San Diego Comic Con 2009 - Podcasting Panel

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San Diego Comic Con 2009 - Podcasting Panel

Post by BobBretall »

Just wanted to let everyone know that there will be a Podcasting panel at SDCC again this year.

Thanks to Ron from iFanboy for pulling it will be:

Thursday, JULY 23

Panel will consist of (in alphabetic order by show name)
Comic Book Page: Bob Bretall
Comic Geek Speak: Brian "Pants" Christman
Comics News Insider: Jimmy Aquino
iFanboy: Ron Richards (maybe Josh also?)

John & I will also be handing out FREE COMICS at the panel!!

I scored some really nice books (got a longbox for $20) and I'm going to try to give a comic to everyone who attends the panel...

I tried to pick books that (a) were ones I had read personally and enjoyed and (b) ones that are good introductory books (e.g. not the middle of a story arc).

Here is a sampling of what I have to give away...

5 issue sets!!!
2 copies of Shanna the She-Devil #1,3,4,5,7 by Frank Cho

3 issue sets:
7 copies of JSA Classified #1, 2, 3 (Power Girl by Johns/Conner/Palmiotti)
5 copies of Secret Six #1, 2, 3 (by Simone/Walker/Palmiotti)

2 issue sets:
13 copies of Detective comics #821, 822 (these are standalone stories by Paul Dini)
21 copies of Eternals #1, 2 (the Gaiman/Romita Jr. mini)
6 copies of Jonah Hex #3, 4 (Palmiotti & Gray do some damn fine Hex stories!)
19 copies of Legion of Super-Heroes #17, 18 (where Supergirl comes into the LSH)
5 copies of Superman 204 (1st part of "For Tomorrow" by Azzarello/Lee) + Superman Secret Files & Origins 2005
5 copies of Superman 204 (1st part of "For Tomorrow" by Azzarello/Lee) + Teen Titans/Outsiders Secret Files & Origins 2005
18 copies of White Tiger #1, 2 (Tamara Pierce/Phil Briones)

(at this point, I have a short box full of multi-book sets to give away)

Single issues (once I give away the sets, or by request):
23 copies of Black Panther #1 (the one by Hudlin & Romita Jr.)
12 copies of Defenders #1 (mini by Giffen/DeMatteis/Maguire)
8 copies of Detective #822 (I found more copies of #3 than #4)
21 copies of Fantastic Four: A Death in the Family
8 copies of Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #5 (a nice standalone story by Peter David)
18 copies of Gravity #1 (if Norton is at the show, I'll probably just give him all these to hand out at his table)
8 copies of Green Lantern Rebirth #8
8 copies of Jonah Hex #3 (I found more copies of #3 than #4)
8 copies of Legion of Super-Heroes #1 (Waid/Kison run)
9 copies of Mighty Avengers #1 (Bendis + Cho)
17 copies of Mythos Hulk (I love these Paolo Rivera painted re-telling of character origins)
13 copies of Spider-Man: Black&Blue&Read All Over
15 copies of Ultimates2 #13 (the last issue of the series, but this has that kick-(bleep) 8-page fold-out panel)
30 copies of Young Avengers #1

That's about 300 comics! I'm sure that is way more than there will be people will be at the podcasting panel, so John & I will have comics to hand out throughout the convention to people who come up to us and ask.......

Did I pick some good stuff, or do I have questionable taste??
Last edited by BobBretall on Fri Jul 24, 2009 8:28 am, edited 9 times in total.
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Post by JohnMayo »

We'll also be going out for dinner with any Comic Book Page podcast listeners that are interested after the panel Thursday evening.

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Post by atomic99 »

That is a lot of comics to carry, Bob. You'll probably have to do a box at a time since the con won't let you wheel around a cart.

Did you want to xerox some flyers with the forum and podcast info to stick in the comics? Heck, put the extras on the freebie table too after Thursday.

And, ahem, maybe earmark on of those Mythos: Hulk issues for me!! :D
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Post by BobBretall »

atomic99 wrote:That is a lot of comics to carry, Bob. You'll probably have to do a box at a time since the con won't let you wheel around a cart.
Yeah, I'll get some people to help carry these over. If any artists I know have table space, I may ditch them at their booth during the day and then can just get some folks help carry them up to the room right before the panel.
atomic99 wrote: Did you want to xerox some flyers with the forum and podcast info to stick in the comics? Heck, put the extras on the freebie table too after Thursday.
Already in the works. John is going to make up some flyers that we'll insert into the free comics.
I won't put extras on the freebie table, instead, John & I will hand them out personally on Fri-Sun to people who look like they could use a comic!
atomic99 wrote: And, ahem, maybe earmark on of those Mythos: Hulk issues for me!! :D
You got it!
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Post by Trev »

Listening to the latest podcast now -- I don't see the secret word, but would be cool to get a hold of the Jonah Hex books. Most of the other multi-issue sets I have, and it would be good to try Jonah Hex at that price :)
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Post by JohnMayo »

Trev wrote:Listening to the latest podcast now -- I don't see the secret word, but would be cool to get a hold of the Jonah Hex books. Most of the other multi-issue sets I have, and it would be good to try Jonah Hex at that price :)
The secret word/phrase will be in Weekly Comics Spotlight #100 which will go up on Monday, July 20th.
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Post by Trev »

JohnMayo wrote:
Trev wrote:Listening to the latest podcast now -- I don't see the secret word, but would be cool to get a hold of the Jonah Hex books. Most of the other multi-issue sets I have, and it would be good to try Jonah Hex at that price :)
The secret word/phrase will be in Weekly Comics Spotlight #100 which will go up on Monday, July 20th.
Well, that explains it then :)
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Post by i_am_scifi »

John, what are you planning on using to record the panel? Just checking, as I'll have my Zoom H2 with me, which can do surround sound for a room to get everyone's voices on mic. Also not sure yet if I'll be in the crowd or on the panel since apparently I was too late to officially be on the listing, but Ron did mention he would "try and find a seat for me or try to get me involved," so I guess I'll know when I get there what's up.
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Post by JohnMayo »

i_am_scifi wrote:John, what are you planning on using to record the panel? Just checking, as I'll have my Zoom H2 with me, which can do surround sound for a room to get everyone's voices on mic. Also not sure yet if I'll be in the crowd or on the panel since apparently I was too late to officially be on the listing, but Ron did mention he would "try and find a seat for me or try to get me involved," so I guess I'll know when I get there what's up.
I'll be using my Zoom H2. I thought we got really great audio quality with it last year.
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Post by HassanT »

As someone who won't be at SDCC, I look forward to listening to the panel.
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Post by atomic99 »

Images from the podcasting panel....







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Post by BadDeacon »

atomic99 wrote:Image
That is one darn fine specimen of manhood you managed to capture with that camera of yours ;)
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Post by BobBretall »

atomic99 wrote: Image
That Smallville bag was full of Free Comics that I had to get rid of after the panel!!!! I didn't want to carry them to dinner, it was a 2nd short box full!
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