I saw Natalie Merchant last night and it got me thinking about comics and creator responsibilites.
Natalies recent albulm Leave Your Sleep is a collection of classic poetry set to music. (for a sample click here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7b0UqwuF84 ) It is a pretty interesting departure from the days of songs like Wonder and Carnival!
Anyway, Natalie spent about 90 minutes playing ONLY songs from her new CD (accompianed with a powerpoint style presentation about who the poet was, etc.) anyway I am sure there were several "fans" in attendance who were pissed because she was not playing her classic hits. Some fans being so pissed as to obnoxiously yell out random song titles during her performance.
After 90 minutes natalie said she was going to perform one more song, and left the stage. About 15 - 25% of the crowd left. She came out for an encore and played about 90 additional minutes (a 3 hour concert!) of her "classic" songs including some old 10,000 Maniacs songs.
This got me thinking what do creators "owe" fans? For example, does Natalie "owe" her fans the classic hits? Applying similar logic to comics, does a creator "owe" the fans to keep a character or a title in a similar vain / structure? I have recently returned to comics and I can't think of a character who has radically changed since I left 20 years or so ago. (I am sure there are many characters who have changed dramatically, I just cant think of any).
In general I think the creators "owe' nothing to the fans. They are creators and can do whatever they want with thier creation. If we don't like thier creation we can ignore it, blog about it, etc.
However, when it comes to comics specifically, I do think the writers who are handling someone elses creation DO owe the ORIGINAL CREATOR something. Though, I am not exactly sure how to quantify "it" or what "it" is or than to say respect the work.
Just curious what you guys think creators "owe" fans.