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I read 8 issues today ... Invincible #25 to 32 from the Complete Invincible Library V2 ... I haven't read this much in one sitting for so long ... I think I'm gonna have to scan Vol 1 though .. I've already forgotten some of the story lines due to the long time gap between these volumes. It's very much worth the wait though. I wonder when V3 will be released.
I read the TPB "Roswell, Texas" ( on the plane to Maui on Mon May 31, but haven't read any comics since.
That said, Roswell was GREAT. I had read the beginning of it on the web and enjoyed it. When I saw the creators selling hard copies at the Phoenix con, I picked one up. Definitely worth checking out.
3 today - Invincible 45-47. I wasn't interested in reading the extra issue (The Pact #4) in this Library Edition. There's enough issues for Library Edition volume 3 ... I hope they release it within a year.