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That leaves 68 on my list of new comics to read with another 46 arriving tomorrow.
My mind simply cannot fathom the reading of 42 comics in one day. I'm doing the math in my head and it makes my eyes bleed. That would be equal to reading 3 1/2 years of a single title. Or at 12 minutes a book, over 8 hours of reading!
mikemclarty wrote:
My mind simply cannot fathom the reading of 42 comics in one day. I'm doing the math in my head and it makes my eyes bleed. That would be equal to reading 3 1/2 years of a single title. Or at 12 minutes a book, over 8 hours of reading!
You sir, are a trooper!
John is certainly the king of comics reading.......I'm doing REALLY good if I can approach 30. He tops that by almost 50%!
Finished reading second half of Absolute Promethea v1 (I looked at my previous post and I read the first half before Jul 17) ... I'm lagging behind again. I finished Creepy vol 3 (in more than 10 sittings ... more like a quick bedtime read each time).
I finished Vol 1 yesterday and I'm about 1/5th of the way through 2. I expect to finish it before bed. I suspect that this will inform a big article somewhere down the road.