Questions for the Monthly Comics Spotlights

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Re: Questions for the Monthly Comics Spotlights

Post by JasonZ »

For John, what did you think overall of the Jonny Quest series? Did it stick the ending for you? Will you consider picking up the Space Ghost/Jonny Quest series? I enjoyed the Jonny Quest storyline and I do think Joe Casey has a good handle on who the characters ( how they speak and interact) but just wish the stories were set in that 1964 timeframe that I enjoy so much from the cartoon series.

For James, did you read/finish the Conan Battle of the Black Stone miniseries and did the story and ending work for you? Are you through with the “Black Stone” story arc and ready to move on to a new story line like I am?

Are either of you going to be getting the new Hanna-Barbera Herculoids series from Dynamite?
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Re: Questions for the Monthly Comics Spotlights

Post by drew »

A few questions:

1-I was talking about Batman’s softer fatherly side in Batman and Robin with my brother recently - you prefer your Batman dour and hrrmmm-ey or you like the kinder gentler Bruce? What your favorite era/characterization of Bruce/Batman?

2-How do you feel about anthologies? You tend to read or skip? Any favorites? I like them sometimes but seems The longer they are the Less I connect with the majority of stories

3-between Beneath the trees, animal Pound, Usagi and animal castle-I’m loving anthropomorphic comics these days - you enjoy animal comics too or tend to pass on them?

4-between DCs flatline and Marvels Jackpot - we’ve got some interesting new characters recently - who are some of your favorite new comic character creations in recent years?
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