Yearly Comics Spotlight #013: 2019 [Deadline: end of 2019)
Moderator: JohnMayo
Yearly Comics Spotlight #013: 2019 [Deadline: end of 2019)
James and I will be recording the Yearly Comics Spotlight #013 episode covering 2019 in early January.
The categories this year are DC, Marvel, Premiere Publishers (BOOM! Studios, Dark Horse, Dynamite, IDW and Image) and the other publishers and some miscellaneous other items.
When listing creators, it helps if you include some of the titles they've worked that influenced your pick. For example, "FirstName LastName (Event title, Monthly title, obscure title)" is much more informative than just putting "FirstName LastName".
Fill in as many categories below as you want. If you don't have a pick for some, that is fine. Just leave the square brackets empty.
An automated process will be compiling the notes we use for the episode using the square brackets as the delimiters for your responses.
Copy the text below and put your answers inside the square brackets.
Favorite Series (New or continuing): []
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: []
Favorite Series (New or continuing): []
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: []
Premiere Publishers (BOOM! Studios, Dark Horse, Dynamite, IDW and Image):
Favorite Series (New or continuing): []
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: []
Other Publishers:
Favorite Series (New or continuing): []
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: []
Most improved: []
Favorite Publisher: []
Best All Ages title: []
Favorite Comic Television Show: []
Favorite Comic Movie: []
Best Other (trade, hardcover, periodical or book): []
Highlight of 2019: []
Prediction for 2020: []
How often do post on the Comic Book Page forum? []
How often do you check the Comic Book Page Slack channel? []
Have you ever submitted a Previews Spotlight clip? []
-What can we do to encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes? []
Has the Comic Book Page podcast added any comics to your reading list? If so, which comics and why? []
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? []
On average, about how many newly released comic books do you get each week? []
Are you planning increasing or decreasing your comic book reading in 2020? []
-If so, why? []
-And by how much? []
Additional Comments? []
Please have your entries in by the end of 2019 (morning of January 1st, 2020). Thanks for participating!
The categories this year are DC, Marvel, Premiere Publishers (BOOM! Studios, Dark Horse, Dynamite, IDW and Image) and the other publishers and some miscellaneous other items.
When listing creators, it helps if you include some of the titles they've worked that influenced your pick. For example, "FirstName LastName (Event title, Monthly title, obscure title)" is much more informative than just putting "FirstName LastName".
Fill in as many categories below as you want. If you don't have a pick for some, that is fine. Just leave the square brackets empty.
An automated process will be compiling the notes we use for the episode using the square brackets as the delimiters for your responses.
Copy the text below and put your answers inside the square brackets.
Favorite Series (New or continuing): []
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: []
Favorite Series (New or continuing): []
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: []
Premiere Publishers (BOOM! Studios, Dark Horse, Dynamite, IDW and Image):
Favorite Series (New or continuing): []
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: []
Other Publishers:
Favorite Series (New or continuing): []
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: []
Most improved: []
Favorite Publisher: []
Best All Ages title: []
Favorite Comic Television Show: []
Favorite Comic Movie: []
Best Other (trade, hardcover, periodical or book): []
Highlight of 2019: []
Prediction for 2020: []
How often do post on the Comic Book Page forum? []
How often do you check the Comic Book Page Slack channel? []
Have you ever submitted a Previews Spotlight clip? []
-What can we do to encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes? []
Has the Comic Book Page podcast added any comics to your reading list? If so, which comics and why? []
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? []
On average, about how many newly released comic books do you get each week? []
Are you planning increasing or decreasing your comic book reading in 2020? []
-If so, why? []
-And by how much? []
Additional Comments? []
Please have your entries in by the end of 2019 (morning of January 1st, 2020). Thanks for participating!
- Reviewer
- Posts: 128
- Joined: Sat Feb 11, 2017 9:25 am
Re: Yearly Comics Spotlight #19: 2019 [Deadline: end of 2019
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Aquaman - It doesn't always have to make sense, but Kelly Sue DeConnick has been telling an intriguing story all year to accompany some of the best art in the business.]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [DC Ghosts 100-Page Giant which did a good job of telling quick stories about some of DC's best spooky characters - The Spectre, Gentleman Ghost, Constantine, and even some twisted takes on regular characters.]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [artist Robson Rocha from Aquaman]
Book you wish more people read: [The Dreaming, by writer Si Spurrier and primarily art from the always spectacular Bilquis Evely. ]
Book you wish they would publish: [JSA]
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Silver Surfer Black]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Cosmic Ghost Rider Destroys Marvel History. Just something interesting about this miniseries. I liked the ending even though it was heartbreaking.]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: [Silver Surfer ongoing]
Premiere Publishers (BOOM! Studios, Dark Horse, Dynamite, IDW and Image):
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Coda from Boom, an interesting story but the art was always a special combination of fun line work from Matias Bergara and colors by Michael Doig]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Gideon Falls #11. I did not expect multiverse theory to come up in this series, and the art was equally grotesque and spectacular. The series explodes forward from here.]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [artist Matias Bergara on Coda, but I also want to salute writer Jeff Lemire for always being the workhorse of the indie industry]
Book you wish more people read: [The Canto miniseries from IDW. I hear there may be a return of the series in 2020.]
Book you wish they would publish: [Whatever new and imaginative books they come up with, I am always happy to give anything interesting a try.]
Other Publishers:
Favorite Series (New or continuing): ["These Savage Shores" by Vault Comics]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Sumit Kumar, the artist on "These Savage Shores" from Vault]
Book you wish more people read: [There is a series of graphic novels from First Second called "Castle in the Stars" that is written and illustrated by Alex Alice. The 3rd installment, The Knights on Mars, came out this September and the last installment is likely around the same time in 2020.]
Book you wish they would publish: [As with the premier publishers, I am always happy to give anything new a try if the art looks good and the story premise is imaginative.]
Most improved: [Marvel]
Favorite Publisher: [I am going with Vault Comics for getting me to sample and read many new series. They put some good up and coming artists and writers together.]
Best All Ages title: [Canto from IDW]
Favorite Comic Television Show: [The Flash]
Favorite Comic Movie: [SHAZAM]
Best Other (trade, hardcover, periodical or book): [Cromwell Stone - a hardcover collection of the trilogy of European graphic novels from writer and artist Andreas which was translated and published by Titan Comics. Jaw dropping art in the style of etchings or lithographs, with a fantastic and bizarre Lovecraftian story.]
Highlight of 2019: [Discovering and rediscovering some really foundational and excellent comics in the back issue bins and new collected editions solicits each month. I have been reading through T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents, New Teen Titans, Airboy, and Alan Moore's Swamp Thing.]
Prediction for 2020: [A few of the smaller new pop-up publishers will close and consolidate, making way for some new mid-level publishers to rise up.]
How often do post on the Comic Book Page forum? [1 to 2 times per month]
How often do you check the Comic Book Page Slack channel? [NA]
Have you ever submitted a Previews Spotlight clip? [Yes]
-What can we do to encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes? [Keep offering the opportunity]
Has the Comic Book Page podcast added any comics to your reading list? If so, which comics and why? [Yes, I typically do a pretty thorough search through the catalog before the Spotlight, but recommendations from other listeners often tip the scale to make the purchase. Two recent example were the Green Arrow by Mike Grell Omnibus and Legion of Super-Heroes relaunch due to the enthusiasm I heard from fans of the material and creators.]
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? [Keep up the hard work. Continue to focus on the series and creators you all enjoy reading. Don't worry about the industry hyped issues.]
On average, about how many newly released comic books do you get each week? [12]
Are you planning increasing or decreasing your comic book reading in 2020? [Keep the buying the same, but increase the reading! Haha!]
-If so, why? [After making some needed cuts this last year for time and space budget needs, I have found a happy medium for now.]
-And by how much? []
Additional Comments? [I hope 2019 is the end of miniseries that just set up another miniseries. Decompressed storytelling within a series is one thing, but decompressed stories across subsequent series already has caused me to cut whole publishers from my new issue purchasing.]
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Aquaman - It doesn't always have to make sense, but Kelly Sue DeConnick has been telling an intriguing story all year to accompany some of the best art in the business.]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [DC Ghosts 100-Page Giant which did a good job of telling quick stories about some of DC's best spooky characters - The Spectre, Gentleman Ghost, Constantine, and even some twisted takes on regular characters.]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [artist Robson Rocha from Aquaman]
Book you wish more people read: [The Dreaming, by writer Si Spurrier and primarily art from the always spectacular Bilquis Evely. ]
Book you wish they would publish: [JSA]
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Silver Surfer Black]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Cosmic Ghost Rider Destroys Marvel History. Just something interesting about this miniseries. I liked the ending even though it was heartbreaking.]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: [Silver Surfer ongoing]
Premiere Publishers (BOOM! Studios, Dark Horse, Dynamite, IDW and Image):
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Coda from Boom, an interesting story but the art was always a special combination of fun line work from Matias Bergara and colors by Michael Doig]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Gideon Falls #11. I did not expect multiverse theory to come up in this series, and the art was equally grotesque and spectacular. The series explodes forward from here.]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [artist Matias Bergara on Coda, but I also want to salute writer Jeff Lemire for always being the workhorse of the indie industry]
Book you wish more people read: [The Canto miniseries from IDW. I hear there may be a return of the series in 2020.]
Book you wish they would publish: [Whatever new and imaginative books they come up with, I am always happy to give anything interesting a try.]
Other Publishers:
Favorite Series (New or continuing): ["These Savage Shores" by Vault Comics]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Sumit Kumar, the artist on "These Savage Shores" from Vault]
Book you wish more people read: [There is a series of graphic novels from First Second called "Castle in the Stars" that is written and illustrated by Alex Alice. The 3rd installment, The Knights on Mars, came out this September and the last installment is likely around the same time in 2020.]
Book you wish they would publish: [As with the premier publishers, I am always happy to give anything new a try if the art looks good and the story premise is imaginative.]
Most improved: [Marvel]
Favorite Publisher: [I am going with Vault Comics for getting me to sample and read many new series. They put some good up and coming artists and writers together.]
Best All Ages title: [Canto from IDW]
Favorite Comic Television Show: [The Flash]
Favorite Comic Movie: [SHAZAM]
Best Other (trade, hardcover, periodical or book): [Cromwell Stone - a hardcover collection of the trilogy of European graphic novels from writer and artist Andreas which was translated and published by Titan Comics. Jaw dropping art in the style of etchings or lithographs, with a fantastic and bizarre Lovecraftian story.]
Highlight of 2019: [Discovering and rediscovering some really foundational and excellent comics in the back issue bins and new collected editions solicits each month. I have been reading through T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents, New Teen Titans, Airboy, and Alan Moore's Swamp Thing.]
Prediction for 2020: [A few of the smaller new pop-up publishers will close and consolidate, making way for some new mid-level publishers to rise up.]
How often do post on the Comic Book Page forum? [1 to 2 times per month]
How often do you check the Comic Book Page Slack channel? [NA]
Have you ever submitted a Previews Spotlight clip? [Yes]
-What can we do to encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes? [Keep offering the opportunity]
Has the Comic Book Page podcast added any comics to your reading list? If so, which comics and why? [Yes, I typically do a pretty thorough search through the catalog before the Spotlight, but recommendations from other listeners often tip the scale to make the purchase. Two recent example were the Green Arrow by Mike Grell Omnibus and Legion of Super-Heroes relaunch due to the enthusiasm I heard from fans of the material and creators.]
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? [Keep up the hard work. Continue to focus on the series and creators you all enjoy reading. Don't worry about the industry hyped issues.]
On average, about how many newly released comic books do you get each week? [12]
Are you planning increasing or decreasing your comic book reading in 2020? [Keep the buying the same, but increase the reading! Haha!]
-If so, why? [After making some needed cuts this last year for time and space budget needs, I have found a happy medium for now.]
-And by how much? []
Additional Comments? [I hope 2019 is the end of miniseries that just set up another miniseries. Decompressed storytelling within a series is one thing, but decompressed stories across subsequent series already has caused me to cut whole publishers from my new issue purchasing.]
Last edited by NicksPicks on Wed Jan 08, 2020 1:38 am, edited 6 times in total.
I read comic books for fun.
Re: Yearly Comics Spotlight #19: 2019 [Deadline: end of 2019
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Lois Lane]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [JL Odyssey #12]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Greg Rucka]
Book you wish more people read: [The dreaming]
Book you wish they would publish: []
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [HOX/POX]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Marauders #1]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Cafu]
Book you wish more people read: [Champions]
Book you wish they would publish: []
Premiere Publishers (BOOM! Studios, Dark Horse, Dynamite, IDW and Image):
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Lazarus: Risen]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [PrettyDeadly:theRat #1]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Michael Lark]
Book you wish more people read: [Lazarus]
Book you wish they would publish: [more Lazarus]
Other Publishers:
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Five years]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Terry Moore]
Book you wish more people read: [Five years]
Book you wish they would publish: []
Most improved: [Sandman universe]
Favorite Publisher: [Marvel]
Best All Ages title: [Ironheart]
Favorite Comic Television Show: [DCs Legends of Toorrow]
Favorite Comic Movie: [Avengers Endgame]
Best Other (trade, hardcover, periodical or book): []
Highlight of 2019: [HOX/POX]
Prediction for 2020: [The future looks bleak. Hangovers from the last Star wars and Avengers movies, where do we go from here, will there ever come anything exiting ever again??]
How often do post on the Comic Book Page forum? [weekly]
How often do you check the Comic Book Page Slack channel? [2-3x per week]
Have you ever submitted a Previews Spotlight clip? [no]
-What can we do to encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes? []
Has the Comic Book Page podcast added any comics to your reading list? If so, which comics and why? []
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? [A vote for weekly spotlight issues?]
On average, about how many newly released comic books do you get each week? [10-12]
Are you planning increasing or decreasing your comic book reading in 2020? [its an ongoing struggle, i always want to decrease a little but always also add new things]
-If so, why? [not enough time to read, comics are getting more expensive also and i would like to save some more money for trips and renovations]
-And by how much? [8-10 per week would be niceIF i can limit myself to 3 x-titles i think im ok with ongoing titles, I just need to get a lot more picky about miniseries and not picking up anything new that i really dont want to read]
Additional Comments? [Its really hard to pick just one comic from each publisher
i would have liked one new and one continuing, ofc its hard when most titles dont get more than 12 issues... classifications could be different, one team book one solo book, or just top three of each publisher. Same for Creator, imo top three or artist and writer (ofc that excludes letterer, colorist, editor from being in the race...). If everyone uses the brackets it might not be too much more work? easier said than done?
Thanks for all the hard work and the entertaining, interesting and informative pod casts!]
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Lois Lane]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [JL Odyssey #12]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Greg Rucka]
Book you wish more people read: [The dreaming]
Book you wish they would publish: []
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [HOX/POX]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Marauders #1]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Cafu]
Book you wish more people read: [Champions]
Book you wish they would publish: []
Premiere Publishers (BOOM! Studios, Dark Horse, Dynamite, IDW and Image):
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Lazarus: Risen]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [PrettyDeadly:theRat #1]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Michael Lark]
Book you wish more people read: [Lazarus]
Book you wish they would publish: [more Lazarus]
Other Publishers:
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Five years]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Terry Moore]
Book you wish more people read: [Five years]
Book you wish they would publish: []
Most improved: [Sandman universe]
Favorite Publisher: [Marvel]
Best All Ages title: [Ironheart]
Favorite Comic Television Show: [DCs Legends of Toorrow]
Favorite Comic Movie: [Avengers Endgame]
Best Other (trade, hardcover, periodical or book): []
Highlight of 2019: [HOX/POX]
Prediction for 2020: [The future looks bleak. Hangovers from the last Star wars and Avengers movies, where do we go from here, will there ever come anything exiting ever again??]
How often do post on the Comic Book Page forum? [weekly]
How often do you check the Comic Book Page Slack channel? [2-3x per week]
Have you ever submitted a Previews Spotlight clip? [no]
-What can we do to encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes? []
Has the Comic Book Page podcast added any comics to your reading list? If so, which comics and why? []
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? [A vote for weekly spotlight issues?]
On average, about how many newly released comic books do you get each week? [10-12]
Are you planning increasing or decreasing your comic book reading in 2020? [its an ongoing struggle, i always want to decrease a little but always also add new things]
-If so, why? [not enough time to read, comics are getting more expensive also and i would like to save some more money for trips and renovations]
-And by how much? [8-10 per week would be niceIF i can limit myself to 3 x-titles i think im ok with ongoing titles, I just need to get a lot more picky about miniseries and not picking up anything new that i really dont want to read]
Additional Comments? [Its really hard to pick just one comic from each publisher

Re: Yearly Comics Spotlight #19: 2019 [Deadline: end of 2019
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Batman: Curse of the White Knight]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Dollhouse Family #1. It ended with a bang, and I can't wait for further issues.]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Sean Murphy for writing and art]
Book you wish more people read: [I've dropped most DC titles, so I can't really answer this.]
Book you wish they would publish: [I wish they'd publish solicited collections instead of cancelling them. I've had 4 or 5 cancelled this year.]
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [House of X/Powers of X]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Marvel Comics #1000 had so much bang for the buck.]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Johnathan Hickman for writer, Mahmud Asrar for art]
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: [X-Factor]
Premiere Publishers (BOOM! Studios, Dark Horse, Dynamite, IDW and Image):
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Gideon Falls]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [The current arc of Oblivion Song is fantastic.]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Cullen Bunn for writer, Livio Ramondelli for art on Transformers: Galaxies]
Book you wish more people read: [G.I. Joe, A Real American Hero]
Book you wish they would publish: [I wish they would start working on Freeze again. The first 4 issues were incredible.]
Other Publishers:
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Exciting Comics from Antarctic Press. Great Golden Age revival.]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Dragonsblood from Zenescope]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Duane Swiercsynski for writing, Tim Bradstreet for art.]
Book you wish more people read: [The entire Alterna line. For a buck and a half, it's hard to go wrong.]
Book you wish they would publish: [I wish Diamond would distribute Cimmerian: Queen of the Black Coast from Ablaze.]
Most improved: [Marvel Comics]
Favorite Publisher: [Marvel Comics]
Best All Ages title: [Exilium from Alterna]
Favorite Comic Television Show: []
Favorite Comic Movie: [I thought Joker was absolutely incredible.]
Best Other (trade, hardcover, periodical or book): [Batman: The Long Halloween Hardcover. Oh, wait. It was cancelled, so I guess it's Walking Dead Volume 32.]
Highlight of 2019: [Relaunch of the X-Men! Dey my jam!]
Prediction for 2020: [The X-Men Universe will continue to flourish under Hickman's supervision.]
How often do post on the Comic Book Page forum? [Counting this post, probably about...once per year.]
How often do you check the Comic Book Page Slack channel? [I check it a couple of times per day.]
Have you ever submitted a Previews Spotlight clip? [Yes, but I have admittedly slacked off on this. Life has been busy planning birthdays, vacations and an upcoming graduation.]
-What can we do to encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes? [Grant me the superpower of stopping time so I have time. I'd like X-ray vision too.]
Has the Comic Book Page podcast added any comics to your reading list? If so, which comics and why? [The podcast has added so many comics that I would never have read. There are so many publishers I would never have tried if not for this community.]
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? [Do a crossover with Mike Myers, maybe?]
On average, about how many newly released comic books do you get each week? [About a dozen per week, shipped monthly. I hate the wait, but I can't justify shipping charges on 10-12 comics a week.]
Are you planning increasing or decreasing your comic book reading in 2020? [Either keep it around the same or decrease. I'd like to get a few more collections.]
-If so, why? []
-And by how much? []
Additional Comments? []
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Batman: Curse of the White Knight]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Dollhouse Family #1. It ended with a bang, and I can't wait for further issues.]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Sean Murphy for writing and art]
Book you wish more people read: [I've dropped most DC titles, so I can't really answer this.]
Book you wish they would publish: [I wish they'd publish solicited collections instead of cancelling them. I've had 4 or 5 cancelled this year.]
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [House of X/Powers of X]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Marvel Comics #1000 had so much bang for the buck.]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Johnathan Hickman for writer, Mahmud Asrar for art]
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: [X-Factor]
Premiere Publishers (BOOM! Studios, Dark Horse, Dynamite, IDW and Image):
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Gideon Falls]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [The current arc of Oblivion Song is fantastic.]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Cullen Bunn for writer, Livio Ramondelli for art on Transformers: Galaxies]
Book you wish more people read: [G.I. Joe, A Real American Hero]
Book you wish they would publish: [I wish they would start working on Freeze again. The first 4 issues were incredible.]
Other Publishers:
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Exciting Comics from Antarctic Press. Great Golden Age revival.]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Dragonsblood from Zenescope]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Duane Swiercsynski for writing, Tim Bradstreet for art.]
Book you wish more people read: [The entire Alterna line. For a buck and a half, it's hard to go wrong.]
Book you wish they would publish: [I wish Diamond would distribute Cimmerian: Queen of the Black Coast from Ablaze.]
Most improved: [Marvel Comics]
Favorite Publisher: [Marvel Comics]
Best All Ages title: [Exilium from Alterna]
Favorite Comic Television Show: []
Favorite Comic Movie: [I thought Joker was absolutely incredible.]
Best Other (trade, hardcover, periodical or book): [Batman: The Long Halloween Hardcover. Oh, wait. It was cancelled, so I guess it's Walking Dead Volume 32.]
Highlight of 2019: [Relaunch of the X-Men! Dey my jam!]
Prediction for 2020: [The X-Men Universe will continue to flourish under Hickman's supervision.]
How often do post on the Comic Book Page forum? [Counting this post, probably about...once per year.]
How often do you check the Comic Book Page Slack channel? [I check it a couple of times per day.]
Have you ever submitted a Previews Spotlight clip? [Yes, but I have admittedly slacked off on this. Life has been busy planning birthdays, vacations and an upcoming graduation.]
-What can we do to encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes? [Grant me the superpower of stopping time so I have time. I'd like X-ray vision too.]
Has the Comic Book Page podcast added any comics to your reading list? If so, which comics and why? [The podcast has added so many comics that I would never have read. There are so many publishers I would never have tried if not for this community.]
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? [Do a crossover with Mike Myers, maybe?]
On average, about how many newly released comic books do you get each week? [About a dozen per week, shipped monthly. I hate the wait, but I can't justify shipping charges on 10-12 comics a week.]
Are you planning increasing or decreasing your comic book reading in 2020? [Either keep it around the same or decrease. I'd like to get a few more collections.]
-If so, why? []
-And by how much? []
Additional Comments? []
Re: Yearly Comics Spotlight #19: 2019 [Deadline: end of 2019
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Basketful of Heads]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Doomsday Clock]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Robert Venditti Bryan Hitch Hawkman]
Book you wish more people read: [Hawkman]
Book you wish they would publish: [Tim Drake]
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Immortal Hulk]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Al Ewing Hulk]
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: [She-Hulk]
Premiere Publishers (BOOM! Studios, Dark Horse, Dynamite, IDW and Image):
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [G.I. Joe:Real American Hero]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Spawn #295]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Jeff Lemire Black Hammer]
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: []
Other Publishers:
Favorite Series (New or continuing): []
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: []
Most improved: []
Favorite Publisher: [IDW]
Best All Ages title: [DC Super Hero Girls]
Favorite Comic Television Show: [Flash]
Favorite Comic Movie: [Joker]
Best Other (trade, hardcover, periodical or book): [Marvel Epic Line]
Highlight of 2019: []
Prediction for 2020: []
How often do post on the Comic Book Page forum? [rarely with the Slack channel]
How often do you check the Comic Book Page Slack channel? [daily]
Have you ever submitted a Previews Spotlight clip? [Yes]
-What can we do to encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes? [I don’t like to preorder so I tend not to look ahead, I buy what is on the shelf]
Has the Comic Book Page podcast added any comics to your reading list? If so, which comics and why? [Batman vs. Ra’s Al Ghul, while it wasn’t a glowing review it sounded like something I would enjoy a great deal and have]
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? []
On average, about how many newly released comic books do you get each week? [2]
Are you planning increasing or decreasing your comic book reading in 2020? [no]
-If so, why? []
-And by how much? []
Additional Comments? [love the show keep up the great work]
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Basketful of Heads]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Doomsday Clock]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Robert Venditti Bryan Hitch Hawkman]
Book you wish more people read: [Hawkman]
Book you wish they would publish: [Tim Drake]
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Immortal Hulk]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Al Ewing Hulk]
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: [She-Hulk]
Premiere Publishers (BOOM! Studios, Dark Horse, Dynamite, IDW and Image):
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [G.I. Joe:Real American Hero]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Spawn #295]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Jeff Lemire Black Hammer]
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: []
Other Publishers:
Favorite Series (New or continuing): []
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: []
Most improved: []
Favorite Publisher: [IDW]
Best All Ages title: [DC Super Hero Girls]
Favorite Comic Television Show: [Flash]
Favorite Comic Movie: [Joker]
Best Other (trade, hardcover, periodical or book): [Marvel Epic Line]
Highlight of 2019: []
Prediction for 2020: []
How often do post on the Comic Book Page forum? [rarely with the Slack channel]
How often do you check the Comic Book Page Slack channel? [daily]
Have you ever submitted a Previews Spotlight clip? [Yes]
-What can we do to encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes? [I don’t like to preorder so I tend not to look ahead, I buy what is on the shelf]
Has the Comic Book Page podcast added any comics to your reading list? If so, which comics and why? [Batman vs. Ra’s Al Ghul, while it wasn’t a glowing review it sounded like something I would enjoy a great deal and have]
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? []
On average, about how many newly released comic books do you get each week? [2]
Are you planning increasing or decreasing your comic book reading in 2020? [no]
-If so, why? []
-And by how much? []
Additional Comments? [love the show keep up the great work]
- Contributor
- Posts: 58
- Joined: Wed Aug 05, 2009 12:27 pm
- Location: troy ny
Re: Yearly Comics Spotlight #19: 2019 [Deadline: end of 2019
Yearly Comics Spotlight #19: 2019
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Lois Lane by Greg Rucka]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Detective Comics #1012-1016 Mr & Mrs Freeze]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Writer: Tom Taylor]
Book you wish more people read: [All of the DC titles]
Book you wish they would publish: [A World War 2 Sgt Rock title]
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Ms Marvel / Magnificent Ms Marvel]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Gunhawks one shot by David Lapham & Luca Pizzai]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Donny Cates on Venom]
Book you wish more people read: [Ironheart, yes I know it was cancelled, hence my wish]
Book you wish they would publish: [A western series, such as Rawhide Kid or Two Gun Kid]
Premiere Publishers (BOOM! Studios, Dark Horse, Dynamite, IDW and Image):
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Farmhand from Image, honorable mention: Black Hammer Age of Doom from Dark Horse, Fairlady from Image by Brian Schirmer & Claudia Balboni ]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Ghost Tree from IDW by Bobby Curnow & Simon Gane]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Writer: Jeff Lemire, honorable mention Mark Millar, Garth Ennis, Rob Guillory]
Book you wish more people read: [Usagi Yojimbo]
Book you wish they would publish: [Resident Alien by Peter Hogan, Dark Horse]
Other Publishers:
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Lady Mechanika: Sangre]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Sara from TKO by Garth Ennis, amazing story]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Joe Benitez (Lady Mechanika), Paul Tobin (Bandette)]
Book you wish more people read: [Bandette by Paul Tobin and Colleen Coover This is a Digital first title with only 3 issues in the last 3 years so I see the problem with gaining readers]
Book you wish they would publish: [I'd like to see more issues of Bandette by Tobin & Coover]
Most improved: [DC Universe Digital Service]
Favorite Publisher: [DC because that's where Batman is. I'm looking forward to buying Batman again.]
Best All Ages title: [Magnificent Ms Marvel ]
Favorite Comic Television Show: [Not watching any]
Favorite Comic Movie: [Avengers End Game by default as it was the only one I saw]
Best Other (trade, hardcover, periodical or book): [Six Days- The Incredible True Story of D Days Last Chapter]
Highlight of 2019: [For me the highlight has been using the MU and DC Digital apps to dig into comics of the past. I've been reading Batman issues from the early 70's, Mark Waid's Flash from the 90's, Kurt Busiek's Avengers, Shang-Chi Master of Kung Fu from the 70's, Superman from the electric blue era in the 90's. Lot of good reading in there.]
Prediction for 2020: [Same as last year, to many comics, not enough time]
How often do post on the Comic Book Page forum? [I post whenever I submit clips to the Preview Spotlight, other than that only a couple of times a year]
How often do you check the Comic Book Page Slack channel? [Every day]
Have you ever submitted a Previews Spotlight clip? [Yes and I'm going to try to do it more often]
-What can we do to encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes? [@James' reminders on the Slack channel always help]
Has the Comic Book Page podcast added any comics to your reading list? If so, which comics and why? [What a silly question of course it has, Blue Baron, Hadrian's Wall, Hawkman, House of X & Power of X, Port of Earth, Injustice 1 & 2, Legion of Superheroes, Lois Lane, Orville, Conan, Rivers of London, you get the idea]
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? [Keep doing what you're doing. Don't worry about the DC, Marvel, Other format, substitutions for one or the other will always work. I think it's your passion and interest is comics that draw us to listen.]
On average, about how many newly released comic books do you get each week? [Only 2 or 3. I'm all digital now so my new comic buying has changed, I usually wait for things to be on sale at Comixology or to arrive on Marvel Unlimited or DC Universe]
Are you planning increasing or decreasing your comic book reading in 2020? [I plan to stay the course, about 175 comics a month]
-If so, why? []
-And by how much? []
Additional Comments? [I want to thank everyone involved in the podcast, forum and slack channel. It's nice to have a place to discuss and share information and opinions about comics without the backlash you hear about in other social media arenas. I want to thank John for expecting us to act like adults and not hesitating to correct us when we don't. Here's to a great 2020 of comic reading and discussion]
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Lois Lane by Greg Rucka]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Detective Comics #1012-1016 Mr & Mrs Freeze]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Writer: Tom Taylor]
Book you wish more people read: [All of the DC titles]
Book you wish they would publish: [A World War 2 Sgt Rock title]
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Ms Marvel / Magnificent Ms Marvel]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Gunhawks one shot by David Lapham & Luca Pizzai]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Donny Cates on Venom]
Book you wish more people read: [Ironheart, yes I know it was cancelled, hence my wish]
Book you wish they would publish: [A western series, such as Rawhide Kid or Two Gun Kid]
Premiere Publishers (BOOM! Studios, Dark Horse, Dynamite, IDW and Image):
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Farmhand from Image, honorable mention: Black Hammer Age of Doom from Dark Horse, Fairlady from Image by Brian Schirmer & Claudia Balboni ]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Ghost Tree from IDW by Bobby Curnow & Simon Gane]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Writer: Jeff Lemire, honorable mention Mark Millar, Garth Ennis, Rob Guillory]
Book you wish more people read: [Usagi Yojimbo]
Book you wish they would publish: [Resident Alien by Peter Hogan, Dark Horse]
Other Publishers:
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Lady Mechanika: Sangre]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Sara from TKO by Garth Ennis, amazing story]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Joe Benitez (Lady Mechanika), Paul Tobin (Bandette)]
Book you wish more people read: [Bandette by Paul Tobin and Colleen Coover This is a Digital first title with only 3 issues in the last 3 years so I see the problem with gaining readers]
Book you wish they would publish: [I'd like to see more issues of Bandette by Tobin & Coover]
Most improved: [DC Universe Digital Service]
Favorite Publisher: [DC because that's where Batman is. I'm looking forward to buying Batman again.]
Best All Ages title: [Magnificent Ms Marvel ]
Favorite Comic Television Show: [Not watching any]
Favorite Comic Movie: [Avengers End Game by default as it was the only one I saw]
Best Other (trade, hardcover, periodical or book): [Six Days- The Incredible True Story of D Days Last Chapter]
Highlight of 2019: [For me the highlight has been using the MU and DC Digital apps to dig into comics of the past. I've been reading Batman issues from the early 70's, Mark Waid's Flash from the 90's, Kurt Busiek's Avengers, Shang-Chi Master of Kung Fu from the 70's, Superman from the electric blue era in the 90's. Lot of good reading in there.]
Prediction for 2020: [Same as last year, to many comics, not enough time]
How often do post on the Comic Book Page forum? [I post whenever I submit clips to the Preview Spotlight, other than that only a couple of times a year]
How often do you check the Comic Book Page Slack channel? [Every day]
Have you ever submitted a Previews Spotlight clip? [Yes and I'm going to try to do it more often]
-What can we do to encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes? [@James' reminders on the Slack channel always help]
Has the Comic Book Page podcast added any comics to your reading list? If so, which comics and why? [What a silly question of course it has, Blue Baron, Hadrian's Wall, Hawkman, House of X & Power of X, Port of Earth, Injustice 1 & 2, Legion of Superheroes, Lois Lane, Orville, Conan, Rivers of London, you get the idea]
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? [Keep doing what you're doing. Don't worry about the DC, Marvel, Other format, substitutions for one or the other will always work. I think it's your passion and interest is comics that draw us to listen.]
On average, about how many newly released comic books do you get each week? [Only 2 or 3. I'm all digital now so my new comic buying has changed, I usually wait for things to be on sale at Comixology or to arrive on Marvel Unlimited or DC Universe]
Are you planning increasing or decreasing your comic book reading in 2020? [I plan to stay the course, about 175 comics a month]
-If so, why? []
-And by how much? []
Additional Comments? [I want to thank everyone involved in the podcast, forum and slack channel. It's nice to have a place to discuss and share information and opinions about comics without the backlash you hear about in other social media arenas. I want to thank John for expecting us to act like adults and not hesitating to correct us when we don't. Here's to a great 2020 of comic reading and discussion]
- Visitor
- Posts: 20
- Joined: Sat Nov 03, 2018 2:05 am
Re: Yearly Comics Spotlight #19: 2019 [Deadline: end of 2019
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [DCeased]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Death of Alfred. Batman 77 King. Totally caught me off guard. We all hoped it was Clayface but it seems to be sticking.]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Tom Taylor, writer of The Deep, DCeased, Injustice one and two, all new wolverine, xmen red...]
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: [Not a DC guy but I wish they would do another crossover with the MU.]
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Immortal Hulk]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Avengers No Road Home]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Al Ewing writer of Immortal Hulk, Avengers No Surrender and No Road Home, Defenders best defense, the ultimates, fictional man, you are deadpool. My son enjoyed the last one]
Book you wish more people read: [Gambit and Rouge book. He is the best X-Man]
Book you wish they would publish: [Early years books like the Old Man Titles. Maybe like Jean Grey, The Early Years]
Premiere Publishers (BOOM! Studios, Dark Horse, Dynamite, IDW and Image):
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Assassin Nation Image]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [The End Walking Dead 193. I didn't read whole series but nice way to end it. They should end the show the same way ish]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Kieron Gillon, Die, Star Wars, Mercury Heat, wicked and divine, Once and Future, Uncanny Xmen, AvX. Honorable Mention: Rob Guillory, Farmhand, Chew. ]
Book you wish more people read: [Die (image) ]
Book you wish they would publish:
Other Publishers:
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Wailing Blade, Comixtribe Rich Douek writer Art and Cover by Joe Mulvey]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Dragonsblood Zendiscope]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Mark London, Wolvenheart, Battlecats, Knights of the Golden Sun, Honor and Curse]
Book you wish more people read: [Mad Cave Studios is doing a great job. Wish more would check them out.]
Book you wish they would publish: []
Most improved: [Indies]
Favorite Publisher: [Marvel, Mad Cave]
Best All Ages title: []
Favorite Comic Television Show: [The Boys]
Favorite Comic Movie: [Shazam if we cannot count Brightburn]
Best Other (trade, hardcover, periodical or book): []
Highlight of 2019: [First full year in comics in a while for me]
Prediction for 2020: [5G and the fall of DC. Marvel is an Monopoly]
How often do post on the Comic Book Page forum? [Almost never. It's about convenience]
How often do you check the Comic Book Page Slack channel? [Few times a day]
Have you ever submitted a Previews Spotlight clip? [Yes]
-What can we do to encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes? [I record in my car. Most newer cars have a microphone or just use your phones headphones. Dont worry about what you sound like or if you dont have a ton of knowledge. I dont. I just share my love for comics. Sorry not for you to better but for us to record more!]
Has the Comic Book Page podcast added any comics to your reading list? If so, which comics and why?
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? [Maybe a vote in once a month or a knowledge corner where you give us a little history of a character? Maybe share how you store, collect, or anything uniquewith your comic book collecting and have guest do the same? ]
On average, about how many newly released comic books do you get each week? [10]
Are you planning increasing or decreasing your comic book reading in 2020? [Decrease]
-If so, why? [I dont like the political atmosphere in some of the books. I dont want to read a book where I feel like I'm the bad guy in it because of my views]
-And by how much? [Just a hand full]
Additional Comments? [This is My LCS! Happy I found it and thank you for all the time you put in. I would help out with purchasing merch if you ever go that route! ]
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [DCeased]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Death of Alfred. Batman 77 King. Totally caught me off guard. We all hoped it was Clayface but it seems to be sticking.]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Tom Taylor, writer of The Deep, DCeased, Injustice one and two, all new wolverine, xmen red...]
Book you wish more people read: []
Book you wish they would publish: [Not a DC guy but I wish they would do another crossover with the MU.]
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Immortal Hulk]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Avengers No Road Home]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Al Ewing writer of Immortal Hulk, Avengers No Surrender and No Road Home, Defenders best defense, the ultimates, fictional man, you are deadpool. My son enjoyed the last one]
Book you wish more people read: [Gambit and Rouge book. He is the best X-Man]
Book you wish they would publish: [Early years books like the Old Man Titles. Maybe like Jean Grey, The Early Years]
Premiere Publishers (BOOM! Studios, Dark Horse, Dynamite, IDW and Image):
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Assassin Nation Image]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [The End Walking Dead 193. I didn't read whole series but nice way to end it. They should end the show the same way ish]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Kieron Gillon, Die, Star Wars, Mercury Heat, wicked and divine, Once and Future, Uncanny Xmen, AvX. Honorable Mention: Rob Guillory, Farmhand, Chew. ]
Book you wish more people read: [Die (image) ]
Book you wish they would publish:
Other Publishers:
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Wailing Blade, Comixtribe Rich Douek writer Art and Cover by Joe Mulvey]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Dragonsblood Zendiscope]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Mark London, Wolvenheart, Battlecats, Knights of the Golden Sun, Honor and Curse]
Book you wish more people read: [Mad Cave Studios is doing a great job. Wish more would check them out.]
Book you wish they would publish: []
Most improved: [Indies]
Favorite Publisher: [Marvel, Mad Cave]
Best All Ages title: []
Favorite Comic Television Show: [The Boys]
Favorite Comic Movie: [Shazam if we cannot count Brightburn]
Best Other (trade, hardcover, periodical or book): []
Highlight of 2019: [First full year in comics in a while for me]
Prediction for 2020: [5G and the fall of DC. Marvel is an Monopoly]
How often do post on the Comic Book Page forum? [Almost never. It's about convenience]
How often do you check the Comic Book Page Slack channel? [Few times a day]
Have you ever submitted a Previews Spotlight clip? [Yes]
-What can we do to encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes? [I record in my car. Most newer cars have a microphone or just use your phones headphones. Dont worry about what you sound like or if you dont have a ton of knowledge. I dont. I just share my love for comics. Sorry not for you to better but for us to record more!]
Has the Comic Book Page podcast added any comics to your reading list? If so, which comics and why?
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? [Maybe a vote in once a month or a knowledge corner where you give us a little history of a character? Maybe share how you store, collect, or anything uniquewith your comic book collecting and have guest do the same? ]
On average, about how many newly released comic books do you get each week? [10]
Are you planning increasing or decreasing your comic book reading in 2020? [Decrease]
-If so, why? [I dont like the political atmosphere in some of the books. I dont want to read a book where I feel like I'm the bad guy in it because of my views]
-And by how much? [Just a hand full]
Additional Comments? [This is My LCS! Happy I found it and thank you for all the time you put in. I would help out with purchasing merch if you ever go that route! ]
Re: Yearly Comics Spotlight #19: 2019 [Deadline: end of 2019
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Young Justice - Brian Michael Bendis' take is very different from Peter David's version but feels slightly similar tonally.]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Leviathan Rises in Action Comics, #1007-1011, written by Brian Michael Bendis and drawn by Steve Epting]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Writer - Geoff Johns for finally finishing Doomsday Clock and Shazam when it comes out | Artist Jorge Jiménez - Justice League]
Book you wish more people read: [Legion of Super-Heroes - so glad it has returned]
Book you wish they would publish: [Justice Society of America]
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Miles Morales: Spider-Man, writer Saladin Ahmed and primary artist Javier Garrón have created a title that builds on Bendis' legacy while feeling like a contemporary take on a teen Spider-Man title.]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [House of X and Powers of X]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Writer - Jonathan Hickman for House of X, Powers of X, and X-Men | Artist - RB Silva for Powers of X]
Book you wish more people read: [Excalibur - Slowly writer Tini Howard is drawing on a lot of classic mythology whether it is Braddock family drama, extra-diminsional mystical elements, and Pete Wisdom/MI:13]
Book you wish they would publish: [Peter David writing a team title]
Premiere Publishers (BOOM! Studios, Dark Horse, Dynamite, and Image):
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Once and Future from BOOM Studios by writer Kieron Gillen and artist Dan Mora]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Buffy the Vampire Slayer #1-4 written by Jordie Bellaire and artist Dan Mora]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Writer - Kieron Gillen for The Wicked + The Divine along with Once and Future | Artist - Dan Mora for Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Once and Future]
Book you wish more people read: [Lazarus: Risen from Image Comics by writer Greg Rucka and artist Michael Lark - enjoying the new meaty format]
Book you wish they would publish: [Jeff Lemire would write another Quantum Age series - The Black Hammer spin-off series]
Other Publishers:
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Robotech and its successor title Robotech: Remix both from Titan Comics]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Robotech's Event Horizon Story arc starting with the Free Comic Book Day issue.]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Writer - Simon Furman for Robotech | Artist - Jamal Igle for the final two issues of The Wrong Earth published in 2019]
Book you wish more people read: [Dragonfly and Dragonflyman from Ahoy Comics - a prequel to The Wrong Earth]
Book you wish they would publish: [Ahoy would publish the next volume of The Wrong Earth]
Most improved: [Marvel Comics - massive increase in the number of titles being purchased thanks to Jonathan Hickman]
Favorite Publisher: [BOOM! Studios - nurturing franchises that I enjoyed as a teen while creating new titles that appeal to me.]
Best All Ages title: [Naomi from DC Comics]
Favorite Comic Television Show: [HBO's Watchmen]
Favorite Comic Movie: [Avengers: Endgame]
Best Other (trade, hardcover, periodical or book): [Titan's reprint of the Robotech II: The Sentinals material Eternity/Malibu Comics published 30 years ago]
Highlight of 2019: [House of X and Powers of X reigniting my love for X-Men/Mutant titles which had diminished in recent years.]
Prediction for 2020: [Now that Doomsday Clock is finally over I predict a seismic shift at DC Comics, not sure if it will be good or bad.]
How often do post on the Comic Book Page forum? [A couple times a month]
How often do you check the Comic Book Page Slack channel?
Have you ever submitted a Previews Spotlight clip? [Yes]
-What can we do to encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes? [Not sure - the process seems straightforward]
Has the Comic Book Page podcast added any comics to your reading list? If so, which comics and why? [Sonata from Image Comics, I enjoyed some of Brian Haberlin's older work.]
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? [More Back Issue Spotlight issues, particularly after a major event title ends like Doomsday Clock.]
On average, about how many newly released comic books do you get each week? [6 - 7]
Are you planning increasing or decreasing your comic book reading in 2020? [probably increase especially if I decide to get digital subscription services]
-If so, why? [I really need to change my buying patterns when it comes to new titles. Struggled with my enjoyment of new comic releases plus their price this year. I also bought a lot of older comics this year.]
-And by how much? [Not sure, need to decide where I want to allocate resources - more new or older titles.]
Additional Comments? [I can imagine 2019 has been tough for John, but I truly appreciate him continuing to release episodes. Listeners would have understood if he needed to take a break - very commendable.]
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Young Justice - Brian Michael Bendis' take is very different from Peter David's version but feels slightly similar tonally.]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Leviathan Rises in Action Comics, #1007-1011, written by Brian Michael Bendis and drawn by Steve Epting]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Writer - Geoff Johns for finally finishing Doomsday Clock and Shazam when it comes out | Artist Jorge Jiménez - Justice League]
Book you wish more people read: [Legion of Super-Heroes - so glad it has returned]
Book you wish they would publish: [Justice Society of America]
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Miles Morales: Spider-Man, writer Saladin Ahmed and primary artist Javier Garrón have created a title that builds on Bendis' legacy while feeling like a contemporary take on a teen Spider-Man title.]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [House of X and Powers of X]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Writer - Jonathan Hickman for House of X, Powers of X, and X-Men | Artist - RB Silva for Powers of X]
Book you wish more people read: [Excalibur - Slowly writer Tini Howard is drawing on a lot of classic mythology whether it is Braddock family drama, extra-diminsional mystical elements, and Pete Wisdom/MI:13]
Book you wish they would publish: [Peter David writing a team title]
Premiere Publishers (BOOM! Studios, Dark Horse, Dynamite, and Image):
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Once and Future from BOOM Studios by writer Kieron Gillen and artist Dan Mora]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Buffy the Vampire Slayer #1-4 written by Jordie Bellaire and artist Dan Mora]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Writer - Kieron Gillen for The Wicked + The Divine along with Once and Future | Artist - Dan Mora for Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Once and Future]
Book you wish more people read: [Lazarus: Risen from Image Comics by writer Greg Rucka and artist Michael Lark - enjoying the new meaty format]
Book you wish they would publish: [Jeff Lemire would write another Quantum Age series - The Black Hammer spin-off series]
Other Publishers:
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Robotech and its successor title Robotech: Remix both from Titan Comics]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Robotech's Event Horizon Story arc starting with the Free Comic Book Day issue.]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Writer - Simon Furman for Robotech | Artist - Jamal Igle for the final two issues of The Wrong Earth published in 2019]
Book you wish more people read: [Dragonfly and Dragonflyman from Ahoy Comics - a prequel to The Wrong Earth]
Book you wish they would publish: [Ahoy would publish the next volume of The Wrong Earth]
Most improved: [Marvel Comics - massive increase in the number of titles being purchased thanks to Jonathan Hickman]
Favorite Publisher: [BOOM! Studios - nurturing franchises that I enjoyed as a teen while creating new titles that appeal to me.]
Best All Ages title: [Naomi from DC Comics]
Favorite Comic Television Show: [HBO's Watchmen]
Favorite Comic Movie: [Avengers: Endgame]
Best Other (trade, hardcover, periodical or book): [Titan's reprint of the Robotech II: The Sentinals material Eternity/Malibu Comics published 30 years ago]
Highlight of 2019: [House of X and Powers of X reigniting my love for X-Men/Mutant titles which had diminished in recent years.]
Prediction for 2020: [Now that Doomsday Clock is finally over I predict a seismic shift at DC Comics, not sure if it will be good or bad.]
How often do post on the Comic Book Page forum? [A couple times a month]
How often do you check the Comic Book Page Slack channel?
Have you ever submitted a Previews Spotlight clip? [Yes]
-What can we do to encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes? [Not sure - the process seems straightforward]
Has the Comic Book Page podcast added any comics to your reading list? If so, which comics and why? [Sonata from Image Comics, I enjoyed some of Brian Haberlin's older work.]
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? [More Back Issue Spotlight issues, particularly after a major event title ends like Doomsday Clock.]
On average, about how many newly released comic books do you get each week? [6 - 7]
Are you planning increasing or decreasing your comic book reading in 2020? [probably increase especially if I decide to get digital subscription services]
-If so, why? [I really need to change my buying patterns when it comes to new titles. Struggled with my enjoyment of new comic releases plus their price this year. I also bought a lot of older comics this year.]
-And by how much? [Not sure, need to decide where I want to allocate resources - more new or older titles.]
Additional Comments? [I can imagine 2019 has been tough for John, but I truly appreciate him continuing to release episodes. Listeners would have understood if he needed to take a break - very commendable.]
- Special Reviewer
- Posts: 420
- Joined: Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:02 pm
Re: Yearly Comics Spotlight #19: 2019 [Deadline: end of 2019
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Doomsday Clock]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Joker Year of the Villain]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Greg Capullo, Batman]
Book you wish more people read: [White Knight, Sean Murphy]
Book you wish they would publish: [Shazam: The Monster Society of Evil, Deluxe Edition]
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Conan the Barbarian]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Spider-Man: Life Story (all)]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Jonathan Hickman, X-Men writer]
Book you wish more people read: [Conan, any]
Book you wish they would publish: [She-Hulk reminiscent of the Dan Slot or John Byrne era]
Premiere Publishers (BOOM! Studios, Dark Horse, Dynamite, IDW and Image):
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Moonshine (Image)]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Berserker Unbound (Dark Horse)]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Joe Hill (Basketful of Heads, Locke & Key)]
Book you wish more people read: [Lightstep (Dark Horse)]
Book you wish they would publish: [Wish Dark Horse would publish their omnibuses in a size comparable to DC's or Marvel's]
Other Publishers:
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Blade Runner, Titan]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Jungle Comics #1, Antarctic]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Chuck Dixon, everything he writes]
Book you wish more people read: [Red Koi, Alterna Comics ]
Book you wish they would publish: [Cimmerian Queen of Black Coast (French Conan reprints)]
Most improved: [The DC movies (Shazam!, Joker, Aquaman...]
Favorite Publisher: [Dark Horse / Dynamite (tie)]
Best All Ages title: [Star Wars Adventures, IDW]
Favorite Comic Television Show: [The Boys (Prime)]
Favorite Comic Movie: [Joker]
Best Other (trade, hardcover, periodical or book): [Earthworm Jim: Launch the Cow - Indiegogo edition]
Highlight of 2019: [all the crowdfunded comic projects I finally got in]
Prediction for 2020: [Ups, downs, hits, bombs, and people who don't like my critical feedback - haha]
How often do post on the Comic Book Page forum? [maybe 15-20 times a year]
How often do you check the Comic Book Page Slack channel? [every 2-3 days]
Have you ever submitted a Previews Spotlight clip? [Yes, I believe so]
What can we do to encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes? [personal invites?]
Has the Comic Book Page podcast added any comics to your reading list? If so, which comics and why? [oh my goodness, so many I wouldn't know where to begin, usually it will be picking up a collected edition after hearing good things about a book I may have considered, but then skipped]
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? [invite more guest co-hosts or have the occasional round table talk. I love James & Kay, but it's also nice to hear others like Chris Marshall or Drew on the podcast once in a while. If one of the main hosts is ever on sick leave, consider calling in those two for backup, or someone new. If that isn't feasible, maybe you've considered the occasional interview segment for creators (indie or professional). I think industry discussion would be delightful. I'm also someone that prefers comics and film talk over the tv show reviews or the unboxing episodes. Just one guy's opinion, so take it with a grain of salt. Everyone has different tastes. Don't fix what isn't broken.]
On average, about how many newly released comic books do you get each week? [between 3-5]
Are you planning increasing or decreasing your comic book reading in 2020? [Looks like it might decrease. Not much in January's Previews is getting me excited, but I don't want to increase it. I'd be happy with it staying the same.]
-If so, why? [Time. Money. Interest.]
-And by how much? [Same, or as little as 50% of the current influx would be acceptable.]
Additional Comments? [Love the podcast and the forums John. I wish you, your sister, James, and everyone that's involved with the CBP show, including its fans, a very happy, blessed, and prosperous 2020.]
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Doomsday Clock]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Joker Year of the Villain]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Greg Capullo, Batman]
Book you wish more people read: [White Knight, Sean Murphy]
Book you wish they would publish: [Shazam: The Monster Society of Evil, Deluxe Edition]
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Conan the Barbarian]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Spider-Man: Life Story (all)]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Jonathan Hickman, X-Men writer]
Book you wish more people read: [Conan, any]
Book you wish they would publish: [She-Hulk reminiscent of the Dan Slot or John Byrne era]
Premiere Publishers (BOOM! Studios, Dark Horse, Dynamite, IDW and Image):
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Moonshine (Image)]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Berserker Unbound (Dark Horse)]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Joe Hill (Basketful of Heads, Locke & Key)]
Book you wish more people read: [Lightstep (Dark Horse)]
Book you wish they would publish: [Wish Dark Horse would publish their omnibuses in a size comparable to DC's or Marvel's]
Other Publishers:
Favorite Series (New or continuing): [Blade Runner, Titan]
Favorite Single Issue or Story Arc: [Jungle Comics #1, Antarctic]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Chuck Dixon, everything he writes]
Book you wish more people read: [Red Koi, Alterna Comics ]
Book you wish they would publish: [Cimmerian Queen of Black Coast (French Conan reprints)]
Most improved: [The DC movies (Shazam!, Joker, Aquaman...]
Favorite Publisher: [Dark Horse / Dynamite (tie)]
Best All Ages title: [Star Wars Adventures, IDW]
Favorite Comic Television Show: [The Boys (Prime)]
Favorite Comic Movie: [Joker]
Best Other (trade, hardcover, periodical or book): [Earthworm Jim: Launch the Cow - Indiegogo edition]
Highlight of 2019: [all the crowdfunded comic projects I finally got in]
Prediction for 2020: [Ups, downs, hits, bombs, and people who don't like my critical feedback - haha]
How often do post on the Comic Book Page forum? [maybe 15-20 times a year]
How often do you check the Comic Book Page Slack channel? [every 2-3 days]
Have you ever submitted a Previews Spotlight clip? [Yes, I believe so]
What can we do to encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes? [personal invites?]
Has the Comic Book Page podcast added any comics to your reading list? If so, which comics and why? [oh my goodness, so many I wouldn't know where to begin, usually it will be picking up a collected edition after hearing good things about a book I may have considered, but then skipped]
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? [invite more guest co-hosts or have the occasional round table talk. I love James & Kay, but it's also nice to hear others like Chris Marshall or Drew on the podcast once in a while. If one of the main hosts is ever on sick leave, consider calling in those two for backup, or someone new. If that isn't feasible, maybe you've considered the occasional interview segment for creators (indie or professional). I think industry discussion would be delightful. I'm also someone that prefers comics and film talk over the tv show reviews or the unboxing episodes. Just one guy's opinion, so take it with a grain of salt. Everyone has different tastes. Don't fix what isn't broken.]
On average, about how many newly released comic books do you get each week? [between 3-5]
Are you planning increasing or decreasing your comic book reading in 2020? [Looks like it might decrease. Not much in January's Previews is getting me excited, but I don't want to increase it. I'd be happy with it staying the same.]
-If so, why? [Time. Money. Interest.]
-And by how much? [Same, or as little as 50% of the current influx would be acceptable.]
Additional Comments? [Love the podcast and the forums John. I wish you, your sister, James, and everyone that's involved with the CBP show, including its fans, a very happy, blessed, and prosperous 2020.]
Re: Yearly Comics Spotlight #19: 2019 [Deadline: end of 2019
Favorite Comic Movie: [Avengers: Endgame! As a longtime comic book fan since the Seventies, to hear Captain America say, "Avengers Assemble!" on the big screen was AWESOME!]
Highlight of 2019: [Shameless plug! Doing a short interview with George Pérez!]
Prediction for 2020: [A big change at DC comics, rumored 5G, that will be another flash in the pan.]
How often do post on the Comic Book Page forum? [I'm with Sam. Very rarely.]
How often do you check the Comic Book Page Slack channel? [Every day]
Have you ever submitted a Previews Spotlight clip? [Yes.]
Additional Comments? [As always, Thank you, John and Drew, Comics For Fun And Profit, for letting me contribute to both of your podcast.]
Favorite Comic Movie: [Avengers: Endgame! As a longtime comic book fan since the Seventies, to hear Captain America say, "Avengers Assemble!" on the big screen was AWESOME!]
Highlight of 2019: [Shameless plug! Doing a short interview with George Pérez!]
Prediction for 2020: [A big change at DC comics, rumored 5G, that will be another flash in the pan.]
How often do post on the Comic Book Page forum? [I'm with Sam. Very rarely.]
How often do you check the Comic Book Page Slack channel? [Every day]
Have you ever submitted a Previews Spotlight clip? [Yes.]
Additional Comments? [As always, Thank you, John and Drew, Comics For Fun And Profit, for letting me contribute to both of your podcast.]