Feedback Thread: What Did John Get Recently: 2/14 to 3/28

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Feedback Thread: What Did John Get Recently: 2/14 to 3/28

Post by JohnMayo »

It has been a while since I’ve gone over what I’ve been getting lately. This episode covers everything I’ve gotten over the last seven weeks.







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Post by ShawnL »

Did you forget to wind your calendar?

You mentioned the skype review of the latest previews as being on Friday the "8th" (Friday is the 6th this week).

I presume that the change to Friday was edited in, because shortly thereafter you said that the review would be on Saturday (the 9th ?).

Anyway, you teased us enough about your health issues that I'm curious enough to want to listen to your story. If you're comfortable podcasting it to the world, please go ahead.

The images in your post with all the covers in your weekly shipments: Is that from your database, or some graphics program? I take it you scan all your comics covers? Is that just for the benefit of this post, or have you been scanning them all along?
Shawn Levasseur
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Post by Koete »

That was quite a run down, great job. One thing though, what do you mean about that one book being good and done well unlike Zoom Suit? Zoom Suit was great!
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Post by JohnMayo »

ShawnL wrote:Did you forget to wind your calendar?

You mentioned the skype review of the latest previews as being on Friday the "8th" (Friday is the 6th this week).

I presume that the change to Friday was edited in, because shortly thereafter you said that the review would be on Saturday (the 9th ?).

Anyway, you teased us enough about your health issues that I'm curious enough to want to listen to your story. If you're comfortable podcasting it to the world, please go ahead.

The images in your post with all the covers in your weekly shipments: Is that from your database, or some graphics program? I take it you scan all your comics covers? Is that just for the benefit of this post, or have you been scanning them all along?
Oops. My bad. Yes, this Friday is the call and, yes, that would be the 6th. Maybe I should have looked at a calender before editing in that change. I'd already recorded the episode before we changed the date and had to edit that in afterwards. Brilliant editing job, wasn't it? :roll: :lol:

I'll probably go over the health issues as soon as I can find a decent approach to the topic. A don't mind talking about it but I don't really want to come across as overly bitter about it.

And the cover scans are taken from I'm way to lazy/busy to scan in two or three dozen comic covers each week. I have my Excel file grab the thumbnails from Another macro tosses then onto a form and takes a screenshot of that window. Not the most elegant looking thing but it works for me. I abuse the heck out of VBA and Excel. For more information on my insane comic book tracking system, look here.
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Post by JohnMayo »

Koete wrote:That was quite a run down, great job. One thing though, what do you mean about that one book being good and done well unlike Zoom Suit? Zoom Suit was great!
PS238 is an excellent seres. And it is switching from bimonthly or quarterly or whatever it had been to monthly. So now is a great time to get on board with that series. Actually, anytime is a great time. It is a very accessible series.

And while I enjoyed Zoom Suit, I thought it was week in some areas. The art was a bit uneven and it was a little too light in the story for me. I guess with Zoom Suit I was a little underwhelmed. It wasn't bad, I just expected it to be better.

But what I was actually referring to wasn't Zoom Suit but Zoom, the movie staring Tim Allen which was based on Zoom's Academy for the Super Gifted. The concept for the original comic series (which lasted three issues) was okay but reasonably basic. The movie changed things around a bit as frequently happens when anything is adapted into a movie. And while I thought the movie was okay, most people seemed to hate it.

Zoom and Sky High are the basic school for super powered kids premise. And, really, this idea goes back to the X-Men if not further back. Both are decent but PS238 takes the concept and does a lot more with it. The kids in PS238 are elementary school students insted of high school aged. The main difference for me is that the characters seem fairly realistic in terms of personalities.
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Post by Koete »

Ah, I see. :oops:

Sorry I misheard. I don't have the heart to watch Zoom, but I did watch Sky High and I thought it was an okay film.
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Post by JohnMayo »

I don't think Zoom is as bad as most people seem to think. It is far from a perfect movie. Very far. But it is a halfway decent super-hero film aimed at kids. Sky High is a much better film of the two.
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