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Post by jediknightbobby »

I was thinking about what John said on a podcast about Marvel working it's way up to a 4.99 regular priced comic. My first reaction was no way, can't do it again with another price hike, but will I actually stop reading comics at that price point. I am not sure, I can beat my chest and say nope, that's where I draw a line in the sand and stop reading but will I. Not sure. I know that I would have to cut back, and maybe allot. I am already at a breaking point of enjoyment to price point as it is. A comic that is 3.99 and comes out now twice a month is already becoming somewhat of a deal breaker. When DC increased their pricing to 3.99 on all books, I knew it was coming still hurts. It came fast and I haven't had time to adjust for it, but I will be dropping a few titles and not picking up anything new because of this. A 4.99 increase will probably mean even less comics a month. It really is a shame, I love comics and enjoy my time reading them, but the value is questionable at best. It's heart breaking to spend each month seeing all the 4.99,5.99,6.99,and even 9.99 comics that come out and say to myself, is the value there anymore for these things. After 40 plus years of reading I have to say I am just about to say uncle and give up. I don't know, what do you think? Is there a point where the price is to much? Can you stop reading on a monthly basis? I just signed up for Marvel Unlimited and am going to give it a try, but I can already say it's just not the same as holding a real comic. Now if DC were to offer the same kind of deal, then I would have to change over to all digital.
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Re: 4.99

Post by Kdunlop »

I’ve been reading for 40 years too and I did make the switch. I just want to read the comics so Marvel Unlimited works for me.
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Re: 4.99

Post by NicksPicks »

jediknightbobby wrote:After 40 plus years of reading I have to say I am just about to say uncle and give up.
I feel your pain. I've only been in the reading/collecting game for 7 years, and anything close to $5 for a comic scares me. 20 pages of story at $3.99 is a cap for me. And if the publisher pushes it twice a month, it had better be Batman, or I'm dropping that series or another one to make up for it. I only take $4.99 for the occasional extra sized annual or special. If it's for a relaunch or renumbering, I'm dropping the title. If it's a new series, I don't even give the series a chance. If it's an "anniversary issue" it had better only come around every few years. And don't even think of giving me a $4.99 anniversary issue followed by a $4.99 special followed by a $4.99 relaunch. And no independent book is even close to being worth $4.99 plus per issue, even if it's double or over sized (my wallet ain't yours for "trying to find a market"). There are plenty of great $3 or $4 indy series.

Recent cuts from my pull list for breaking these rules include: Daredevil, Thor (anniversary followed by special followed by relaunch), Amazing Spider-Man, Batgirl, Captain America, X-Men Grand Design (thought originally it was only 2 issue mini), Old Man Logan, All-New Wolverine/X-23, and Immortal Men. Thankfully DC has cancelled titles at the same time as the price hike, so I haven't had to trim those series myself. I would have dropped all Young Animal, and either Harley Quinn, Green Arrow, and/or Green Lanterns if they weren't canceling so many in the next month or two. My only exceptions to any of these rules based on available funds are special one shots if they sound fun (Batman/Elmer Fudd), bimonthly double sized issues (Supergirl Being Super), super important and engaging event issues (must have extra pages), brief weekly series (got to really be worth it), and the occasional seasonal or yearly special/anthology issue like a DC Christmas Special or New Talent Showcase (gotta support the new talent).
I read comic books for fun.
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Re: 4.99

Post by Perseus »

People must be insane to pay that much for a comic. I'll never pay that much for a comic. I'm pretty much only into reading trades and manga from the library, reading the occasional digital issue, or buying trades/HC's to keep. I'm just not into this current superhero game anymore. If an occasional run comes up that looks great, I'll consider the collected edition. I'm having too much enjoyment discovering more and more indie creators with their OGN's and reading great manga. Also, I'm enjoying the old back issues of DC and some old Marvel Bronze Age content.
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Re: 4.99

Post by NicksPicks »

Perseus, how excited are you about the major publishers dipping their toes into more OGN and standalone miniseries type material? Also, are you reading collections like the Marvel Epic line or the DC Bronze Age or Silver Age lines? I find they are satisfying chunks of material for a decent price. And definitely not the headache of monthly issues!
I read comic books for fun.
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Re: 4.99

Post by Perseus »

It depends when it comes to major publishers and OGN's. I have a great fill of them and also some serial comics in the independent scene. I'd like to see more OGN's, but make sure they get to the bookstore market. That should be a priority. DC's young readers imprint comes to mind for some of the titles I was seeing. That's the way Scholastic and First Second does business. As far as the DC and Marvel collections go, I love the trades/HC's they are putting out of the classic material. I am slowly reading my Silver Age Legion of Super Heroes Omnibus little by little. Fun and nice to see the early iterations of the team. One I'm super disappointed was cancelled was Golden Age Aquaman. Never been collected, and still not apparently. The only way people have them is some old Golden Age issue or on microfiche. I plan on getting more DC and some Marvel tpb/Omnibus collections. Also, more indie reading. One con I wish I could go to is the SPX (Small Press Expo). All indie.
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Re: 4.99

Post by jrphoenix »

I'm interested to read John's take. I find many people including, my wife, my nephew (who would buy comics), co-worker's, etc... are shocked when they find out how much a comic costs. The medium has become too expensive. If it weren't for discount retailers, like Kowabunga, I might find myself going GN or marvel unlimited only. If 4.99 becomes the norm and and economic down cycle hits our economy... I think that may move the industry towards book trade only in the future? My thoughts.
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Re: 4.99

Post by Kdunlop »

It’s a good point about the economy. When my wife and I had to curb our spending you have to decide what entertainment to keep. Netflix makes the cut for the hours of entertainment it provides but it is hard to justify a comic’s price when it only takes 20 minutes to read it. Marvel Unlimited was a great compromise.
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