Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 12:04 pm
Other than the outstanding job by both Sarsgaard and Strong (Hammond and Sinestro) I thought the film to be uninspiring (not that movies have to be anything other) and lack-luster (something movies should never be). I walked out feeling apathetic towards the entire thing.
I like Reynolds, but he is pretty much a "DeNiro" actor ... one note, same character in every movie. Sure, he does well at doing what he does well, but not too much "acting".
The constructs were weak. The solution to Parallax was cool, but no-one else thought of trying that?
Not a bad movie, not a great movie, just personally wanted more meat with my mashed potatoes.
6 out of 10
I like Reynolds, but he is pretty much a "DeNiro" actor ... one note, same character in every movie. Sure, he does well at doing what he does well, but not too much "acting".
The constructs were weak. The solution to Parallax was cool, but no-one else thought of trying that?
Not a bad movie, not a great movie, just personally wanted more meat with my mashed potatoes.

6 out of 10