Previews Spotlight #015 (Jan): Fri Jan 9th: 5pm pacific

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Previews Spotlight #015 (Jan): Fri Jan 9th: 5pm pacific

Post by BobBretall »

The new Previews should hits the stands on Wed Dec 31 or Fri Jan 2nd (depending on holiday delays).

In any event, we should be "good to go" with a January Previews call on Friday January 9th at 5pm Pacific / 6pm Mountain / 7pm Central / 8pm Eastern.

As always, get on Skype around the start time (or join any time after, the call can run 4 hours of rousing comics chat) and look for thejohnmayo message him to get joined into the call.

Submissions for the Previews Spotlight #015 show should be in by the end of Saturday January 10th. Of course you can start sending in submissions as soon as you have them done. Sending them in early is appreciated as it give us more time to organized the clips and plan out the episode.

Remember: We encourage anyone to send in a short audio clip where they can talk about any book that's coming out in the upcoming Previews that they are really excited about. The email address to send the clips to is (Some people were only send them to either just John or just Bob and we both need to get them to prepare to recording the episode. By using TheGuys email address, the email goes to both Bob and John.)

PLEASE: Each featured item should be in a separate audio file.

We would also appreciate it if you put the page number followed by the full name of the item in the filename. If you don't know the page number, that is fine. Just leave it off. But having the full name of the item the clip is for makes it much easier for us to organize the files and prepare for recording the episode.

Tips on how to record a clip can be found here.

Call dibs on reviewing any particular comic on this thread.

Links to on-line solicits (w/pictures) will be added as they become available:

Dark Horse






Ape Entertainment







Boom! Studios

Dabel Bros.


Devil's Due

Digital Webbing






Red 5

Studio 407

Top Cow

Udon Entertainment

Last edited by BobBretall on Sun Jan 11, 2009 12:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by HassanT »

I would like to recommend the following:

Green Lantern Chronicles Vol 1 TP
Madame Xandu #9
New Avengers: The Reunion #1
Uncanny X-Men #507
Potter's Field Stone Cold #1

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Post by comicm »

Strange Adventures #1
AIRBOY: 1942: BEST OF ENEMIES - Geek Brunch (both available on iTunes via the iTunes store.)
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Post by BobBretall »

comicm wrote: AIRBOY: 1942: BEST OF ENEMIES
Only thing I worry about on this one is if Moonstone pulls a "Captain Action" on us and gives us an 8 page Airboy story that is GREAT, and then several back-up stories that are of lesser quality featuring characters I don't care about.....
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Post by BobBretall »

Here are the ComicBookPage "Special Discounts" for January from DCBS:

Oracle #1--50% off at $1.49
Justice League of America #31--50% off at $1.49
Strange Adventures #1--50% off at $1.99
Ex Machina Special #4--50% off at $1.99

Invincible #60--50% off at $1.99
Proof #18--50% off at $1.75

Dark Reign: Fantastic Four #1--50% off at $1.49
Nova #23--50% off at $1.49
X-Men: Sword of Braddocks--50% off at $1.99

Potter's Field: Stone Cold--45% off at $2.19
Incredibles #1--45% off at $1.64

Life & Times of Savior 28 #1--50% off at $1.99
Groom Lake #1--50% off at $1.99
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Post by comicm »

BobBretall wrote:
comicm wrote: AIRBOY: 1942: BEST OF ENEMIES
Only thing I worry about on this one is if Moonstone pulls a "Captain Action" on us and gives us an 8 page Airboy story that is GREAT, and then several back-up stories that are of lesser quality featuring characters I don't care about.....
Personally I was really happy with Captain Action #1 and enjoyed all of the stories that were in there. As long as Airboy provides me with enjoyable stories I am happy. Plus you can get a cover by the artist of Athena Voltaire, Steve Bryant and damn it is awesome. I remember when Dave Stevens was doing some Airboy covers and this one looks just as nice. - Geek Brunch (both available on iTunes via the iTunes store.)
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Post by Lord Shaper »

I got my previews today so I'll be going through it tomorrow and get it recorded by the end of the week...

I can't miss out on an episode!
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Post by IanG »

I'd like to submit Star Trek Crew #1 from IDW.
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Post by HipHopHead »

Ben Templesmith's Dracula HC from IDW Publishing code JAN094295 Page 293 of the Preview Guide. 472 pages w 27 full color illustrations by Ben Templesmith. Written by the Bram Stoker (1st horror writer?)

This looks like a winner. Templesmith was able to draw the new vampire in 30 Days of Night, can wait to see his vision of the original as it was written.
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Post by BobBretall »

comicm wrote:
BobBretall wrote:
comicm wrote: AIRBOY: 1942: BEST OF ENEMIES
Only thing I worry about on this one is if Moonstone pulls a "Captain Action" on us and gives us an 8 page Airboy story that is GREAT, and then several back-up stories that are of lesser quality featuring characters I don't care about.....
Personally I was really happy with Captain Action #1 and enjoyed all of the stories that were in there. As long as Airboy provides me with enjoyable stories I am happy. Plus you can get a cover by the artist of Athena Voltaire, Steve Bryant and damn it is awesome. I remember when Dave Stevens was doing some Airboy covers and this one looks just as nice.
Fair enough. I personally felt really burned by Captain Action #1 and it left a bad taste in my mouth about Moonstone as a publisher. On the plus side, the Airboy book being solicited as a 56 page book for $6.50 means you'll probably get the whole story at once, instead of getting Captain Action #1 (how many months ago) and not yet seeing an issue #2.

This was on the first draft of my January list, but ended up getting cut. I might have kept it on if I saw some samples of the interior art & liked it. I'm not too willing to try out a 56 page book drawn by Todd Fox & Lito Fernandez. Fox has some credits in ComicBookDb that mostly run to books from Now Comics and I have no particular remembrance of his art style, I cannot find credits for Fernandez in ComicBookDb.

And this from someone who LOVED the Eclipse Airboy series. I wonder how this bodes for sales with people who have no particular memory of the Airboy character. I'm just getting selective on what I will & will not buy, based less on price (for Indie books) than it is on my familiarity with the artists, as I have gotten too many books on speculation of what the insides will look like and been disappointed.

PS: If the interior (& not just the cover) was by Steve Bryant, I'd buy it in a heartbeat.

PPS: Let me know when you get it if the interior art blows you away, and I'll try to hunt it down in shops......
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Post by i_am_scifi »

Submitted Incognito #3, Battlestar Galactice The Final Five, and Battle For The Cowl.
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Post by BobBretall »

Traded some e-mails with Steve Bryant, he confirms that he only did the cover of Airboy. He says:
I'm just doing a cover. The interior art is gorgeous, though.Kind of a cross between Dan Speigle and Alex Toth.
He sent me a couple of links to some interior art off of Chuck Dixon's homepage that folks can check out. Turns out that Todd Fox did the layouts, the art is pretty much Lito Fernandez.

I can see the Dan Spiegle influence in the faces the guys in the planes on the 1st & 3rd panels of this one: ... boy42a.jpg

Anyway, some extra info for people wanting to make a decision on the Airboy comic.
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Post by jmcampbell »

Hey Bob, just wanted to let you know I'm looking forward to listening to this one. I wanted to record something for you, but my crazy (bleep) neighbor (across the street, even!) has been playing Spanish Hip Hop that I can't block out no matter what I try. Yes, it's that loud. for the past 10 hours! GRRRR.

But I strongly recommend Potter's Field.
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Post by Wood »

How many submissions did you guys end up with?

For the future, I REALLY appreciate the reminder a few days before the deadline. I wish I could tell you that I would do better at getting submissions to you earlier, but the logistics generally preclude it. I get twice weekly shipping and so by the time my Previews comes, and I get to sit down and pour through it, it's usually right up against the deadline.

I realize you guys go through a lot of trouble putting up the online links so we can get jump starts, but it's just not part of my normal monthly process, and so the likelihood that I'm going to remember to allocate time to record these BEFORE I have Previews sitting in my lap is minimal.
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Post by JohnMayo »

Wood wrote:How many submissions did you guys end up with?

For the future, I REALLY appreciate the reminder a few days before the deadline. I wish I could tell you that I would do better at getting submissions to you earlier, but the logistics generally preclude it. I get twice weekly shipping and so by the time my Previews comes, and I get to sit down and pour through it, it's usually right up against the deadline.

I realize you guys go through a lot of trouble putting up the online links so we can get jump starts, but it's just not part of my normal monthly process, and so the likelihood that I'm going to remember to allocate time to record these BEFORE I have Previews sitting in my lap is minimal.
We had about two dozen submissions this time adding up to around 45 minutes of content. It made for a fairly good episode. The program I use to play the clips while we record the episode had room for another two dozen clips and once or twice in the past we've used up the majority of those slots.

Thanks again to everybody that submitted clips.
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