Dropping Titles

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Moderator: JohnMayo

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Post by JohnMayo »

HassanT wrote:I have decided to drop Trinity for now. It doesn't pull me in at all and I feel that I could read a better Batman, Superman, WW, & Justice League story elsewhere.

What help me make the decision was going through piles of Countdown and related books last night and trying to figure out what to do with them. I don't want another 52 issues of a series that I don't care about.

That is completely understandable.

Personally, I'm enjoying Trinity and think that it is doing a fairly good job of acting as sort of a sampler for the DC Universe. Which, frankly, is something that both 52 and Countdown should have been to a degree.

But, it is isn't working for you, dropping it makes sense. You can always pick up the trades later if you change your mind.
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Post by BobBretall »

johnmayo wrote:
HassanT wrote:I have decided to drop Trinity for now. It doesn't pull me in at all and I feel that I could read a better Batman, Superman, WW, & Justice League story elsewhere.
What help me make the decision was going through piles of Countdown and related books last night and trying to figure out what to do with them. I don't want another 52 issues of a series that I don't care about.
That is completely understandable.
Personally, I'm enjoying Trinity and think that it is doing a fairly good job of acting as sort of a sampler for the DC Universe. Which, frankly, is something that both 52 and Countdown should have been to a degree.
But, it is isn't working for you, dropping it makes sense. You can always pick up the trades later if you change your mind.
I'm on the fence about dropping the series too.

PS: Trades are not the only option. I'm going to predict that issues of Trinity (& Countdown too) will be in 50-cent & $1 bins within 3 years at the outside, more likely 2 years.
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Post by jkarguth »

I have enjoyed Trinity, granted I have only read one issue so far. I am trying to pace myself, these books need to last me a good chunk of the month. But I am exactly the customer John was talking about. Probably since I read Identity Crisis I have been strongly pulled toward the DC universe. I tried 52 and it just confused me a lot. I could tell it was well-written and what have you, I just couldn't keep up. And countdown, nothing interested me enough to start.

But Trinity. The concept just screamed at me. And I enjoyed what I read. It felt familiar enough to me, but I had fun with it. That being said at any time I could just not be reading it, my budget is really tight so it wouldn't take much for me to step away.

Two things, the Flash kids. I thought that was cute, but I can only imagine how annoying that must be in the Flash series. I was on the verge of being annoyed with them, and I only had a few pages of it. Second, the back up... this felt like Trinity: The Animated Series. I was instantly transported to JLU or something. Nothing wrong with that... just felt like quite a contrast.

Long post short, I might get to issue 4 and feel totally different, but I hope not. Sorry about the length, after looking at this I felt like maybe I should have just started a Trinity thread.

EDIT: And I agree with Bob, I wouldn't be surprised if shops bundle this in trade size chunks on the cheap, and if DC takes the same delay they did to 52 trading, that might be a smart move
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Post by HassanT »

Well, since I pre-order my comics through DCBS, when I drop a title, it actually takes a month or two to be effective. Also, since I am a huge comic book fan and a sucker, I might go back to a title after a few months if I hear good things about it.

I have dropped and then added back titles before. For example, I decided to drop Avengers Initiative. But then I read the past two issues which I had in my stack of comics that I was behind on. Since I loved the two issues I read and the latest one that just came out, I am putting Avengers Initiative back on my list.

I always find it easy to drop bad books. I find it hard to drop good books. The only reason I might drop a good book is to replace it with a book that I might enjoy even more. With the comic book publishers putting on new series on a regular basis, that is the only way I could try out new titles.

Again, it is not a money problem but more of a time and space problem for me.

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Post by BobBretall »

Trinity #3 was much better (for me) than #1 or #2, so it's getting a reprieve. I put in an order for #5-9, so I'll be with it thru the end of month 2 at least.
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Post by JC »

I just became aware of the Absolute and Omnibus Editions last year and I thought I'd give it a try and ordered one from my retailer. My first "big book" was Absolute Watchmen and after reading it and enjoying the book format, I'm hooked. I've bought a bunch of DC Absolute's (over 10 of them) within two months and dropped almost all my comic book titles. I only retained Walking Dead and Conan.

BTW, the one thing that brought me to this board is the images of Bob's room :) Very organized and looks really awesome. I'm starting to build a library as well and will fill it with mostly Absolute Editions :)
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Post by Trev »

JC wrote: BTW, the one thing that brought me to this board is the images of Bob's room :) Very organized and looks really awesome. I'm starting to build a library as well and will fill it with mostly Absolute Editions :)
Is there a way to view your room pics as a slideshow, Bob?
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