James and I will be recording the Yearly Comics Spotlight #017 episode in early January 2024 covering comics released in 2023.
The categories this year are DC, Marvel and the other publishers and some miscellaneous other items.
When listing creators, it really helps if you include some of the titles that influenced your pick. For example, "FirstName LastName (Event title, Monthly title, obscure title)" is much more informative than just putting "FirstName LastName". Likewise, when listing titles it helps to list the publisher, writer and artist. There are a ton of comics and creators out there. We don't know all of the creators on all of the titles and we can't always remember these ones we do know. If you want to pick older material, please give an indication of when that material was originally published and which collected edition you are referring to. Feel free to give a brief explanation of why you selected your pick. That might convince someone else to check it out.
Fill in as many categories below as you want. If you don't have a pick for some, that is fine. Just leave the square brackets empty.
An automated process will be compiling the notes we use for the episode using the square brackets as the delimiters for your responses.
Copy the text below and put your answers inside the square brackets.
What should we call you when reading your picks? []
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): []
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) []
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): []
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) []
Other Publishers:
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): []
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) []
Favorite Comic Movie/Television Show: []
What did you think was the biggest news story of the year for comics? []
Highlight of the year: []
How would you sum up this past year for the Decade in Review? []
Prediction for the next year: []
Which comic book subscription services (Marvel Unlimited, DC Universe, Comixology Unlimited, Hoopla, etc) do you subscribe to? []
Comic Book Page podcast:
What has been your favorite Comic Book Page episode and why? []
Suggestions for future Comic Book Page episode? (Back Issue Spotlights, Round Table Discussions, etc.) []
How do you participate in the Comic Book Page community (Slack/forum/Previews Spotlight/book club/other) and what would encourage you to participate in the Comic Book Page community more?? []
How often do you send in Previews Spotlight clips and what would encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes more often? []
Has the Comic Book Page podcast changed what comics you read? If so, which comics and why? []
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? []
Additional Comments? []
Please have your entries in by the morning of ???. Thanks for participating!
Yearly Comics Spotlight #17: 2023 (Deadline: Sat 9AM Jan 13, 2024)
Moderator: JohnMayo
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Re: Yearly Comics Spotlight #17: 2023 (Deadline: Sat 9AM Jan 13, 2024)
What should we call you when reading your picks? [ Chris Myers]
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Stargirl: Lost Children, Runners up: Justice Society of America, Dark Knights of Steel and Catwoman: One Bad Day]
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): [Warlord issues 1-15]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [My favorite writers at the moment are Geoff Johns and Tom Taylor]
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) [For a bit of context I’m writing this as I sit in my Secret Labs custom Batman chair, with a red Batman 66 phone on my desk surrounded by Batman statues, trade paperbacks and art on the walls. Something has to be done with Batman, DC has made the current Batman stories unreadable to me. DC please give me a Batman who makes sense, one who knows who he is, backed by Bruce Wayne’s wealth assisted by Alfred Pennyworth and a Bat Family that doesn’t consist of every Bat character who ever existed. Thank goodness for back issues on DC Infinite.]
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Joe Fixit, runners up: Spiderman Red Fake and Invincible Iron Man]
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Peter David]
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) []
Other Publishers:
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Junkyard Joe, runners up: Mangoat and Bunnyman Special #1 by Zenescope and Local Man by Image ]
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): [Kodi by IDW and Bronze Star by Thin Blue Line Comics ]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) []
Favorite Comic Movie/Television Show: [Spiderman: Across the Universe by default since it’s the only one I saw this year]
What did you think was the biggest news story of the year for comics? []
Highlight of the year: []
How would you sum up this past year for the Decade in Review? []
Prediction for the next year: [Based on the fact that I’ve read half the comics this year as last year I’m afraid my prediction will be even less comics read in 2024, I hope that I’m wrong]
Which comic book subscription services (Marvel Unlimited, DC Universe, Comixology Unlimited, Hoopla, etc) do you subscribe to? [Marvel Unlimited, DC Infinite Ultra and Hoopla]
Comic Book Page podcast:
What has been your favorite Comic Book Page episode and why? []
Suggestions for future Comic Book Page episodes? (Back Issue Spotlights, Round Table Discussions, etc.) []
How do you participate in the Comic Book Page community (Slack/forum/Previews Spotlight/book club/other) and what would encourage you to participate in the Comic Book Page community more??
How often do you send in Previews Spotlight clips and what would encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes more often? [I look at Previews every month and send a clip when something catches my eye, the problem is that less and less things are catching my eye.]
Has the Comic Book Page podcast changed what comics you read? If so, which comics and why? [John and James have been reading Warlord and Astro City which has prompted me to dig into them, thanks guys]
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? [My advice is keep doing the good job that you have been doing.]
Additional Comments? []
What should we call you when reading your picks? [ Chris Myers]
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Stargirl: Lost Children, Runners up: Justice Society of America, Dark Knights of Steel and Catwoman: One Bad Day]
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): [Warlord issues 1-15]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [My favorite writers at the moment are Geoff Johns and Tom Taylor]
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) [For a bit of context I’m writing this as I sit in my Secret Labs custom Batman chair, with a red Batman 66 phone on my desk surrounded by Batman statues, trade paperbacks and art on the walls. Something has to be done with Batman, DC has made the current Batman stories unreadable to me. DC please give me a Batman who makes sense, one who knows who he is, backed by Bruce Wayne’s wealth assisted by Alfred Pennyworth and a Bat Family that doesn’t consist of every Bat character who ever existed. Thank goodness for back issues on DC Infinite.]
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Joe Fixit, runners up: Spiderman Red Fake and Invincible Iron Man]
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Peter David]
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) []
Other Publishers:
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Junkyard Joe, runners up: Mangoat and Bunnyman Special #1 by Zenescope and Local Man by Image ]
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): [Kodi by IDW and Bronze Star by Thin Blue Line Comics ]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) []
Favorite Comic Movie/Television Show: [Spiderman: Across the Universe by default since it’s the only one I saw this year]
What did you think was the biggest news story of the year for comics? []
Highlight of the year: []
How would you sum up this past year for the Decade in Review? []
Prediction for the next year: [Based on the fact that I’ve read half the comics this year as last year I’m afraid my prediction will be even less comics read in 2024, I hope that I’m wrong]
Which comic book subscription services (Marvel Unlimited, DC Universe, Comixology Unlimited, Hoopla, etc) do you subscribe to? [Marvel Unlimited, DC Infinite Ultra and Hoopla]
Comic Book Page podcast:
What has been your favorite Comic Book Page episode and why? []
Suggestions for future Comic Book Page episodes? (Back Issue Spotlights, Round Table Discussions, etc.) []
How do you participate in the Comic Book Page community (Slack/forum/Previews Spotlight/book club/other) and what would encourage you to participate in the Comic Book Page community more??
How often do you send in Previews Spotlight clips and what would encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes more often? [I look at Previews every month and send a clip when something catches my eye, the problem is that less and less things are catching my eye.]
Has the Comic Book Page podcast changed what comics you read? If so, which comics and why? [John and James have been reading Warlord and Astro City which has prompted me to dig into them, thanks guys]
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? [My advice is keep doing the good job that you have been doing.]
Additional Comments? []
- Visitor
- Posts: 10
- Joined: Mon Feb 18, 2008 12:01 pm
Re: Yearly Comics Spotlight #17: 2023 (Deadline: Sat 9AM Jan 13, 2024)
What should we call you when reading your picks? [Just use the name comicfreak]
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Well I don't buy much DC comics so I have to choose "Justice Society of America"]
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): [This year I've gotten all the "Injustic Gods Among Us Complete Collection"-trades]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Seeing that I don't buy a lot of DC Comics I have no favorite creator at DC]
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) [More Wildstorm comics but I think I'm one of the few who wants them]
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [I buy even less Marvel than DC so of the few series I bought it would have to be the "X-Treme X-Men" mini series]
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): [This year I bought no collected editions from Marvel so I have to say none]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Also I have no favorite creator]
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) [Do more contained stories instead of crossovers or never ending stories. One of the major reasons I don't buy Marvel is because every story or crossover never seems to end but always contimues in the next story]
Other Publishers:
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): ["Where The Body Was" by Brubaker and Philips. I mean come on can these guys are so intuned with each other and with what readers want from them]
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): [Hasbro moving to Image Comics]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Mark Millar. Most of what he makes is good]
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) [Don't preach too much but make interesting stories and keep in mind which kind of people actually buy and read them when making comics]
Favorite Comic Movie/Television Show: [I think there were a lot of Comic Book Movies and Television Shows but of them I only liked the second season of "Invincible" and I liked "The Boys" spin-off series "Gen-V"]
What did you think was the biggest news story of the year for comics? [The way Disney seems to miss the mark with their Movies/Television Shows]
Highlight of the year: [I can't think of a single highlight this year]
How would you sum up this past year for the Decade in Review? [Building up after a rough couple of years]
Prediction for the next year: [Woke is on his (or her) way out (I hope)]
Which comic book subscription services (Marvel Unlimited, DC Universe, Comixology Unlimited, Hoopla, etc) do you subscribe to? [Other than a pull box at my comic shop I have none]
Comic Book Page podcast:
What has been your favorite Comic Book Page episode and why? [Yeah this year we got the Astro City ones. I really like them. Hopefully we get more actual new comicbook issues this year!]
Suggestions for future Comic Book Page episode? (Back Issue Spotlights, Round Table Discussions, etc.) [Maybe dip your toes in some manga's]
How do you participate in the Comic Book Page community (Slack/forum/Previews Spotlight/book club/other) and what would encourage you to participate in the Comic Book Page community more?? [I'm on Slack and sometimes post on the forum]
How often do you send in Previews Spotlight clips and what would encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes more often? [I think I send one in but that it]
Has the Comic Book Page podcast changed what comics you read? If so, which comics and why? [Not really. I know what I like, but sometimes there's a mention of a new series that I'll than look at and maybe buy]
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? [I don't really have suggestions]
Additional Comments? []
What should we call you when reading your picks? [Just use the name comicfreak]
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Well I don't buy much DC comics so I have to choose "Justice Society of America"]
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): [This year I've gotten all the "Injustic Gods Among Us Complete Collection"-trades]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Seeing that I don't buy a lot of DC Comics I have no favorite creator at DC]
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) [More Wildstorm comics but I think I'm one of the few who wants them]
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [I buy even less Marvel than DC so of the few series I bought it would have to be the "X-Treme X-Men" mini series]
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): [This year I bought no collected editions from Marvel so I have to say none]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Also I have no favorite creator]
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) [Do more contained stories instead of crossovers or never ending stories. One of the major reasons I don't buy Marvel is because every story or crossover never seems to end but always contimues in the next story]
Other Publishers:
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): ["Where The Body Was" by Brubaker and Philips. I mean come on can these guys are so intuned with each other and with what readers want from them]
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): [Hasbro moving to Image Comics]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Mark Millar. Most of what he makes is good]
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) [Don't preach too much but make interesting stories and keep in mind which kind of people actually buy and read them when making comics]
Favorite Comic Movie/Television Show: [I think there were a lot of Comic Book Movies and Television Shows but of them I only liked the second season of "Invincible" and I liked "The Boys" spin-off series "Gen-V"]
What did you think was the biggest news story of the year for comics? [The way Disney seems to miss the mark with their Movies/Television Shows]
Highlight of the year: [I can't think of a single highlight this year]
How would you sum up this past year for the Decade in Review? [Building up after a rough couple of years]
Prediction for the next year: [Woke is on his (or her) way out (I hope)]
Which comic book subscription services (Marvel Unlimited, DC Universe, Comixology Unlimited, Hoopla, etc) do you subscribe to? [Other than a pull box at my comic shop I have none]
Comic Book Page podcast:
What has been your favorite Comic Book Page episode and why? [Yeah this year we got the Astro City ones. I really like them. Hopefully we get more actual new comicbook issues this year!]
Suggestions for future Comic Book Page episode? (Back Issue Spotlights, Round Table Discussions, etc.) [Maybe dip your toes in some manga's]
How do you participate in the Comic Book Page community (Slack/forum/Previews Spotlight/book club/other) and what would encourage you to participate in the Comic Book Page community more?? [I'm on Slack and sometimes post on the forum]
How often do you send in Previews Spotlight clips and what would encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes more often? [I think I send one in but that it]
Has the Comic Book Page podcast changed what comics you read? If so, which comics and why? [Not really. I know what I like, but sometimes there's a mention of a new series that I'll than look at and maybe buy]
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? [I don't really have suggestions]
Additional Comments? []
Last edited by comicfreak on Tue Jan 02, 2024 3:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Yearly Comics Spotlight #17: 2023 (Deadline: Sat 9AM Jan 13, 2024)
What should we call you when reading your picks? [Niklas]
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Waller versus Wildstorm, I bought wildstorm 2017-2019 and i guess my lcs had that in the books when they put this in my bin randomly. Only DC I read and it actually worked for me even if I only really recognize Lois Lane in the book, most others are totally new for me. Very odd with magazine size format for some reason]
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) [Start publishing Green lantern Jessica Cruz(or is it still yellow?), only green lantern i like, or sinestro, or the red cat]
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [almost caught up with 2023, latest was parts of the fall of mutants and I'll go with that. It was inevitable and the hellfire gala issue really kicked the X-Men hard. Otherwise im happy with much marvel. Amazing Spiderman despite that i loathe the MJ stuff now has been fun, Kamala and Norman are fun but looks like thats about to change. The new Avengers have been fun. I of course love all things star wars, aphra and vader especially but highlights are the comics from the high republic now]
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [I always have a tough time picking any artists from stuff i read a long time ago when i read a lot... Lets mention writers Al Ewing for Avengers Inc and Charles Soule for StarWarstheHighRepublic:the Blade]
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) [I always write I need more doctor doom ongoings so I can keep that
another fave is MJ and Black Cat but that's on the way so I´m happy!]
Other Publishers:
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [long backlog was eventually caught up. Bingeing Nocterra and Undiscovered Country was a nice read actually. Surprised because they were a slog to read at first. Monstress is always super nice!]
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) [wishing for more Lazurus seems to not work...]
Favorite Comic Movie/Television Show: [The Marvels, I think marvel don't know what their audience is, im sure some teen girls do read marvel comics but i may be a little prejudiced when i say its mostly older dudes now. Even so the movie is quite fun and enjoyable, a classic matine adventure, come on "black girl magic" from Sam J was FUN! Similarly or better rated Blue beetle I turned off before he got the costume, not for me, couldnt stand it.
After this Fan boy rant, the very best movie was that one about a tortured cyborg racoon. Actually watched GoG3 again the other day, couldnt stop crying, 2023 best picture nominee imo]
What did you think was the biggest news story of the year for comics? [everyone seemed to love to hate on tv shows and movies that didnt bring huge success in viewers and reviews. so much gloating]
Highlight of the year: [tv series "the wheel of time" second season, much improved on from first season, might even be watchable now for people that haven't read all 15 books dozens of times
How would you sum up this past year for the Decade in Review? [after some period of good times it was time for the fall of krakoa and the mutants mostly had themselves to blame (as expected)]
Prediction for the next year: [fewer mutants?]
Which comic book subscription services (Marvel Unlimited, DC Universe, Comixology Unlimited, Hoopla, etc) do you subscribe to? [I have marvel unlimited, using it to fill gaps in missing tie-ins, very useful during fall of x for example, and using it more and more]
Comic Book Page podcast:
What has been your favorite Comic Book Page episode and why? []
Suggestions for future Comic Book Page episode? (Back Issue Spotlights, Round Table Discussions, etc.) []
How do you participate in the Comic Book Page community (Slack/forum/Previews Spotlight/book club/other) and what would encourage you to participate in the Comic Book Page community more?? []
How often do you send in Previews Spotlight clips and what would encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes more often? []
Has the Comic Book Page podcast changed what comics you read? If so, which comics and why? []
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? []
Additional Comments? [With no local comic shop (after moving to another town) its harder to follow things I don't already know about. I know my way around finding marvel solicits and remember to check them most of the time. The shop i order from also know what I like so they add marvel stuff for me to try sometimes. DC and image is a lot harder, and awa almost impossible.]
What should we call you when reading your picks? [Niklas]
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Waller versus Wildstorm, I bought wildstorm 2017-2019 and i guess my lcs had that in the books when they put this in my bin randomly. Only DC I read and it actually worked for me even if I only really recognize Lois Lane in the book, most others are totally new for me. Very odd with magazine size format for some reason]
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) [Start publishing Green lantern Jessica Cruz(or is it still yellow?), only green lantern i like, or sinestro, or the red cat]
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [almost caught up with 2023, latest was parts of the fall of mutants and I'll go with that. It was inevitable and the hellfire gala issue really kicked the X-Men hard. Otherwise im happy with much marvel. Amazing Spiderman despite that i loathe the MJ stuff now has been fun, Kamala and Norman are fun but looks like thats about to change. The new Avengers have been fun. I of course love all things star wars, aphra and vader especially but highlights are the comics from the high republic now]
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [I always have a tough time picking any artists from stuff i read a long time ago when i read a lot... Lets mention writers Al Ewing for Avengers Inc and Charles Soule for StarWarstheHighRepublic:the Blade]
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) [I always write I need more doctor doom ongoings so I can keep that

Other Publishers:
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [long backlog was eventually caught up. Bingeing Nocterra and Undiscovered Country was a nice read actually. Surprised because they were a slog to read at first. Monstress is always super nice!]
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) [wishing for more Lazurus seems to not work...]
Favorite Comic Movie/Television Show: [The Marvels, I think marvel don't know what their audience is, im sure some teen girls do read marvel comics but i may be a little prejudiced when i say its mostly older dudes now. Even so the movie is quite fun and enjoyable, a classic matine adventure, come on "black girl magic" from Sam J was FUN! Similarly or better rated Blue beetle I turned off before he got the costume, not for me, couldnt stand it.
After this Fan boy rant, the very best movie was that one about a tortured cyborg racoon. Actually watched GoG3 again the other day, couldnt stop crying, 2023 best picture nominee imo]
What did you think was the biggest news story of the year for comics? [everyone seemed to love to hate on tv shows and movies that didnt bring huge success in viewers and reviews. so much gloating]
Highlight of the year: [tv series "the wheel of time" second season, much improved on from first season, might even be watchable now for people that haven't read all 15 books dozens of times

How would you sum up this past year for the Decade in Review? [after some period of good times it was time for the fall of krakoa and the mutants mostly had themselves to blame (as expected)]
Prediction for the next year: [fewer mutants?]
Which comic book subscription services (Marvel Unlimited, DC Universe, Comixology Unlimited, Hoopla, etc) do you subscribe to? [I have marvel unlimited, using it to fill gaps in missing tie-ins, very useful during fall of x for example, and using it more and more]
Comic Book Page podcast:
What has been your favorite Comic Book Page episode and why? []
Suggestions for future Comic Book Page episode? (Back Issue Spotlights, Round Table Discussions, etc.) []
How do you participate in the Comic Book Page community (Slack/forum/Previews Spotlight/book club/other) and what would encourage you to participate in the Comic Book Page community more?? []
How often do you send in Previews Spotlight clips and what would encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes more often? []
Has the Comic Book Page podcast changed what comics you read? If so, which comics and why? []
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? []
Additional Comments? [With no local comic shop (after moving to another town) its harder to follow things I don't already know about. I know my way around finding marvel solicits and remember to check them most of the time. The shop i order from also know what I like so they add marvel stuff for me to try sometimes. DC and image is a lot harder, and awa almost impossible.]
Last edited by NiklasJ on Mon Jan 08, 2024 10:23 am, edited 2 times in total.
- Visitor
- Posts: 20
- Joined: Sat Nov 03, 2018 2:05 am
Re: Yearly Comics Spotlight #17: 2023 (Deadline: Sat 9AM Jan 13, 2024)
What should we call you when reading your picks? [Patrick]
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [dark knights of steel]
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) [I have lost a lot of respect for DC comics over that last few years. Without getting deep they just don't write comics for me. Batman is broke, Nightwing was good for a lil while and Superman was never my fav because he is o.p. (overpowered) and I just don't have a deep knowledge of the universe. Green Lantern looks cool but they cannot hold a book. But, they aren't writing for me to wanna jump on either. I stick to DC's miniseries like Justice League vs Godzilla vs Kong. I know the characters and I know most of their origin stories. I just don't have a long history. I'm more like James in this scenario. Marvel since I was a kid.]
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Predator vs Wolverine]
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Ben Percy]
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) [Maybe the big 2 companies like Marvel could give incentives to writer and artist teams for the material they have created. Maybe they already do this and we are just not "in the know". If they used Jane Thor's cancer and god-like abilities in movies or TV or even merchandise then give the whole team a kickback. Maybe through thresholds (if the comic goes to third print then this. If the idea sells xxx merch then this.) I bet some really crazy stories would come from that kind of incentive.]
Other Publishers:
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Energon Universe like Void Rivals, Transformers, GIJoe]
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): [TMNT MIRAGE OMNIBUS #1]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Robert Kirkman]
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) [I would love to see something like the manga stories. Put out a magazine with 5 to 10 stories in it and have us vote on the ones we like. Have the ones we like be in the front of the book and least liked 1 or 2 go straight to trade. Cycle in new ones and get interviews with the teams. Maybe this could be the new previews. Give us the elevator pitch in a few pages and tell us how to order. It is harder and harder to find Indies that I want to read. It's hard to find big 2 things to read but have familiarity with the characters and what they should be like. Key word "should". ]
Favorite Comic Movie/Television Show: [Invincible (prime) is back!]
What did you think was the biggest news story of the year for comics? [1. WhatNot live shows 2. Thief caught stealing but still promoted on Whatnot. We will always have thieves but to be caught on camera and deny it. Then, say it was a miscommunication to oops we gave them back. Dude is a snake in the grass! Dude has huge following on WhatNot and breaks multiple rules to stream on their platform but gets no repremands. Seen buying from WhatNot's employee's streams. 3. CGC cases being cracked and sold with lower graded books. News is all over YouTube right now. I stopped slabbing with CGC when Blackstone bought company. 4. Donny Cates is alive. We all thought he relapsed and was in rehab (news from comic web). Happy he is alive but he doesn't remember writing his books. 5. Market shifts and prices are dropping for key books. After the huge hikes during covid and now prices dropping for new lows. 6. $4.99 price point is here but no one is saying anything about it. 7. Death of Ms. Marvel. People who don't read comics go crazy and she is brought back as a mutant just like all Comic Readers knew would happen. 8. Death of Frank Castle to just replace with someone like Frank Castle. 9. Most movies from the big 2 are stinkers. (Quantimania, guardians 3, the Marvels, Flash, Shazam 2, Aquaman 2, and Blue Beetle. Not all were flops but most were. 10. Comic book lovers, writers, artists and shop owners are tired of the junk the big 2 are pushing. Major creator names take up arms or keyboards against each other. I have lost a lot of respect for some of the community. Good books are hard to find. I am a plumber and if word got out that my jobs are looking like garbage then I would change what I am doing to correct it. We need to vote with our wallets and not with our social media. Stop picking up that book you have been reading or not reading but collecting because you have been for years last has lost your interest. I know I am sounding like a Debbie downer but the truth is that we put a lot of money into this community and we aren't getting the returns we deserve or expect. We want it to stay alive so we fight on and read on to keep it afloat. I like some Indies and some miniseries that aren't bogged down by the writer who wants a movie deal or new direction of the big wigs. 11. Last one. The 90's are back with all of these foil covers.]
Highlight of the year: [Energon Universe. New found love for Kong and Godzilla. The movies are good and I am enjoying the justice league vs Kong vs Godzilla]
How would you sum up this past year for the Decade in Review? [Tumultuous]
Prediction for the next year: [$4.99 price point becomes norm for all books. DC does another crisis and resets their universe after being sold off again to another company. ]
Which comic book subscription services (Marvel Unlimited, DC Universe, Comixology Unlimited, Hoopla, etc) do you subscribe to? [None. Now get off my lawn.]
Comic Book Page podcast:
What has been your favorite Comic Book Page episode and why? [I love my monthly roundups. I want more but I know it puts a strain on our hosts to read all of those books in a short period of time. I cannot even keep up with my books.]
Suggestions for future Comic Book Page episode? (Back Issue Spotlights, Round Table Discussions, etc.) [Maybe we could record a clip for the monthly roundups for our one favorite book and send it in for you to also discuss on air?]
How do you participate in the Comic Book Page community (Slack/forum/Previews Spotlight/book club/other) and what would encourage you to participate in the Comic Book Page community more?? [I am down to just slack channel do to time restrictions. I try to send in clips once a month]
How often do you send in Previews Spotlight clips and what would encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes more often? [I send in clips almost every month. Knowing that I have until the second Saturday really helps! I don't listen to TV or movie spotlights so I don't know how they roll but the reminders at the end of each episode helps too.]
Has the Comic Book Page podcast changed what comics you read? If so, which comics and why? [I picked up a few books from the previews and monthly roundups but have a horrible memory on which ha.]
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? [Why so serious?]
Additional Comments?
What should we call you when reading your picks? [Patrick]
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [dark knights of steel]
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) [I have lost a lot of respect for DC comics over that last few years. Without getting deep they just don't write comics for me. Batman is broke, Nightwing was good for a lil while and Superman was never my fav because he is o.p. (overpowered) and I just don't have a deep knowledge of the universe. Green Lantern looks cool but they cannot hold a book. But, they aren't writing for me to wanna jump on either. I stick to DC's miniseries like Justice League vs Godzilla vs Kong. I know the characters and I know most of their origin stories. I just don't have a long history. I'm more like James in this scenario. Marvel since I was a kid.]
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Predator vs Wolverine]
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): []
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Ben Percy]
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) [Maybe the big 2 companies like Marvel could give incentives to writer and artist teams for the material they have created. Maybe they already do this and we are just not "in the know". If they used Jane Thor's cancer and god-like abilities in movies or TV or even merchandise then give the whole team a kickback. Maybe through thresholds (if the comic goes to third print then this. If the idea sells xxx merch then this.) I bet some really crazy stories would come from that kind of incentive.]
Other Publishers:
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Energon Universe like Void Rivals, Transformers, GIJoe]
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): [TMNT MIRAGE OMNIBUS #1]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Robert Kirkman]
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) [I would love to see something like the manga stories. Put out a magazine with 5 to 10 stories in it and have us vote on the ones we like. Have the ones we like be in the front of the book and least liked 1 or 2 go straight to trade. Cycle in new ones and get interviews with the teams. Maybe this could be the new previews. Give us the elevator pitch in a few pages and tell us how to order. It is harder and harder to find Indies that I want to read. It's hard to find big 2 things to read but have familiarity with the characters and what they should be like. Key word "should". ]
Favorite Comic Movie/Television Show: [Invincible (prime) is back!]
What did you think was the biggest news story of the year for comics? [1. WhatNot live shows 2. Thief caught stealing but still promoted on Whatnot. We will always have thieves but to be caught on camera and deny it. Then, say it was a miscommunication to oops we gave them back. Dude is a snake in the grass! Dude has huge following on WhatNot and breaks multiple rules to stream on their platform but gets no repremands. Seen buying from WhatNot's employee's streams. 3. CGC cases being cracked and sold with lower graded books. News is all over YouTube right now. I stopped slabbing with CGC when Blackstone bought company. 4. Donny Cates is alive. We all thought he relapsed and was in rehab (news from comic web). Happy he is alive but he doesn't remember writing his books. 5. Market shifts and prices are dropping for key books. After the huge hikes during covid and now prices dropping for new lows. 6. $4.99 price point is here but no one is saying anything about it. 7. Death of Ms. Marvel. People who don't read comics go crazy and she is brought back as a mutant just like all Comic Readers knew would happen. 8. Death of Frank Castle to just replace with someone like Frank Castle. 9. Most movies from the big 2 are stinkers. (Quantimania, guardians 3, the Marvels, Flash, Shazam 2, Aquaman 2, and Blue Beetle. Not all were flops but most were. 10. Comic book lovers, writers, artists and shop owners are tired of the junk the big 2 are pushing. Major creator names take up arms or keyboards against each other. I have lost a lot of respect for some of the community. Good books are hard to find. I am a plumber and if word got out that my jobs are looking like garbage then I would change what I am doing to correct it. We need to vote with our wallets and not with our social media. Stop picking up that book you have been reading or not reading but collecting because you have been for years last has lost your interest. I know I am sounding like a Debbie downer but the truth is that we put a lot of money into this community and we aren't getting the returns we deserve or expect. We want it to stay alive so we fight on and read on to keep it afloat. I like some Indies and some miniseries that aren't bogged down by the writer who wants a movie deal or new direction of the big wigs. 11. Last one. The 90's are back with all of these foil covers.]
Highlight of the year: [Energon Universe. New found love for Kong and Godzilla. The movies are good and I am enjoying the justice league vs Kong vs Godzilla]
How would you sum up this past year for the Decade in Review? [Tumultuous]
Prediction for the next year: [$4.99 price point becomes norm for all books. DC does another crisis and resets their universe after being sold off again to another company. ]
Which comic book subscription services (Marvel Unlimited, DC Universe, Comixology Unlimited, Hoopla, etc) do you subscribe to? [None. Now get off my lawn.]
Comic Book Page podcast:
What has been your favorite Comic Book Page episode and why? [I love my monthly roundups. I want more but I know it puts a strain on our hosts to read all of those books in a short period of time. I cannot even keep up with my books.]
Suggestions for future Comic Book Page episode? (Back Issue Spotlights, Round Table Discussions, etc.) [Maybe we could record a clip for the monthly roundups for our one favorite book and send it in for you to also discuss on air?]
How do you participate in the Comic Book Page community (Slack/forum/Previews Spotlight/book club/other) and what would encourage you to participate in the Comic Book Page community more?? [I am down to just slack channel do to time restrictions. I try to send in clips once a month]
How often do you send in Previews Spotlight clips and what would encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes more often? [I send in clips almost every month. Knowing that I have until the second Saturday really helps! I don't listen to TV or movie spotlights so I don't know how they roll but the reminders at the end of each episode helps too.]
Has the Comic Book Page podcast changed what comics you read? If so, which comics and why? [I picked up a few books from the previews and monthly roundups but have a horrible memory on which ha.]
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? [Why so serious?]
Additional Comments?
- Reviewer
- Posts: 128
- Joined: Sat Feb 11, 2017 9:25 am
Re: Yearly Comics Spotlight #17: 2023 (Deadline: Sat 9AM Jan 13, 2024)
What should we call you when reading your picks? [Nick]
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Shazam written by Mark Waid, art by Dan Mora, and colors by Alejandro Sanchez. Especially such a good basic setup first issue, but the whole series so far doesn't expect the reader to know much to follow the story, and the art is dripping with goodness.]
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): [Legends of The DC Universe: Carmine Infantino Hardcover]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Mark Waid is writing 2 great series, and he just knows these heroes and their universe in a way others struggle to.]
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) [I want to see more Batman. Just kidding, I want to read a Barry Allen Flash in Central City book this year. And to keep up the variety they have been cultivating recently (Poison Ivy, Green Arrow, Blue Beetle, Human Target, Birds of Prey, etc).]
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Uncanny Spider-Man was enjoyable.]
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): [Technically released by Taschen, but the oversized Marvel Comics Library Hardcover Volume 5: Silver Surfer 1968-1970. This beautiful XXL sized collection is the first chunk of the original run.]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) []
Other Publishers:
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [I've been enjoying The Sacrificers from Image. Story by Rick Remender and art by Max Fiumara.]
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): [I enjoyed volumes 4 and 5 of the Madman Library Editions which came out in 2023.]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Mike Allred]
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) [First, I will beat the drum once again for an ongoing Archie series. They are built for bringing in teens to comics with teen drama, even if it is graphic novels or young reader digests. Less movie pitches from everyone, please. More westerns and crime dramas, or how about more slice of life? Someone is bound to have a good pitch for a fire department or medical drama right?]
Favorite Comic Movie/Television Show: [Blue Beetle was surprisingly fun.]
What did you think was the biggest news story of the year for comics? [Honestly, there has been some]
Highlight of the year: [The DCEU - or whatever it was called - coasted to an end in 2023. Long live the upcoming DCU!]
How would you sum up this past year for the Decade in Review? [The comics frenzy from the last few years has cooled off, and a lot of readers and collectors seem to be closely reevaluating what they buy, especially as the average cost of comic books is edging into the 5-10 dollar range.]
Prediction for the next year: [I have two. The cooling demand for comic book adaptations in Hollywood will continue to put pressure on the several overnight pop-up publishers of the last several years.]
Which comic book subscription services (Marvel Unlimited, DC Universe, Comixology Unlimited, Hoopla, etc) do you subscribe to? [DC Universe Infinite and Comixology Unlimited]
Comic Book Page podcast:
What has been your favorite Comic Book Page episode and why? [I can't pick a favorite.]
Suggestions for future Comic Book Page episode? (Back Issue Spotlights, Round Table Discussions, etc.) [I would appreciate another Round Table episode or few sprinkled throughout the year.]
How do you participate in the Comic Book Page community (Slack/forum/Previews Spotlight/book club/other) and what would encourage you to participate in the Comic Book Page community more?? [I tried to become more engaged in the Slack forum this year. I love to see when the community shares reviews, opinions, and favorite art or collection views.]
How often do you send in Previews Spotlight clips and what would encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes more often? [Monthly]
Has the Comic Book Page podcast changed what comics you read? If so, which comics and why? [Just the fact that I pore over the catalogs for the Previews Spotlight each month encourages me to look closely at what is coming up and be involved.]
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? [I like the pros, cons, and recommendations focus of the Comic Book Page podcast. I feel like it would fail if we lost any of those 3 elements. And I appreciate the mix of TV show and movie and convention highlights from Kay and John. Keep up the variety!]
Additional Comments? [Cheers to another year of the Comic Book Page podcast community! All of the contributors make my reading and watching habits more enjoyable. Now go record a clip for the Previews Spotlight!]
What should we call you when reading your picks? [Nick]
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Shazam written by Mark Waid, art by Dan Mora, and colors by Alejandro Sanchez. Especially such a good basic setup first issue, but the whole series so far doesn't expect the reader to know much to follow the story, and the art is dripping with goodness.]
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): [Legends of The DC Universe: Carmine Infantino Hardcover]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Mark Waid is writing 2 great series, and he just knows these heroes and their universe in a way others struggle to.]
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) [I want to see more Batman. Just kidding, I want to read a Barry Allen Flash in Central City book this year. And to keep up the variety they have been cultivating recently (Poison Ivy, Green Arrow, Blue Beetle, Human Target, Birds of Prey, etc).]
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Uncanny Spider-Man was enjoyable.]
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): [Technically released by Taschen, but the oversized Marvel Comics Library Hardcover Volume 5: Silver Surfer 1968-1970. This beautiful XXL sized collection is the first chunk of the original run.]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): []
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) []
Other Publishers:
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [I've been enjoying The Sacrificers from Image. Story by Rick Remender and art by Max Fiumara.]
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): [I enjoyed volumes 4 and 5 of the Madman Library Editions which came out in 2023.]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Mike Allred]
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) [First, I will beat the drum once again for an ongoing Archie series. They are built for bringing in teens to comics with teen drama, even if it is graphic novels or young reader digests. Less movie pitches from everyone, please. More westerns and crime dramas, or how about more slice of life? Someone is bound to have a good pitch for a fire department or medical drama right?]
Favorite Comic Movie/Television Show: [Blue Beetle was surprisingly fun.]
What did you think was the biggest news story of the year for comics? [Honestly, there has been some]
Highlight of the year: [The DCEU - or whatever it was called - coasted to an end in 2023. Long live the upcoming DCU!]
How would you sum up this past year for the Decade in Review? [The comics frenzy from the last few years has cooled off, and a lot of readers and collectors seem to be closely reevaluating what they buy, especially as the average cost of comic books is edging into the 5-10 dollar range.]
Prediction for the next year: [I have two. The cooling demand for comic book adaptations in Hollywood will continue to put pressure on the several overnight pop-up publishers of the last several years.]
Which comic book subscription services (Marvel Unlimited, DC Universe, Comixology Unlimited, Hoopla, etc) do you subscribe to? [DC Universe Infinite and Comixology Unlimited]
Comic Book Page podcast:
What has been your favorite Comic Book Page episode and why? [I can't pick a favorite.]
Suggestions for future Comic Book Page episode? (Back Issue Spotlights, Round Table Discussions, etc.) [I would appreciate another Round Table episode or few sprinkled throughout the year.]
How do you participate in the Comic Book Page community (Slack/forum/Previews Spotlight/book club/other) and what would encourage you to participate in the Comic Book Page community more?? [I tried to become more engaged in the Slack forum this year. I love to see when the community shares reviews, opinions, and favorite art or collection views.]
How often do you send in Previews Spotlight clips and what would encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes more often? [Monthly]
Has the Comic Book Page podcast changed what comics you read? If so, which comics and why? [Just the fact that I pore over the catalogs for the Previews Spotlight each month encourages me to look closely at what is coming up and be involved.]
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? [I like the pros, cons, and recommendations focus of the Comic Book Page podcast. I feel like it would fail if we lost any of those 3 elements. And I appreciate the mix of TV show and movie and convention highlights from Kay and John. Keep up the variety!]
Additional Comments? [Cheers to another year of the Comic Book Page podcast community! All of the contributors make my reading and watching habits more enjoyable. Now go record a clip for the Previews Spotlight!]
I read comic books for fun.
Re: Yearly Comics Spotlight #17: 2023 (Deadline: Sat 9AM Jan 13, 2024)
What should we call you when reading your picks? [DoctorMo]
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Unstoppable Doom Patrol by Dennis Culver (writer) and Chris Burnham (artist)]
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): [The Batman Adventures Vol. 1 by Kelly Puckett (writer), Martin Pasko (writer), Ty Templeton (penciller), Rick Burchett (inker)]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Mark Waid (writer - Batman/Superman World's Finest, World's Finest Teen Titans, Superman: Last Days of Lex Luthor); Todd Nauck (Stargirl: The Lost Children)]
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) [A Legion of Super-Heroes series that last more than 12 issues, a 5 issue mini-series, 2 Future State issues, and a 2-part prequel series that really was not about the Legion. But that may be too much to ask for right now.
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Immortal X-Men by Kieron Gillen (writer), Lucas Werneck and Juan Jose Ryp (regular artists)]
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): [Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection Vol 9 - Spider-Man or Spider-Clone by Gerry Conway, Lein Wein, and Archie Goodwin (writers); Ross Andru, Gil Kane, and Sal Buscema (artists)]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Kieron Gillen (writer - Immortal X-Men, and X-Men: Before The Fall - Sinester Four); Joshua Cassara (X-Men)]
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) [Fewer X-Men titles post-Krakoa era]
Other Publishers:
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Local Man - publisher Image Comics by Tim Seeley and Tony Fleecs (creative team)]
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): [Super Patriot: Liberty and Justice - publisher Image Comics by Keith Giffen (plotter), Tom and Mary Bierbaum (scripters), Dave Johnson (artist)]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Tim Seeley and Tony Fleecs (writers of Local Man and Local Man Gold); Pepe Larraz (artist of Big Game - Image Comics)]
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) [Wish Dark Horse would release another The Orville series.]
Favorite Comic Movie/Television Show: [Superman & Lois Season 3 on The CW (Television series); Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Movie)]
What did you think was the biggest news story of the year for comics? [Image Comics leaving Diamond for Lunar.]
Highlight of the year: [The anime series Pluto on Netflix, based on the manga series which combines Astro Boy and Watchmen.]
How would you sum up this past year for the Decade in Review? [Forgoing titles that no longer bring joy can save me money. Focus on honing in on characters/titles that really get me excited about collecting comics.]
Prediction for the next year: [More crossovers and $3.99 new single issues will become extinct at Marvel.]
Which comic book subscription services (Marvel Unlimited, DC Universe, Comixology Unlimited, Hoopla, etc) do you subscribe to? [Marvel Unlimited]
Comic Book Page podcast:
What has been your favorite Comic Book Page episode and why? [Superman and Lois Season 3 both discussions - very moving about how the show's subject matter impacted your family personnally.]
Suggestions for future Comic Book Page episode? (Back Issue Spotlights, Round Table Discussions, etc.) [John Byrne's Dark Horse series like Next Men, Babe, or Danger Unlimited. Also the first Ultimate X-Men series.]
How do you participate in the Comic Book Page community (Slack/forum/Previews Spotlight/book club/other) and what would encourage you to participate in the Comic Book Page community more?? [More time, unfortunately work and graduate school are taking up a lot time right now.]
How often do you send in Previews Spotlight clips and what would encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes more often? [See previous response]
Has the Comic Book Page podcast changed what comics you read? If so, which comics and why? [It has helped to change my mindset this year, it is okay to let go of new titles that are not working in favor of older material.]
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? [Keep producing great content.]
Additional Comments? [Thank John and his co-hosts for continuing to produce such great content.]
What should we call you when reading your picks? [DoctorMo]
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Unstoppable Doom Patrol by Dennis Culver (writer) and Chris Burnham (artist)]
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): [The Batman Adventures Vol. 1 by Kelly Puckett (writer), Martin Pasko (writer), Ty Templeton (penciller), Rick Burchett (inker)]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Mark Waid (writer - Batman/Superman World's Finest, World's Finest Teen Titans, Superman: Last Days of Lex Luthor); Todd Nauck (Stargirl: The Lost Children)]
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) [A Legion of Super-Heroes series that last more than 12 issues, a 5 issue mini-series, 2 Future State issues, and a 2-part prequel series that really was not about the Legion. But that may be too much to ask for right now.

Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Immortal X-Men by Kieron Gillen (writer), Lucas Werneck and Juan Jose Ryp (regular artists)]
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): [Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection Vol 9 - Spider-Man or Spider-Clone by Gerry Conway, Lein Wein, and Archie Goodwin (writers); Ross Andru, Gil Kane, and Sal Buscema (artists)]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Kieron Gillen (writer - Immortal X-Men, and X-Men: Before The Fall - Sinester Four); Joshua Cassara (X-Men)]
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) [Fewer X-Men titles post-Krakoa era]
Other Publishers:
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Local Man - publisher Image Comics by Tim Seeley and Tony Fleecs (creative team)]
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): [Super Patriot: Liberty and Justice - publisher Image Comics by Keith Giffen (plotter), Tom and Mary Bierbaum (scripters), Dave Johnson (artist)]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Tim Seeley and Tony Fleecs (writers of Local Man and Local Man Gold); Pepe Larraz (artist of Big Game - Image Comics)]
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) [Wish Dark Horse would release another The Orville series.]
Favorite Comic Movie/Television Show: [Superman & Lois Season 3 on The CW (Television series); Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Movie)]
What did you think was the biggest news story of the year for comics? [Image Comics leaving Diamond for Lunar.]
Highlight of the year: [The anime series Pluto on Netflix, based on the manga series which combines Astro Boy and Watchmen.]
How would you sum up this past year for the Decade in Review? [Forgoing titles that no longer bring joy can save me money. Focus on honing in on characters/titles that really get me excited about collecting comics.]
Prediction for the next year: [More crossovers and $3.99 new single issues will become extinct at Marvel.]
Which comic book subscription services (Marvel Unlimited, DC Universe, Comixology Unlimited, Hoopla, etc) do you subscribe to? [Marvel Unlimited]
Comic Book Page podcast:
What has been your favorite Comic Book Page episode and why? [Superman and Lois Season 3 both discussions - very moving about how the show's subject matter impacted your family personnally.]
Suggestions for future Comic Book Page episode? (Back Issue Spotlights, Round Table Discussions, etc.) [John Byrne's Dark Horse series like Next Men, Babe, or Danger Unlimited. Also the first Ultimate X-Men series.]
How do you participate in the Comic Book Page community (Slack/forum/Previews Spotlight/book club/other) and what would encourage you to participate in the Comic Book Page community more?? [More time, unfortunately work and graduate school are taking up a lot time right now.]
How often do you send in Previews Spotlight clips and what would encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes more often? [See previous response]
Has the Comic Book Page podcast changed what comics you read? If so, which comics and why? [It has helped to change my mindset this year, it is okay to let go of new titles that are not working in favor of older material.]
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? [Keep producing great content.]
Additional Comments? [Thank John and his co-hosts for continuing to produce such great content.]
Re: Yearly Comics Spotlight #17: 2023 (Deadline: Sat 9AM Jan 13, 2024)
What should we call you when reading your picks? [Jon Abele]
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Nightwing, Poison Ivy]
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): [Gotham by Gaslight]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Tom King - The Penguin, Wonder Woman, Danger Street, The Human Target, Gotham City: Year One, Love Everlasting]
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) [Reduce number of titles, reduce number of mini-series, focus on quality, pay fewer creators more money, use the same artist for the covers as the interior)]
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [She-Hulk, Daredevil, Black Panther - these we just okay - Marvel did not have a great year of series/stories]
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): [The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Eve Ewing - Black Panther, Monica Rambeau: Photon]
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) [Reduce number of titles, reduce number of mini-series focus on quality, pay fewer creators more money, use the same artist for the covers as the interior (and use the same characters on the cover as the interior for that matter!)]
Other Publishers:
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Newburn]
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): [Criminal - Brubaker/Phillips]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Jacob Phillips - Newburn, The Enfield Gang Massacre, Where the Body Was]
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) [I still think there are too many comics being published overall, diluting the creator talent pool; unfortunately some small publishers going out of business will likely help the overall industry in the long term by improving the overall publication quality; the increasing price of comics is tough to swallow but may be palatable in the long term if there are fewer publications of higher quality product]
Favorite Comic Movie/Television Show: [Ahsoka]
What did you think was the biggest news story of the year for comics? [Aftershock Comics bankruptcy]
Highlight of the year: [Pullback in the speculation market; hopefully this will improve comic quality in the long term]
How would you sum up this past year for the Decade in Review? [Steady decline in the speculation market after a comic boom, continued increase in comic prices]
Prediction for the next year:
Which comic book subscription services (Marvel Unlimited, DC Universe, Comixology Unlimited, Hoopla, etc) do you subscribe to? [None. I prefer printed comics. I work on a computer all day and I like to relax with a physical book. Plus, the hardcovers look nice on my bookshelf.]
Comic Book Page podcast:
What has been your favorite Comic Book Page episode and why? [Monthly Comics Spotlight; I like the current format and the banter between John and James]
Suggestions for future Comic Book Page episode? (Back Issue Spotlights, Round Table Discussions, etc.) [Maybe a semi-annual top-three comics news event review with association discussion]
How do you participate in the Comic Book Page community (Slack/forum/Previews Spotlight/book club/other) and what would encourage you to participate in the Comic Book Page community more?? [A little bit, trying to participate more, I find Slack the easiest on my phone but plan to spend more time checking out the forum on my laptop]
How often do you send in Previews Spotlight clips and what would encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes more often? [Never have. Probably the first time is the hardest.]
Has the Comic Book Page podcast changed what comics you read? If so, which comics and why? [Not really but I like the discussion]
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? [John and James should give themselves a pat on the back. Thank you for all your work and effort. Thank you for providing us with regular comics-related discussion and improving our overall comics experience!]
Additional Comments? []
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Nightwing, Poison Ivy]
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): [Gotham by Gaslight]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Tom King - The Penguin, Wonder Woman, Danger Street, The Human Target, Gotham City: Year One, Love Everlasting]
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) [Reduce number of titles, reduce number of mini-series, focus on quality, pay fewer creators more money, use the same artist for the covers as the interior)]
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [She-Hulk, Daredevil, Black Panther - these we just okay - Marvel did not have a great year of series/stories]
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): [The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Eve Ewing - Black Panther, Monica Rambeau: Photon]
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) [Reduce number of titles, reduce number of mini-series focus on quality, pay fewer creators more money, use the same artist for the covers as the interior (and use the same characters on the cover as the interior for that matter!)]
Other Publishers:
Favorite Comics (Series/Story Arc or Single Issue): [Newburn]
Favorite Collected Edition (or back issue story): [Criminal - Brubaker/Phillips]
Favorite Creator (Writer/Artist/etc): [Jacob Phillips - Newburn, The Enfield Gang Massacre, Where the Body Was]
What changes do you think the publisher should make to the line up? (What should they stop publishing, start publishing or otherwise change?) [I still think there are too many comics being published overall, diluting the creator talent pool; unfortunately some small publishers going out of business will likely help the overall industry in the long term by improving the overall publication quality; the increasing price of comics is tough to swallow but may be palatable in the long term if there are fewer publications of higher quality product]
Favorite Comic Movie/Television Show: [Ahsoka]
What did you think was the biggest news story of the year for comics? [Aftershock Comics bankruptcy]
Highlight of the year: [Pullback in the speculation market; hopefully this will improve comic quality in the long term]
How would you sum up this past year for the Decade in Review? [Steady decline in the speculation market after a comic boom, continued increase in comic prices]
Prediction for the next year:
Which comic book subscription services (Marvel Unlimited, DC Universe, Comixology Unlimited, Hoopla, etc) do you subscribe to? [None. I prefer printed comics. I work on a computer all day and I like to relax with a physical book. Plus, the hardcovers look nice on my bookshelf.]
Comic Book Page podcast:
What has been your favorite Comic Book Page episode and why? [Monthly Comics Spotlight; I like the current format and the banter between John and James]
Suggestions for future Comic Book Page episode? (Back Issue Spotlights, Round Table Discussions, etc.) [Maybe a semi-annual top-three comics news event review with association discussion]
How do you participate in the Comic Book Page community (Slack/forum/Previews Spotlight/book club/other) and what would encourage you to participate in the Comic Book Page community more?? [A little bit, trying to participate more, I find Slack the easiest on my phone but plan to spend more time checking out the forum on my laptop]
How often do you send in Previews Spotlight clips and what would encourage you to send in clips to the Previews Spotlight episodes more often? [Never have. Probably the first time is the hardest.]
Has the Comic Book Page podcast changed what comics you read? If so, which comics and why? [Not really but I like the discussion]
What suggestions do you have for the Comic Book Page podcast? [John and James should give themselves a pat on the back. Thank you for all your work and effort. Thank you for providing us with regular comics-related discussion and improving our overall comics experience!]
Additional Comments? []