Previews Spotlight #191 (Onramps) Deadline: Sat 9AM, CT Sep 9

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Moderator: JohnMayo

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Previews Spotlight #191 (Onramps) Deadline: Sat 9AM, CT Sep 9

Post by JohnMayo »

The deadline for sending in submissions to the Previews Spotlight is the 9AM CST on Saturday, September 9th.

The email address to send the clips to is

Dropbox link:

In this Previews Spotlight the theme is onramps: Recommend Issues or trades that you feel could get someone hooked on a property they haven't read. What is a good starting point on the titles/properties that you enjoy?

One clip per person but you can have as many picks as you'd like.

For this episode, post that you are sending in a clip but DON"T post what you'll be discussing in the clip.
The file naming convention is:

dash (-) is needed between YourName and the word Onramps.

If you have a link you'd like me to include in the show notes, include both your name and the link it in the email to me and I'll add it to the system I use for doing the show notes.

The Previews Spotlight is released in mono, not stereo. If you record in stereo, I'll convert it to a mono record by dropping one of the tracks.

The Comic Book Page podcast is an all-ages podcast and is profanity free. I will have to edit out any profanity in the clips, including any unfortunately named comic book titles. If that section of the clip can't be easily removed I will have to replace the profanity with the DTMF tones for "profanity". In addition to this being my personal stand on profanity, it is also an iTunes policy: If your audio includes explicit language, we require you to set the explicit tag- regardless of why it is spoken (title of comic, name of street, etc.) This includes any profanity in the title or solicitation text.

Remember: Anyone can send in a short audio clip talking about any book in the upcoming Previews (or slated for release around that same time). This includes creators, publishers and other people directly involved in the project. This is your chance to promote items, including ones you have worked on.

Useful Links
Diamond Comics (Previews):
Lunar (DC Connect/Next Phase):
Penguin/Random House (Marvel Previews): ... -catalogs/

Alternate Worlds (PDF version of pre-order catalogs):
Comic Book Relief (PDF version of pre-order catalogs):
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Re: Previews Spotlight #191 (Onramps) Deadline: Sat 9AM, CT Sep 9

Post by bralinator »

The Dropbox request link is no longer live... is there a new one?
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Re: Previews Spotlight #191 (Onramps) Deadline: Sat 9AM, CT Sep 9

Post by JohnMayo »

I've updated the link. Sorry for any confusion or problems.
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