1st issue Challenge

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Re: 1st issue Challenge

Post by stardog »

fudd71 wrote:G.I. Joe Special Missions

This book I loved. The art was great, the story was interesting and had a lot going on. I can't wait to read the next issue and see where all these plot points are leading. Admittedly this issue had a lot of set up, but it was interesting set up. There was plenty of interesting things going on, and the book left off with many interesting things still to come. I'm not sure a better first issue could have been done.
Agreed. I was really happy with this. Enjoyed it a lot more than the main Joe book. I'm just going to stick with Special Missions for my GI Joe fix. Just hope there aren't any crossovers any time soon.
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Re: 1st issue Challenge

Post by BobBretall »

stardog wrote:
fudd71 wrote:G.I. Joe Special Missions

This book I loved. The art was great, the story was interesting and had a lot going on. I can't wait to read the next issue and see where all these plot points are leading. Admittedly this issue had a lot of set up, but it was interesting set up. There was plenty of interesting things going on, and the book left off with many interesting things still to come. I'm not sure a better first issue could have been done.
Agreed. I was really happy with this. Enjoyed it a lot more than the main Joe book. I'm just going to stick with Special Missions for my GI Joe fix. Just hope there aren't any crossovers any time soon.
Me too! Loved Special Missions, esp. the Gulacy art. I passed on the main series after #1, but this is going on my pull.
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Re: 1st issue Challenge

Post by Gilgabob »

All Crime Comics #1

Written by: The Art of Fiction
Art: Ed Laroche, Marc Sandroni
Cover: Bruce Timm

I'll quick comment on the cover. Done in a faux distressed style the Timm art is, as always, great.

This book itself contains all the usual tropes one comes to expect from a hard-bolied crime noir story. Featuring plenty of violence, a double cross, and a dame. The main story is illustrated by Laroche with a flashback interlude done by Sandroni. The coloring process for each sequence is done in a different tone and style which sets them apart nicely. The writing is attributed, in a generic way, to the publisher itself, Art of Fiction.

For fans of this genre you may not find anything ground-breaking here but you will find a well told story featuring appropriate (for the genre) and well executed art.
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Re: 1st issue Challenge

Post by HassanT »

Five Weapons - I originally didn't pick this up but when Bob and John gave it great reviews on their show, I decided to pick up both 1st and 2nd issues. I am so glad I did. It is so good. The concept, story, and art work very well together.

East of West - The first issue of this series continues Image's hit ratio with me. Fantastic. In fact, I would say this is the best creator-owned series that I have ever read that was written by Hickman. Art was perfect for the series as well. This could be my favorite Image title if the quality continues with the next issues.
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Re: 1st issue Challenge

Post by fudd71 »

Gilgabob wrote:All Crime Comics #1

Written by: The Art of Fiction
Art: Ed Laroche, Marc Sandroni
Cover: Bruce Timm

I'll quick comment on the cover. Done in a faux distressed style the Timm art is, as always, great.

This book itself contains all the usual tropes one comes to expect from a hard-bolied crime noir story. Featuring plenty of violence, a double cross, and a dame. The main story is illustrated by Laroche with a flashback interlude done by Sandroni. The coloring process for each sequence is done in a different tone and style which sets them apart nicely. The writing is attributed, in a generic way, to the publisher itself, Art of Fiction.

For fans of this genre you may not find anything ground-breaking here but you will find a well told story featuring appropriate (for the genre) and well executed art.
I'm not a Previews customer, but the creators of this book happen to be acquaintances of mine. Their next book Five Color Comics #1 is in the current Previews on page 265. If anyone enjoyed this book you may want to check it out. The Bruce Timm cover for this issue is pretty cool!
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Re: 1st issue Challenge

Post by BobBretall »

Gilgabob wrote:All Crime Comics #1
Written by: The Art of Fiction
Art: Ed Laroche, Marc Sandroni
Cover: Bruce Timm
Are they just getting around to offering a printing of this for wide distribution? I think I picked this up at House of Secrets in Burbank what seems like at least 6 months ago.....
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Re: 1st issue Challenge

Post by fudd71 »

BobBretall wrote:
Gilgabob wrote:All Crime Comics #1
Written by: The Art of Fiction
Art: Ed Laroche, Marc Sandroni
Cover: Bruce Timm
Are they just getting around to offering a printing of this for wide distribution? I think I picked this up at House of Secrets in Burbank what seems like at least 6 months ago.....
I know they have had the sketch books and an issue or issues of stories available at the store for a few years. Paul and Eric really started doing conventions with the book (I don't know if its the exact same issue) about a year ago (I think Wonder Con last year was the first big show). This issue in question shipped through Diamond on 3/20.
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Re: 1st issue Challenge

Post by BobBretall »

fudd71 wrote: I know they have had the sketch books and an issue or issues of stories available at the store for a few years. Paul and Eric really started doing conventions with the book (I don't know if its the exact same issue) about a year ago (I think Wonder Con last year was the first big show). This issue in question shipped through Diamond on 3/20.
The one I got was called All Crime Comics #1 & had the same Bruce Timm cover, so I'm assuming it's the same thing.
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Re: 1st issue Challenge

Post by Gilgabob »

fudd71 wrote:
Gilgabob wrote:All Crime Comics #1

Written by: The Art of Fiction
Art: Ed Laroche, Marc Sandroni
Cover: Bruce Timm

I'll quick comment on the cover. Done in a faux distressed style the Timm art is, as always, great.

This book itself contains all the usual tropes one comes to expect from a hard-bolied crime noir story. Featuring plenty of violence, a double cross, and a dame. The main story is illustrated by Laroche with a flashback interlude done by Sandroni. The coloring process for each sequence is done in a different tone and style which sets them apart nicely. The writing is attributed, in a generic way, to the publisher itself, Art of Fiction.

For fans of this genre you may not find anything ground-breaking here but you will find a well told story featuring appropriate (for the genre) and well executed art.
I'm not a Previews customer, but the creators of this book happen to be acquaintances of mine. Their next book Five Color Comics #1 is in the current Previews on page 265. If anyone enjoyed this book you may want to check it out. The Bruce Timm cover for this issue is pretty cool!
Can you elaborate on the writing credit for this story. It's not often you see no one in particular taking credit for writing a book. Why is the accreditation to "Art of Comics"? I'm just curious.
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Re: 1st issue Challenge

Post by fudd71 »

Gilgabob wrote:
Can you elaborate on the writing credit for this story. It's not often you see no one in particular taking credit for writing a book. Why is the accreditation to "Art of Comics"? I'm just curious.
I don't want to speak for anyone else, but here is a great interview from CBR from a while back about the books:

http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page ... e&id=13044
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Re: 1st issue Challenge

Post by spid »

East of West (Image) - Let me say I liked this issue enough to continue reading the series. I do have to say I think this book would have been a lot more interesting if they had dropped one of the concepts from the series. It seemed like one too many ingredients in the comic stew.
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Re: 1st issue Challenge

Post by drew »

Jupitor's Legacy #1
10 Grand #1

Both good first issues, I will read the next couple at least
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Re: 1st issue Challenge

Post by SpideySavestheDay »

Uber #0,1 - Finally using my summer vacation for catching up my comic reading, I picked up Uber #0 & 1. Uber has an interesting premise of what if the Nazi's created super soldiers to stem the tide of defeat in 1945. Alternative history stories can be extremely fascinating especially if an universally accepted villain is given a second chance. By mixing alternative history and superhero genres, the author has a wealth of material to manipulate. Also, the story telling format and pacing feels right with the military style of updates. Unfortunately the book is flawed on so many fronts. Many characters and plot lines are introduced at a dizzying pace. To compound this problem is the poor art. The artist struggles to draw recognizable characters. Everyone looks the same - the German generals, the blond spy and blond super soldier, etc. Finally, and I might be nit-picky with this complaint but... why label the strongest of the super-Nazi's as "battleships"? They're not attacking on water. They're ground troops. Why not something more in line with the German armor like Tigers or Panthers?
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Re: 1st issue Challenge

Post by abysslord »

SpideySavestheDay wrote:Uber #0,1 - Unfortunately the book is flawed on so many fronts. Many characters and plot lines are introduced at a dizzying pace. To compound this problem is the poor art. The artist struggles to draw recognizable characters. Everyone looks the same - the German generals, the blond spy and blond super soldier, etc.
I agree. I didn't know if I was just me or not but I couldn't follow it and didn't really care to reread it. I thought the same thing about the characters, I wasn't sure if these were the same people or not later on in the book.
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Re: 1st issue Challenge

Post by spid »

Batman/Superman 1 (DC) I really enjoyed the first issue of this title. It reminded me of the Superman/Batman World's Finest cartoon WB did during the 90s. As I saw the credits I had some reservations when I noticed Jae Lee wasn't going to do the whole thing. I am glad the second team of artist blended really well with what Jae Lee was doing.
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