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Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:25 am
by HassanT
BobBretall wrote:HassanT wrote:I just read the conclusion to War of the Green Lanterns. Wow, that was good. Even though ONE of the surprises was revealed already because of the solicitation of the new Green Lantern series, this issue was full of surprises.
The Guardian of the Universe should be renamed to the "Colossal Douchebags of the Universe".
They have been consistently portrayed as the biggest a-holes around. I'm having a hard time wanting to read about a Corps of Universal protectors who take their marching orders from these jerk-wads.
I think "Colossal Douchebags of the Universe" is the name of the fifth lantern book
While the Guardians have always been portrayed as "douchebags", I feel that is something that Johns will be address in future story lines. It is obviously, that the Guardians are out of touch with the rest of the Universe and do not like people who do not think like them (i.e. Kronos, Sinestro, Jordan).
I feel that at the end of this issue, the Guardians became as frighten of Jordan as they were of Kronos.
Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 7:02 am
by Danscomics
Tom wrote:After reading the end of WotGL I'm not sure how excited I am for GL #1 anymore. I like the idea of xxxxx being a GL again, but I'm kinda bummed that xxxxxx is no longer a GL.
But I've been enjoying John's run on GL, so maybe I'll give it a chance.
edit: Bob took the spoiler out of the above (in case someone happens along who has not read the story yet).....
We still have to get through the 2 Aftermath issues, it's possible that the recently unringed character will return in some way before GL #1 hits.
Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:38 pm
by Tom
Danscomics wrote:Tom wrote:After reading the end of WotGL I'm not sure how excited I am for GL #1 anymore. I like the idea of xxxxx being a GL again, but I'm kinda bummed that xxxxxx is no longer a GL.
But I've been enjoying John's run on GL, so maybe I'll give it a chance.
edit: Bob took the spoiler out of the above (in case someone happens along who has not read the story yet).....
We still have to get through the 2 Aftermath issues, it's possible that the recently unringed character will return in some way before GL #1 hits.
That is true. Things could change, plus this development could turn out to be better than I'm assuming it will be. This could be interesting, but only time will tell.
BTW, sorry about the spoilers. I thought they were okay in this thread.
Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 12:54 am
by BobBretall
Tom wrote:
BTW, sorry about the spoilers. I thought they were okay in this thread.
Yeah, this is a "spoiler thread" so technically OK. I was worried for John, but I don't think he comes in here unless he has read all books "to date".