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1 yesterday. Latest WW with Green Lantern Corps as guests.
Not a bad start to an arc, but considering the upcoming title changes and blackest night/brightest day, I can't imagine that this arc will hold any real import.
JohnMayo wrote:I've read 21 this morning. Two more to go and I'm done with the DCBS shipment from last week, just in time for the next shipment to arrive today.
JohnMayo wrote:I've read 21 this morning. Two more to go and I'm done with the DCBS shipment from last week, just in time for the next shipment to arrive today.
JohnMayo wrote:I've read 21 this morning. Two more to go and I'm done with the DCBS shipment from last week, just in time for the next shipment to arrive today.
You have the day off?
My shipment came a little early today and I was able to get 1 in before family got home.