have now gone back to the "unshipped" items list, as if they pulled them from my stash to sell to someone else. Past experience tells me that they are terrible about following up with replacing those issues that don't make it into your "next shipment" list the week of release.

I hesitate to call shenanigans, but it's becoming clear that DCBS has no desire to treat customers fairly on their way out. I don't expect anything special, just the comics I already paid for that have already been released. Apparently that's now a bridge too far. I might have to re-buy those issues elsewhere. :(

I'm even more glad I switched to Kowabunga now! :shock:
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Re: DCBS Monthly Shipments

Post by jrphoenix »

I sent a copy of this email to Eric. I didn't want him to re-order.. just wanted him to know about the shenanigans. I am pretty sure John is stuck in Limbo. Some of these things have shipped or were cancelled (bankshot was a known cancellation, so were calexit in lieu of a trade, I believe Kull was cancelled in lieu of a trade):

Hi James,

I checked on all of these items today and none of them have been released yet. The Avatar Spec ED trades that were offered last August are scheduled to release within the next couple of weeks according to Diamond's site. The single issue books have not been canceled yet and several show release dates in May and June. If there are any of the single issues you would like removed, just let me know because they are order adjustable at this point since it has been so long since they were offered.

Thank you for your business!

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Discount Comic Book Service


My Digital Comics

On Thu, Apr 12, 2018 at 5:48 PM, James Raynor <jrphoenix@hotmail.com> wrote:

Some of these comics have been cancelled and many of the trades specials have been released. Can you please add the trades and cancel the comics that are no longer shipping.

Thank you,


Warren Ellis Black Gas TP Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171283 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
Bankshot #5 (of 5)
AUG170084 513171
$2.39 1 $2.39
Disenchanted TP Vol 02 Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171262 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
Doktor Sleepless TP Vol 01 Engines of Desire Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171277 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
Alan Moore Fashion Beast TP Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171250 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
Warren Ellis Black Gas TP Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171283 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
(bleep) TP (MR) Vol 03 End of Time Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171269 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
Disenchanted TP Vol 01 Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171261 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
Dan The Unharmable TP Vol 02 Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171266 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
Gravel TP Vol 02 The Major Seven Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171274 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
Dan The Unharmable TP Vol 01 Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171265 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
Anna Mercury TP Vol 01 The Cutter Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171281 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
(bleep) TP Vol 02 Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171268 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
Black Summer TP Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171260 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
Kull Eternal #5 Cvr B Sanchez
AUG170434 513171
$2.59 1 $2.59
Gravel TP Vol 04 Combat Magician Sp Ed (MR) (C: 0-1-2)
AUG171276 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
(bleep) TP Vol 01 Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171267 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
Gravel TP Vol 03 Last King of England Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171275 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
Kull Eternal #4 Cvr A Pizzari
JUL170606 508963
$2.59 1 $2.59
Lost Fleet Corsair #3 (of 4) Cvr B French Wraparound Var
JUN171985 504747
$2.79 1 $2.79
Kull Eternal #3 Cvr B Sears
JUN170606 504747
$2.59 1 $2.59
Calexit #4 (MR)
JUN171275 504747
$2.79 1 $2.79
Calexit #3 (MR)
MAY171199 499895
$2.79 1 $2.79
Vessel #3 (of 3) Cvr C Reyes
Vessel #2 (of 3) Cvr B Tolibao
MAR172286 490547
$4.19 1 $4.19
Amory Wars HC Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth 3 (MR)
FEB171292 485949
$19.49 1 $19.49
Vessel #1 (of 3) Cvr B Tolibao
FEB172147 485949
$4.19 1 $4.19
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Re: DCBS Monthly Shipments

Post by nacho »

I don't have THAT many outstanding items with DCBS, but it would be nice to wrap up the loose ends and be done with the transition. One or two items they claim they were shorted on and said they'd fill them when the replacements arrived. That was over three months ago, so I assume that if they were able to get replacements, it would have happened by now.

But more worrisome, I had issues of X-Men Blue, Gold, and Jessica Jones that got released, added to my final shipment, and suddenly got pulled out after I asked them to ship the box. Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot. I'm confident that would never have happened if I'd still been a regular customer. I know they were released because even the subsequent issues are in my last shipment.

I also have a few TPB/HC that may or may not ever ship, but I didn't want to wait on them indefinitely to get my monthlies. I'll gladly pay for another shipment down the road if/when those items get released. It's odd that I'm having more trouble from DCBS in the last two months than I did in over a decade as a regular customer. It's hard not to feel like they're taking advantage of the situation.

For what it's worth, I'm glad I'm not alone. I mean, I hate it for everyone in the same situation, but misery loves company...? Maybe one of us will hit on the magic formula for sorting out the mess and everyone can learn from it.
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Re: DCBS Monthly Shipments

Post by JohnMayo »

Technically Calexit #4 and #5 haven't been cancelled. The ad in the April Previews implies they will be but they weren't in the cancellation list for April or May. I specifically ask Diamond about those two and were told there have scheduled release dates.

At the moment, most of what i have pending at DCBS is scheduled for a mythical June 27th release.
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Re: DCBS Monthly Shipments

Post by drew »

i had to email them - cancel everything that hadn't been filled and force ship my final order - it was a giant hassle and i think i got screwed $$-wise
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Re: DCBS Monthly Shipments

Post by erickowabunga »

If anyone would like, I am happy to review their outstanding DCBS items and confirm what has/has not come out. If items have not come out, and the Final Order date has not arrived, I can order them, and you should be able to cancel them with DCBS. Likewise, if they have, and are out of stock at Diamond, I can also look around at my network of stores that I trade inventory as needed with to see if we can make you whole.

To Drew's point, just make sure that if you do choose that path, that you confirm with DCBS what you are cancelling, and what your credit will be before having me place the order. I don't want anyone having to be double-obligated.
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Re: DCBS Monthly Shipments

Post by nacho »

With the collections I have outstanding, I'm not willing to just cancel it all and flush what I've already paid for. That would be painful. But I assume I will have to re-order from somewhere the handful of issues that were released weeks/months ago that they are choosing not to fulfill.

I have a hard time imagining Cameron is allowing this kind of practice. He was always a stand-up guy. Maybe when they moved the warehouse to Memphis they took on some staff that didn't share his passion for taking care of customers. That's pure speculation on my part, but I can't reconcile their uncharacteristic behavior in any other fashion.

Eric, thanks for the offer. In my particular case, I don't think I have many unreleased items outside the final order cutoff, but I'll check. It's nice to know that when one door closes... :)
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Re: DCBS Monthly Shipments

Post by erickowabunga »

Here is the current status at Diamond of these items for anyone who also is wondering:

AUG171283 Warren Ellis Black Gas TP Sp Ed - Stock Status: In Stock - Ship Date: 12/5/07
AUG170084 Bankshot #5 - Stock Status: B/O Not Stocked - Ship Date: TBD
AUG171262 - Disenchanted TP Vol 02 Sp Ed - Stock Status: LOW - Ship Date: 12/10/14
AUG171277 - Doktor Sleepless TP Vol 01 Engines of Desire Sp Ed - Stock Status: In Stock - Ship Date: 10/15/08
AUG171250 - Alan Moore Fashion Beast TP Sp Ed - Stock Status: In Stock - Ship Date: 8/7/13
AUG171269 - (bleep) TP (MR) Vol 03 End of Time Sp Ed - Stock Status: In Stock - Ship Date: 8/12/15
AUG171261 - Disenchanted TP Vol 01 Sp Ed - Stock Status: Out of Stock - Ship Date: 4/25/18
AUG171266 - Dan The Unharmable TP Vol 02 Sp Ed - Stock Status: Out of Stock - Ship Date: 4/25/18
AUG171274 - Gravel TP Vol 02 The Major Seven Sp Ed - Stock Status: In Stock - Ship Date: 12/16/09
AUG171265 - Dan The Unharmable TP Vol 01 Sp Ed - Stock Status: Out of Stock - Ship Date: 4/25/18
AUG171281 - Anna Mercury TP Vol 01 The Cutter Sp Ed - Stock Status: In Stock - Ship Date: 03/04/09
AUG171268 - (bleep) TP Vol 02 Sp Ed - Stock Status: In Stock - Ship Date: 06/18/14
AUG171260 - Black Summer TP Sp Ed - Stock Status: In Stock - Ship Date: 09/24/08
AUG170434 - Kull Eternal #5 Cvr B Sanchez - Stock Status: Hasn’t Shipped - Ship Date: 06/27/18
AUG171276 - Gravel TP Vol 04 Combat Magician Sp Ed - Stock Status: In Stock - Ship Date: 09/17/14
AUG171267 - (bleep) TP Vol 01 Sp Ed - Stock Status: In Stock - Ship Date: 10/17/12
AUG171275 - Gravel TP Vol 03 Last King of England Sp Ed - Stock Status: In Stock - Ship Date: 11/10/10
JUL170606 - Kull Eternal #4 Cvr A Pizzari - Stock Status: Hasn’t Shipped - Ship Date: 06/27/18
JUN171985 - Lost Fleet Corsair #3 (of 4) Cvr B French Wraparound Var - Stock Status: Out of Stock - Ship Date: 08/09/17
JUN170606 - Kull Eternal #3 Cvr B Sears - Stock Status: Hasn’t Shipped - Ship Date: 05/02/18
JUN171275 - Calexit #4 - Stock Status: Hasn’t Shipped - Ship Date: 06/27/18
MAY171199 - Calexit #3 - Stock Status: Hasn’t Shipped - Ship Date: 05/09/18
APR172223 - Vessel #3 (of 3) Cvr C Reyes - Stock Status: Hasn’t Shipped - Ship Date: 06/27/18
MAR172286 - Vessel #2 (of 3) Cvr B Tolibao - Stock Status: Hasn’t Shipped - Ship Date: 05/30/18
FEB171292 - Amory Wars HC Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth 3 - Stock Status: Hasn’t Shipped - Ship Date: 05/30/18
FEB172147 - Vessel #1 (of 3) Cvr B Tolibao - Stock Status: Hasn’t Shipped - Ship Date: 05/30/18

jrphoenix wrote:I sent a copy of this email to Eric. I didn't want him to re-order.. just wanted him to know about the shenanigans. I am pretty sure John is stuck in Limbo. Some of these things have shipped or were cancelled (bankshot was a known cancellation, so were calexit in lieu of a trade, I believe Kull was cancelled in lieu of a trade):

Hi James,

I checked on all of these items today and none of them have been released yet. The Avatar Spec ED trades that were offered last August are scheduled to release within the next couple of weeks according to Diamond's site. The single issue books have not been canceled yet and several show release dates in May and June. If there are any of the single issues you would like removed, just let me know because they are order adjustable at this point since it has been so long since they were offered.

Thank you for your business!

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Discount Comic Book Service


My Digital Comics

On Thu, Apr 12, 2018 at 5:48 PM, James Raynor <jrphoenix@hotmail.com> wrote:

Some of these comics have been cancelled and many of the trades specials have been released. Can you please add the trades and cancel the comics that are no longer shipping.

Thank you,


Warren Ellis Black Gas TP Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171283 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
Bankshot #5 (of 5)
AUG170084 513171
$2.39 1 $2.39
Disenchanted TP Vol 02 Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171262 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
Doktor Sleepless TP Vol 01 Engines of Desire Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171277 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
Alan Moore Fashion Beast TP Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171250 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
Warren Ellis Black Gas TP Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171283 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
(bleep) TP (MR) Vol 03 End of Time Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171269 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
Disenchanted TP Vol 01 Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171261 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
Dan The Unharmable TP Vol 02 Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171266 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
Gravel TP Vol 02 The Major Seven Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171274 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
Dan The Unharmable TP Vol 01 Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171265 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
Anna Mercury TP Vol 01 The Cutter Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171281 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
(bleep) TP Vol 02 Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171268 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
Black Summer TP Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171260 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
Kull Eternal #5 Cvr B Sanchez
AUG170434 513171
$2.59 1 $2.59
Gravel TP Vol 04 Combat Magician Sp Ed (MR) (C: 0-1-2)
AUG171276 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
(bleep) TP Vol 01 Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171267 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
Gravel TP Vol 03 Last King of England Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171275 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
Kull Eternal #4 Cvr A Pizzari
JUL170606 508963
$2.59 1 $2.59
Lost Fleet Corsair #3 (of 4) Cvr B French Wraparound Var
JUN171985 504747
$2.79 1 $2.79
Kull Eternal #3 Cvr B Sears
JUN170606 504747
$2.59 1 $2.59
Calexit #4 (MR)
JUN171275 504747
$2.79 1 $2.79
Calexit #3 (MR)
MAY171199 499895
$2.79 1 $2.79
Vessel #3 (of 3) Cvr C Reyes
Vessel #2 (of 3) Cvr B Tolibao
MAR172286 490547
$4.19 1 $4.19
Amory Wars HC Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth 3 (MR)
FEB171292 485949
$19.49 1 $19.49
Vessel #1 (of 3) Cvr B Tolibao
FEB172147 485949
$4.19 1 $4.19
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Re: DCBS Monthly Shipments

Post by erickowabunga »

Here is the current status of these items for anyone else who may be wondering:

AUG171283 - Warren Ellis Black Gas TP Sp Ed - Stock Status: LOW - Ship Date: 12/05/07
AUG170084 - Bankshot #5 (of 5) - Stock Status: B/O Not Stocked - Ship Date: TBD
AUG171262 - Disenchanted TP Vol 02 Sp Ed - Stock Status: LOW - Ship Date: 12/10/14
AUG171277 - Doktor Sleepless TP Vol 01 Engines of Desire Sp Ed - Stock Status: In Stock - Ship Date: 10/15/08
AUG171250 - Alan Moore Fashion Beast TP Sp Ed - Stock Status: In Stock - Ship Date: 8/7/13
AUG171269 - (bleep) TP (MR) Vol 03 End of Time Sp Ed - Stock Status: In Stock - Ship Date: 8/12/15
AUG171261 - Disenchanted TP Vol 01 Sp Ed - Stock Status: Out of Stock - Ship Date: 4/25/18
AUG171266 - Dan The Unharmable TP Vol 02 Sp Ed - Stock Status: Out of Stock - Ship Date: 4/25/18
AUG171274 - Gravel TP Vol 02 The Major Seven Sp Ed - Stock Status: In Stock - Ship Date: 12/16/09
AUG171265 - Dan The Unharmable TP Vol 01 Sp Ed - Stock Status: Out of Stock - Ship Date: 4/25/18
AUG171281 - Anna Mercury TP Vol 01 The Cutter Sp Ed - Stock Status: In Stock - Ship Date: 03/04/09
AUG171268 - (bleep) TP Vol 02 Sp Ed - Stock Status: In Stock - Ship Date: 06/18/14
AUG171260 - Black Summer TP Sp Ed - Stock Status: In Stock - Ship Date: 09/24/08
AUG170434 - Kull Eternal #5 Cvr B Sanchez - Stock Status: Hasn’t Shipped - Ship Date: 06/27/18
AUG171276 - Gravel TP Vol 04 Combat Magician Sp Ed - Stock Status: In Stock - Ship Date: 09/17/14
AUG171267 - (bleep) TP Vol 01 Sp Ed - Stock Status: In Stock - Ship Date: 10/17/12
AUG171275 - Gravel TP Vol 03 Last King of England Sp Ed - Stock Status: In Stock - Ship Date: 11/10/10
JUL170606 - Kull Eternal #4 Cvr A Pizzari - Stock Status: Hasn’t Shipped - Ship Date: 06/27/18
JUN171985 - Lost Fleet Corsair #3 (of 4) Cvr B French Wraparound Var - Stock Status: Out of Stock - Ship Date: 08/09/17
JUN170606 - Kull Eternal #3 Cvr B Sears - Stock Status: Hasn’t Shipped - Ship Date: 05/02/18
JUN171275 - Calexit #4 - Stock Status: Hasn’t Shipped - Ship Date: 06/27/18
MAY171199 - Calexit #3 - Stock Status: Hasn’t Shipped - Ship Date: 05/09/18
APR172223 - Vessel #3 (of 3) Cvr C Reyes - Stock Status: Hasn’t Shipped - Ship Date: 06/27/18
MAR172286 - Vessel #2 (of 3) Cvr B Tolibao - Stock Status: Hasn’t Shipped - Ship Date: 05/30/18
FEB171292 - Amory Wars HC Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth 3 - Stock Status: Hasn’t Shipped - Ship Date: 05/30/18
FEB172147 - Vessel #1 (of 3) Cvr B Tolibao - Stock Status: Hasn’t Shipped - Ship Date: 05/30/18
jrphoenix wrote:I sent a copy of this email to Eric. I didn't want him to re-order.. just wanted him to know about the shenanigans. I am pretty sure John is stuck in Limbo. Some of these things have shipped or were cancelled (bankshot was a known cancellation, so were calexit in lieu of a trade, I believe Kull was cancelled in lieu of a trade):

Hi James,

I checked on all of these items today and none of them have been released yet. The Avatar Spec ED trades that were offered last August are scheduled to release within the next couple of weeks according to Diamond's site. The single issue books have not been canceled yet and several show release dates in May and June. If there are any of the single issues you would like removed, just let me know because they are order adjustable at this point since it has been so long since they were offered.

Thank you for your business!

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Discount Comic Book Service


My Digital Comics

On Thu, Apr 12, 2018 at 5:48 PM, James Raynor <jrphoenix@hotmail.com> wrote:

Some of these comics have been cancelled and many of the trades specials have been released. Can you please add the trades and cancel the comics that are no longer shipping.

Thank you,


Warren Ellis Black Gas TP Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171283 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
Bankshot #5 (of 5)
AUG170084 513171
$2.39 1 $2.39
Disenchanted TP Vol 02 Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171262 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
Doktor Sleepless TP Vol 01 Engines of Desire Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171277 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
Alan Moore Fashion Beast TP Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171250 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
Warren Ellis Black Gas TP Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171283 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
(bleep) TP (MR) Vol 03 End of Time Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171269 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
Disenchanted TP Vol 01 Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171261 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
Dan The Unharmable TP Vol 02 Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171266 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
Gravel TP Vol 02 The Major Seven Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171274 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
Dan The Unharmable TP Vol 01 Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171265 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
Anna Mercury TP Vol 01 The Cutter Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171281 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
(bleep) TP Vol 02 Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171268 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
Black Summer TP Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171260 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
Kull Eternal #5 Cvr B Sanchez
AUG170434 513171
$2.59 1 $2.59
Gravel TP Vol 04 Combat Magician Sp Ed (MR) (C: 0-1-2)
AUG171276 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
(bleep) TP Vol 01 Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171267 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
Gravel TP Vol 03 Last King of England Sp Ed (MR)
AUG171275 513171
$3.89 1 $3.89
Kull Eternal #4 Cvr A Pizzari
JUL170606 508963
$2.59 1 $2.59
Lost Fleet Corsair #3 (of 4) Cvr B French Wraparound Var
JUN171985 504747
$2.79 1 $2.79
Kull Eternal #3 Cvr B Sears
JUN170606 504747
$2.59 1 $2.59
Calexit #4 (MR)
JUN171275 504747
$2.79 1 $2.79
Calexit #3 (MR)
MAY171199 499895
$2.79 1 $2.79
Vessel #3 (of 3) Cvr C Reyes
Vessel #2 (of 3) Cvr B Tolibao
MAR172286 490547
$4.19 1 $4.19
Amory Wars HC Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth 3 (MR)
FEB171292 485949
$19.49 1 $19.49
Vessel #1 (of 3) Cvr B Tolibao
FEB172147 485949
$4.19 1 $4.19
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