Testing out on-line stores

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Post by JohnMayo »

Just Bill wrote:Since I can't seem to discuss this in a public forum anywhere else, does anyone have any dealings with a mail order company called HEROES CORNER? They are a competitor to DCBS, and they give an additional 10% off your first order. Plus free bags and boards, free shipping over $75. I'm a bit nervous about trying them out, but at the same time, the savings are not small... it would be like getting the STARMAN HC and a few other comics for free this month.

I LOVE DCBS... but I use a mail order company in the first place in order to save money, so I gotta at least consider these guys at least for the month.

But if they are a shady operator, I'd obviously rethink my (current) decision to give them a shot.

Oh, great... :roll:

Now I'll have to lock the thread, erase the server, melt the hardware and irradiate the hosting location... :wink:

(Actually, we might end up moving this into a new thread for online retailers of new comics versus this thread which has mainly been for back issues... I'll leave that decision to Bob...)

I know next to nothing about this company so I can't say if they are on the up and up or not. I currently have no real reason to think they aren't.

Have you done any web searching for reviews of the company, Bill? I would think that if they are a shady operator that someone would have posted a length explanation of how and why they are somewhere on the internet.

I'll say upfront that I've been a customer of DCBS for over four years and have been very happy with the service and discounts from them during that time. So, the chances of me switching to another online retailer are small. The savings and benefits would have to be significant and they company would need to come highly recommended.

DCBS has made fewer mistakes over the past four years of weekly shipments than the local store I had been a customer of had made in a single week. While DCBS may not be perfect, I can personally vouch for the quality of service that they have provided me over the past four years. But your mileage may vary, etc, etc, etc... All I can say is that I'm very happy as a customer of DCBS.

Also, in the interests of full disclosure, Cameron from DCBS was a guest on the next episode of the Back Issue Spotlight (#007 covering the Saga of the Super Sons) which will be released as soon as I finish editing it.

Cameron was kind enough to extend a limited time 45% discount on the Saga of the Super Sons trade paperback at In Stock Trades site (which should be good until mid February 2008).

Cameron has also let Bob and I pick a few items for promotional discounts.

DCBS/IST are not sponsors of the Comic Book Page podcast or website. The only benefits Bob and I have gotten out of all of this is the same discounts being offered to everyone else. (Well, I consider having had Cameron on the Super Sons episode a benefit as he was a lot of fun to talk with and clearly a big fan of those stories.)

Being curious about the potential savings, I've plugged my January order that I'm planning on placing with DCBS into the Heroes Corner Excel file to see how the two companies compared.

The first thing I noticed was that I liked the DCBS Excel file better. Part of that was I'm used to it. But part of it was that it had breaks between the major sections and publishers and between pages. That makes it a lot easier to find things. I had a few problems finding things on the Heroes Corner Excel file. But, presumably after a few months you could get used to the structure of the file and that wouldn't be a big deal. It certainly isn't a deal breaker.

The second thing I noticed was that items that I had on my DCBS order form weren't available on the Heroes Corner one. Specifically the inner case assortment of DC Direct figures were not listed nor were any of the RPG items I was mildly interested in. But, Diamond sucks at handling RPG modules anyway so I stopped getting them from DCBS when I had to cut back around September 2006. In the interests of doing an apples to apples comparison, I made a copy of my DCBS order form and removed items that Heroes Corner wasn't offering.

(And when I explained to Cameron back in September 2006 that the company I was working for at the time was in the process of going under he was exceptionally understanding and helpful.)

I then compared prices. Overall, for what I'm planning on getting in January DCBS came in about a $0.98 cheaper in price. Not a big difference at all. And even if it went the other way, it isn't even remotely close enough for me to jump ship over.

What was interesting was that DCBS seemed to be cheaper on DC and Marvel items. Some times only by a penny but other times by as much as $3.75 on a hardcover. On the other hand, about half the items on my list that Heroes Corner was cheaper on were indy titles.

A lot of it came down to which company was doing either door buster discount on an item or simply a better door buster discount than the other company. In a number of cases, Heroes Corner came out the winner. But, according to the Heroes Corner website they had quadruple the number of door buster discounts. It is unclear if that is only for January or if it will continue in the future.

Most of the items I was getting (94 out of 160), the prices were the same at both places. DCBS had 27 items cheaper and Heroes Corner had 39 items cheaper.

But, again, in terms of the actual cost of the comic, DCBS came in $0.98 cheaper. Obviously your savings will vary. It might be more if you get a lot of indy titles but might be less if you get mainly stuff from the premiere publisher. And, of course, it will depend which company has better door buster discounts on the specific items you are getting.

The only noticeable difference is in the bags and boards and shipping.

Heroes Corner offers free bags and boards while DCBS charges $0.10 a comic. Obviously free is better but the cost at DCBS is reasonable. And for people getting mainly trades and other items that don't need bags and boards this is a non-issue. Still, Heroes Corner seems to come out in front on this.

Both companies have a flat rate of $5.95 for monthly shipping. This is new for DCBS as of this month. Heroes Corner offered free shipping for orders over $75 which gives them a slight edge over DCBS.

Where things get interesting is on the shipping options. DCBS offers twice monthly shipping for $5.95 (as of this month) while Heroes Corner charges $9.95. (I couldn't figure out how to indicate a desire for twice monthly shipping on the Heroes Corner Excel file.) DCBS offers weekly shipping for $11.95 (as of this month) while Heroes Corner doesn't have this option listed.

In January, it looks like I'd possibly save under $20 which works out to a savings of around 5%. And to get that savings I would have to forgo the option of weekly shipping and the DC Direct figures and RPG items.

But it isn't worth the $20 to me to switch away from DCBS. I know the quality of service I can expect there and I'm happy with it.

Frankly, it isn't worth a one time 10% discount either. Now, if money were tight, I might not think that. But, when money got *very* tight for me a year ago, Cameron was exceedingly understanding and that is worth a lot to me.

Would I like DCBS to perhaps take a closer look at the discounts they give on indy titles? Sure. That alone would account for the most of $20 difference for me.

Would I like DCBS to offer free bags and boards? Sure. That would save me about $15 this month.

But, I also want Cameron to base his decisions on things like this on what works for him and DCBS since it does me no good for him to changes that lead to him going out of business.

Cameron also has a track record of making changes that benefit the customers. Remember when he changed the base discount from 35% to 40%?

And, how about the reduction in shipping costs at DCBS as of this month? While I'm not sure why Cameron made those changes, he is doing things to stay competitive and I respect that.

For me, staying with DCBS is the right choice.

But that isn't to say that switching to Heroes Corner would necessarily be a bad choice, just not the right one for me right now. But if I were to switch online retailers every time I could save a few bucks I'd probably end up splitting my order across a few different retailers angling for the best deals each month. And I'm too lazy for that. It would make tracking my orders and maintaining my inventory a real pain.

So, what do I think you should do, Bill?
That is a tough question.

I completely understand the desire to save money and can't fault you for it. Comics are optional purchases after all. Getting more for your money when you can, makes sense.

That having been said, I'm not going to recommend against DCBS either. Ordering from DCBS has worked out very well for me and it is a company I feel comfortable highly recommending. That isn't something I do often.

But the bottom line is that I don't have any dealing with Heroes Corner so I can't recommend for or against them based on experience. In terms of price, they seem to offer a good deal.

Again, I do recommend Googling for reviews of the company. If there is any customers that are unhappy it shouldn't be too hard to find them.

If you do go with Heroes Corner, please report back to us during the process and let us know how it goes.

If you stick with DCBS, it would be great to hear your reasons for doing so.
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Post by Lobo »

Just Bill wrote:Since I can't seem to discuss this in a public forum anywhere else...
I have no idea what you're talking about. :twisted:

Seriously, I'll look into them, but I'm with John as far as preferring reliability to saving a little cash.

Saving a lot of cash, OTOH, could definitely sway me, especially since I buy indie titles almost exclusively.
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Post by jkarguth »

I did my own check (much like John, though I am sure on a much smaller scale) and DCBS came out on top, by about three dollars or so I think. It surprised me, because I started with Terry Moore's Echo. Which HC has for a great price. I suppose I might check each month for price difference, just to compare and contrast, but I don't know about switching over.

I am not the easiest customer to deal with I am sure. Some money troubles and a few credit card changes. Not to mention all the first time customer jitters, but Cameron, Carrie, Jim and the gang have treated me very well. (I have gotten many different responses over the two years or so, can you tell?) As John stated, I would love to hear how it all goes for you, Bill.

On another note, DCBS had a load of specials this month, it was insane. I remember going through quite giddy, and just saving a bundle, and then I realised I hadn't added my regulars yet. If I didn't care about what I bought I could read a ton of comics.
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Post by Lobo »

According to the spreadsheets, I'm looking at $110.24 with DCBS vs $92.11 with Heroes Corner.

This includes DCBS' new flat rate shipping and no bags/boards, which is how I usually order through DCBS.

If I add in the BLADE COMPLETE TV SERIES DVD SET, it increases to $147.73 (DCBS) vs $124.10 (Heroes Corner), because Heroes Corner offers a 20% discount, while DCBS doesn't offer any (which is why I never order DVDs though them).

Put another way, I'm looking at $110.24 through DCBS, with no bags, boards or Blade DVD set, or $124.10 through Heroes Corner, including bags, boards and the Blade DVD set.

This doesn't include any new customer promotional discount either.

Even if I don't switch permanently, I might have to switch this month.
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Post by Wood »

Interesting...last month I switched to DCBS after using Mailordercomics.com for six years. I switched because, on average, I would be spending 8%-10% less per month through DCB.

Now I can't say I have confidence in Heroes Corner as it's too new and I have no idea whether they have good customer service or what their longevity looks like (they could be burning money and go away ASAP for all we know).

BUT...just comparing my January order at DCB with the same order at Heroes Corner, I would save 8% at Heroes Corner for the same shipping, bags/boards and selections.

That's pretty strong, and basically is 15%-20% cheaper than I've been paying at Mailordercomics.

I won't switch to Heroes yet, but if I hear enough people with positive feedback from them, I may switch in a few months.
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Post by Lobo »

I just got my 10% discount code via email, which seals the deal for this month.

I'll probably check both spreadsheets for a few months, but unless something drastic happens, I'll probably stick with HC instead of DCBS.
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Post by JohnMayo »

Apparently my shipment from MyComicShop arrived at the mail center this morning. Since it was sent USPS they didn't call me to let me know and the email notification from the USPS didn't arrive until after the mail center closed. (Wouldn't have mattered though since I was across town going out to dinner with some friends.)

The shipment from Mile High is in transit and should arrive on Monday. So, I'll end up getting both of them and my weekly DCBS shipment all at once.
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Post by Lord Shaper »

Ok we don't have as much over this side of the world as you guys have and shipping is a major thing to me as for 10 books I'm looking around $30 shipping from the US but one of our local stores Kings Comics is one Brick and Mortar I try to go when ever I go to Sydney but about 8 months ago I contacted them about some of the old BPRD Patches since they were listed on the DH site. They got back to me within 24 hours and remembered me as I had dropped some Kryptographik Cards into thier store at one point which I was amazed about.

They said they would try to get some for me and over the passed 8 months letting me know what was happening and just touching base with me until they contacted me to let me know that they got them in and I can either go in or order them from the website which I managed to spend an extra $100 on trades with them as well for thier service and also they are working on a deal for Draw Boxes and will again keep me informed on when they are coming in and what the cost is going to be.

So if anyone is on holidays over here go and check them out.
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Post by BobBretall »

RE: DCBS vs. Heroes Corner

John & I just did some analysis, entering our January orders in side-by-side between Heroes Corner & DCBS.

I paid for bags & boards on my DCBS order (I normally don't get them) so I would be comparing apples-to-apples with the Heroes Corner (who gives free bags). I also took off my weekly shipping charge (but left on the monthly shipping charge). This way I was comparing monthly shipment to monthly shipment.

For me, I found the following:
DCBS: $873.61
HC: $891.76

So, I would be paying more via Heroes Corner. Additionally, I found that I was not able to order the DC Direct Supergirl & Batgirl figures I wanted this month. These are $12.50 each at DCBS and I would have ended up having to buy them at the LCS (which would cost me probably $17 + tax each).

Also, there does not seem to be a HC option for weekly shipping, and I'd not be able to get by on bi-weekly, so my choice is clear. Stick with DCBS.
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Post by Lobo »

JLAFan wrote: ... I was comparing monthly shipment to monthly shipment....

DCBS: $873.61
HC: $891.76
I was comparing your monthly shipment price to mine (which my fiancée previously considered "a bit much").

I think I'm in the clear now. Thank you.

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Post by JohnMayo »

The MyComicShop shipment arrived Friday and I picked it up from the mail center on Saturday. Everything looked good in that shipment. I still don't like the fact that most items from MyComicShop don't come bagged and boarded. But it isn't a big deal since I usually end up rebagging and boarding the items from Mile High anyway.

Speaking of Mile High, that shipment came today but ended up goin to my billing address instead of my shipping address. I don't know if that was my mistake or theirs. And I can't tell from the various emails I got from them. That computer system is stuck in the 1980s, dot matrix printer and all... :roll:
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Post by Wood »

johnmayo wrote:The MyComicShop shipment arrived Friday and I picked it up from the mail center on Saturday. Everything looked good in that shipment. I still don't like the fact that most items from MyComicShop don't come bagged and boarded. But it isn't a big deal since I usually end up rebagging and boarding the items from Mile High anyway.

Speaking of Mile High, that shipment came today but ended up goin to my billing address instead of my shipping address. I don't know if that was my mistake or theirs. And I can't tell from the various emails I got from them. That computer system is stuck in the 1980s, dot matrix printer and all... :roll:
Funny you say that John. I just received my fourth MyComicShop order and, as expected, the comics weren't bagged and boarded. Now to be fair they are always in the condition promised but I often wonder how they maintain the condition of their older books without having them bagged.
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Post by Just Bill »

johnmayo wrote:
Speaking of Mile High, that shipment came today but ended up goin to my billing address instead of my shipping address. I don't know if that was my mistake or theirs. And I can't tell from the various emails I got from them. That computer system is stuck in the 1980s, dot matrix printer and all... :roll:
Yeah, you would think that with all the money that joint makes, they could afford to redesign the system or at least the website.

I placed a couple of hypothetical orders in the shopping cart when trying (and failing) to find a place to spend the "free" ten bucks, and then got emails a week later stating that they were waiting for payment on my orders... had to email them back that I hadn't actually ordered anything. The system is really antiquated.
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Post by comicm »

I just did a comparison of Atomic Avenue and MyComicsShop.com for the following items:

1)Daredevil Vol 1 #13 FN AA: $28.00 MCS: $33.00
2)Daredevil Vol 1 #156 VF AA: $6.00 MCS: $9.00
3) A Dummy's Guide to Danger #1 AA: $3.25 MCS: $2.40
4) First Born #2 Variation A AA:$5.00 MCS: $2.40
5) Witchblade #100 AA:$4.99 MCS:$4.00
6) Witchblade #101 AA: $2.99 MCS: $2.40
7) Witchblade #102 AA: $2.99 MCS: $3.20
8) Witchblade #110 AA: $2.99 MCS: $4.00
9) Witchblade #111 AA: $2.99 MCS $2.40

Atomic Avenue came with bags and boards MyComicshop does not. Atomic Avenue Free Shipping after $40.00 (for this seller) and MCS free after $50.00.

Total AA: $62.19
Total MCS: $66.00 plus and additional 5% for the week in comparison comes to $62.70

Atomic Avenue won out and I got some bags and boards. The big difference seemed to be in the earlier issues. I order these from Pete Bickford himself and was very very satisfied with the grading.

Just thought I would let you guys know.

Mike M.
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Post by JohnMayo »

comicm wrote:I just did a comparison of Atomic Avenue and MyComicsShop.com for the following items:

1)Daredevil Vol 1 #13 FN AA: $28.00 MCS: $33.00
2)Daredevil Vol 1 #156 VF AA: $6.00 MCS: $9.00
3) A Dummy's Guide to Danger #1 AA: $3.25 MCS: $2.40
4) First Born #2 Variation A AA:$5.00 MCS: $2.40
5) Witchblade #100 AA:$4.99 MCS:$4.00
6) Witchblade #101 AA: $2.99 MCS: $2.40
7) Witchblade #102 AA: $2.99 MCS: $3.20
8) Witchblade #110 AA: $2.99 MCS: $4.00
9) Witchblade #111 AA: $2.99 MCS $2.40

Atomic Avenue came with bags and boards MyComicshop does not. Atomic Avenue Free Shipping after $40.00 (for this seller) and MCS free after $50.00.

Total AA: $62.19
Total MCS: $66.00 plus and additional 5% for the week in comparison comes to $62.70

Atomic Avenue won out and I got some bags and boards. The big difference seemed to be in the earlier issues. I order these from Pete Bickford himself and was very very satisfied with the grading.

Just thought I would let you guys know.

Mike M.
Interesting. Thanks for sharing the comparison.

I haven't bought anything from there yet but I'll keep it in mind the next time I see something at MyComicShop that is either more expensive than I want to pay or simply unavailable.

One question about Atomic Avenue, how do they shipping charges work if you order from multiple people?
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