1st issue Challenge

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Post by BobBretall »

Sgt Rock: The Lost Batallion #1 (DC) - Fabulous art & a decent story too. I think this book will be most appealing to anyone with a pre-existing soft spot for DC war comics, or WW II stories in general.

Gigantic #1 (Dark Horse) - I liked this one a lot and think Remender did a great job with the wrapping sequence in #1. This hit all the elements that I expect from a #1 comic (e.g., told a compelling story withing the issue, not leaving me with an incomplete "1st chapter" feeling" while also leaving off with a scene/situation that left me with the feeling that I definitely want to return for #2)

Terra #1 (DC) - A decent story introducing some (new?) subterranean races & situations to the DCU, told with some very nice Amanda Connor art.
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Post by Frank Castle »

The Cleaners #1 from Dark Horse - I friggin' loved this issue. I had read the Myspace short story last month and was excited for the issue. I believe it is going to be a 4 pt mini series and I am going to be along for the ride.
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Post by HassanT »

BATMAN: CACOPHONY #1 - This is probably the worst comic book I read this year. This is just one piece of crap. I can not believe that DC actually publish this book. Their editors must have been sleeping when the final script came across their desk. It was very juvenile and doesn't come off respecting any of the characters. I thought DC is supposed act like the caretakers of these characters. This in my mind, should have gotten a mature readers label on the cover, based on one particular scene. And the art is not the art that you should have in a $3.99 special mini-series, but more like art you see as a fill-in on a low selling book. WORST. COMIC. EVER.

I already pre-ordered the second issue, I will not be getting the third issue.
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Post by BobBretall »

HassanT wrote:BATMAN: CACOPHONY #1 - This is probably the worst comic book I read this year. This is just one piece of crap. I can not believe that DC actually publish this book. Their editors must have been sleeping when the final script came across their desk. It was very juvenile and doesn't come off respecting any of the characters. I thought DC is supposed act like the caretakers of these characters. This in my mind, should have gotten a mature readers label on the cover, based on one particular scene. And the art is not the art that you should have in a $3.99 special mini-series, but more like art you see as a fill-in on a low selling book. WORST. COMIC. EVER.

I already pre-ordered the second issue, I will not be getting the third issue.
I am surprised that the writing is not up to snuff, since I normally like Kevin Smith, though he can sometimes lapse into the crude/sophomoric (which has no place in a Batman story), can you elaborate a bit on the offending/mature scene without being too explicit?

I'm not surprised about the art. I have seen Walt Flanagan's art before and was not overly impressed. I believe I said on the Previews call that I thought Smith was doing this book in order to get his buddy a job on a high-profile book.

What did other folks think of Cacophony? I skipped it, seems like the right choice based on Hassan's review, what do others think?
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Post by HassanT »

BobBretall wrote:
HassanT wrote:BATMAN: CACOPHONY #1 - This is probably the worst comic book I read this year. This is just one piece of crap. I can not believe that DC actually publish this book. Their editors must have been sleeping when the final script came across their desk. It was very juvenile and doesn't come off respecting any of the characters. I thought DC is supposed act like the caretakers of these characters. This in my mind, should have gotten a mature readers label on the cover, based on one particular scene. And the art is not the art that you should have in a $3.99 special mini-series, but more like art you see as a fill-in on a low selling book. WORST. COMIC. EVER.

I already pre-ordered the second issue, I will not be getting the third issue.
I am surprised that the writing is not up to snuff, since I normally like Kevin Smith, though he can sometimes lapse into the crude/sophomoric (which has no place in a Batman story), can you elaborate a bit on the offending/mature scene without being too explicit?

I'm not surprised about the art. I have seen Walt Flanagan's art before and was not overly impressed. I believe I said on the Previews call that I thought Smith was doing this book in order to get his buddy a job on a high-profile book.

What did other folks think of Cacophony? I skipped it, seems like the right choice based on Hassan's review, what do others think?
Without spoiling the issue, Joker escapes Arkham Asylum. The person that helped him escape also gives him some cash. So, in return, Joker pulls down his pants and bends over for that person.

I really loved Kevin Smith when he did Daredevil and Green Arrow (his Spider-man/ Black Cat mini was not as strong). I think this type of "humor" doesn't belong in a mainstream DC or Marvel book.

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Post by Frank Castle »

BobBretall wrote:What did other folks think of Cacophony? I skipped it, seems like the right choice based on Hassan's review, what do others think?
I tried reading it but it was just a pile of rubbish. I agree with Hassan that some scenes were not meant to be in a DC book. I get the Joker can be crazy but it was more of Kevin Smith just trying to get away with something then telling an interesting Joker story.

Take the Joker HC that just came out. That had a few shock and awe moments but it was told in a good story and not just to see if they could get away with it.

Overall the book just had this feel that Dido allowed Smith to do whatever he wanted in an attempt to sell some books!!
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Post by HassanT »

Frank Castle wrote:
BobBretall wrote:What did other folks think of Cacophony? I skipped it, seems like the right choice based on Hassan's review, what do others think?
I tried reading it but it was just a pile of rubbish. I agree with Hassan that some scenes were not meant to be in a DC book. I get the Joker can be crazy but it was more of Kevin Smith just trying to get away with something then telling an interesting Joker story.

Take the Joker HC that just came out. That had a few shock and awe moments but it was told in a good story and not just to see if they could get away with it.

Overall the book just had this feel that Dido allowed Smith to do whatever he wanted in an attempt to sell some books!!
The difference is that the Joker HC could have been labeled as Matured Readers while the Batman mini could have been labeled Immatured Readers :)

Seriously, you can't really compare the two, the Joker HC was one of the best Joker stories I have read in years. While it may be matured at some level, it was no more matured than Alan Moore Swamp Thing.
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Post by comicm »

Superman/Supergirl Maelstrom #1-3 - While this obviously takes place before Final Crisis, it is a great story and the artwork is beautiful. I love the battle between Supergirl and Maelstrom in the first issue. Great dialog in all issues.

Kull #1 (Dark Horse) - Picked this one off of the shelf at the LCS because I am loving Conan the Cimmerian. I was not disappointed. I just sent a note to Cameron to add this book to my list.

Gauze #1 (Arcana) - A serial killer book. I really enjoyed it but it must have sold terrible because it appears they are going to collect the whole series in GN format. I will be picking it up to get the whole story but I hate when they do this because I already paid for the first issue.
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Post by Frank Castle »

Wizard of Oz #1 I loved it! Skottie's art was great and it was a fresh take on the story we all know and love. Little girls could like this book as much as hard core comic fans.
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Post by comicm »

Scalped #1 from Vertigo was fantastic. Of course I read the 1st trade but man am I itching to get the second one.

Rest #1 from DDP. Very interesting story about a drug that can keep you up 24x7 and old friend. I really enjoyed this.

Batman Cacophony #1
- Did not hate it but did not love it either. Has potential for me to really grab onto the story but there are a few things that just don't seem right.
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Post by BobBretall »

Patricia Briggs' Mercy Thompson: Homecoming #1 (Dabel Bros) I really liked this one. A nice painted art style, a really cool leading lady, not much action happened, but the story really held my attention throughout. I'll be back for more, the subject matter just clicked with me. Mercy is the daughter of a human woman & a coyote shapeshifter and is making her way in the human world (she just wants to be a history teacher).

CE Murphy's Take A Chance #1 (Dabel Bros) Not to my liking. Origin story moved too slow, didn't really hold my interest, and the art was really weak (just my feeling about it). I won't be getting any more of this 5 issue mini.

Galveston #1 (Boom!) The solicit for this was much better than the actual issue. What if the pirate John Lafitte & legendary texan Jim Bowie had adventures together in Galveston? Sounded cool to me. What I got was a really weak first issue with the two main characters just making it to Galvston by the end of the first issue after a not very interesting set up. Combined with really weak art, this is a "don't bother" book.
Last edited by BobBretall on Wed Dec 31, 2008 12:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by JohnMayo »

BobBretall wrote: CE Murphy's Take A Chance #1 (Dabel Bros) Not to my liking. Origin story moved too slow, didn't really hold my interest, and the art was really weak (just my feeling about it). I won't be getting any more of this 5 issue mini.
I liked this one but I can see how it fits my taste in comics much more than yours. I thought the art was fine if a bit lackluster. I don't recall thinking it was particularly bad but I also do recall not thinking it was particularly great either. All in all, it was an average comic that has me curious about the new narrative universe. But, then again, I'm an easy sell on that sort of thing.
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Post by spid »

BobBretall wrote:
CE Murphy's Take A Chance #1 (Dabel Bros) Not to my liking. Origin story moved too slow, didn't really hold my interest, and the art was really weak (just my feeling about it). I won't be getting any more of this 5 issue mini. .
I will have to agree the art seemed to be very weak. There was just enough of a hook for me to the character that will keep me going on.

Malcolm Wong's Dog Eaters #1 It felt like Road Warriors mixed with Big Love. The art was OK, but there is a fight scene in the middle that had a weird sequence. I did not hate the issue I read, but I do not feel compelled to keep reading the miniseries.
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Post by BobBretall »

JohnMayo wrote:
BobBretall wrote: CE Murphy's Take A Chance #1 (Dabel Bros) Not to my liking. Origin story moved too slow, didn't really hold my interest, and the art was really weak (just my feeling about it). I won't be getting any more of this 5 issue mini.
I liked this one but I can see how it fits my taste in comics much more than yours.
Yes, I can see that. This is the same reason I liked Mercy Thompson WAY more, and you probably would not like it much.
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Post by comicm »

BobBretall wrote:
Galveston #1 (Boom!) The solicit for this was much better than the actual issue. What if the pirate John Lafitte & legendary texan Jim Bowie had adventures together in Galveston? Sounded cool to me. What I got was a really weak first issue with the two main characters just making it to Galvston by the end of the first issue after a not very interesting set up. Combined with really weak art, this is a "don't bother" book.
I am confused in the Comics discussion for the top 300 you mentioned that you liked this book. Did you mix it up with something else. It was around the time you were discussing Castle Waiting.
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