Ultimate Spider-Man #129 / Ultimatum

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Ultimate Spider-Man #129 / Ultimatum

Post by BobBretall »

I have only been getting USM from the Ultimate Universe for a while now, when they advertised the title as crossing over into Ultimatum, I figured, "OK, time to bail on this, since I'm not reading Ultimatum and done want a partial story".

HOWEVER, even though #129 has an "ULTIMATUM" banner splashed across the top of the cover, I could not see any Ultimatum anywhere in the issue (or at least it was subtle, maybe there for people reading Ultimatum, and not something I noticed, NOT reading Ultimatum.

In any event, #129 was a damn good issue, so I'm back on the USM pony. I'm adding the book back onto my pull list, and it will remain (for now) my sole foray into the Ultimate Universe.
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Post by Trev »

Totally agree, Bob. This was a fun issue. It's also the only Ultimate book I'm getting now. We'll see what happens after they reboot the other titles post-Ultimatum.

Seems like Marvel is now investing more time in the 'First Class' line of books. Didn't I read someplace about a 3rd 'First Class' title?
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Post by JohnMayo »

Trev wrote:Totally agree, Bob. This was a fun issue. It's also the only Ultimate book I'm getting now. We'll see what happens after they reboot the other titles post-Ultimatum.

Seems like Marvel is now investing more time in the 'First Class' line of books. Didn't I read someplace about a 3rd 'First Class' title?
If I recall correctly Marvel has the follow "First Class" titles: X-Men: First Class (ongoing), Wolverine First Class (ongoing), Weapon X: First Class (3 issue mini) and a Giant Size X-Men: First Class one shot.
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Post by Trev »

JohnMayo wrote:If I recall correctly Marvel has the follow "First Class" titles: X-Men: First Class (ongoing), Wolverine First Class (ongoing), Weapon X: First Class (3 issue mini) and a Giant Size X-Men: First Class one shot.
Yep. Weapon X was the one I was thinking of. The current Wolverine one is hit and miss for me, but X-Men First Class is the only X book I'm getting regularly now -- great stuff.
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Post by Frank Castle »

i read #129 and I enjoyed it. I'm getting Ultimatum as well and I have no idea how this issues tied in. Not to mention this issue is in the middle of a ongoing story arc. So I guess they just threw the Ultimatum banner on the top hoping to sell a couple more copies.

There was a cover for an upcoming Ult SM issue where Hulk was holding a car above SM's head, that was in Ultimatum #2.

On a side note, I'm really enjoying Ultimatum, more than other events this year.
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Post by HassanT »

Frank Castle wrote:i read #129 and I enjoyed it. I'm getting Ultimatum as well and I have no idea how this issues tied in. Not to mention this issue is in the middle of a ongoing story arc. So I guess they just threw the Ultimatum banner on the top hoping to sell a couple more copies.

There was a cover for an upcoming Ult SM issue where Hulk was holding a car above SM's head, that was in Ultimatum #2.

On a side note, I'm really enjoying Ultimatum, more than other events this year.
This issue might have continued some plot threads from the last issue, but this issue is the start of a new story arc.

The tie-in is very little at this point. The rain at the end is an indication that this part of the story arc takes place before issue 1 of Ultimatum.

I enjoyed this issue as well. I did think dropping it a couple of months ago, but decided against because the story and art has been consistently good for over the past 129 issues. Besides Daredevil and JSA, I can't name another title that has been consistently good issue after issue for a long period of time.
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Post by Webhead »

I've only read USM and UFF and I am reading Ultimatum. I am finding out that if you wanna read Ultimatum you do not need any of the other Ultimate titles.

I agree with Hassan USM has been consistently good for over the past 129 issues.
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Post by Frank Castle »

HassanT wrote:
Frank Castle wrote:i read #129 and I enjoyed it. I'm getting Ultimatum as well and I have no idea how this issues tied in. Not to mention this issue is in the middle of a ongoing story arc. So I guess they just threw the Ultimatum banner on the top hoping to sell a couple more copies.

There was a cover for an upcoming Ult SM issue where Hulk was holding a car above SM's head, that was in Ultimatum #2.

On a side note, I'm really enjoying Ultimatum, more than other events this year.
This issue might have continued some plot threads from the last issue, but this issue is the start of a new story arc.

The tie-in is very little at this point. The rain at the end is an indication that this part of the story arc takes place before issue 1 of Ultimatum.

I enjoyed this issue as well. I did think dropping it a couple of months ago, but decided against because the story and art has been consistently good for over the past 129 issues. Besides Daredevil and JSA, I can't name another title that has been consistently good issue after issue for a long period of time.
Thats a good point about the end, I forgot about the end and the "twist".

And I too agree that Ult SM has been great. It is the only SM book I read.
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Post by JohnMayo »

HassanT wrote: I enjoyed this issue as well. I did think dropping it a couple of months ago, but decided against because the story and art has been consistently good for over the past 129 issues. Besides Daredevil and JSA, I can't name another title that has been consistently good issue after issue for a long period of time.
Birds of Prey maybe?
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Post by Trev »

JohnMayo wrote:
HassanT wrote: I enjoyed this issue as well. I did think dropping it a couple of months ago, but decided against because the story and art has been consistently good for over the past 129 issues. Besides Daredevil and JSA, I can't name another title that has been consistently good issue after issue for a long period of time.
Birds of Prey maybe?
It was -- until Gail Simone left. This last issue actually had me think about dropping it, but I'm going to finish it out since it's ending soon anyway.

Cap and Fables are another 2 that come to mind.
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Post by aSh »

I have been getting the USM Hardcovers. It is an awesome way to read the series especially when bendis drags stuff out.

I hope Ultimatium doesn't ruin USM.
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Post by HassanT »

Trev wrote:
JohnMayo wrote:
HassanT wrote: I enjoyed this issue as well. I did think dropping it a couple of months ago, but decided against because the story and art has been consistently good for over the past 129 issues. Besides Daredevil and JSA, I can't name another title that has been consistently good issue after issue for a long period of time.
Birds of Prey maybe?
It was -- until Gail Simone left. This last issue actually had me think about dropping it, but I'm going to finish it out since it's ending soon anyway.

Cap and Fables are another 2 that come to mind.
Fable is another great example. As for Cap, it is still too "young" to be considered in the same league as JSA, Daredevil, Fables, and USM.
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