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Re: Previews Spotlight #099 (Jan->Mar) Deadline: Sat AM, Jan

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 8:11 pm
by drew
My Picks

P063 Harrow County #10 Dark Horse
P128 Superman LoisClark #6 DC
P202 D4ve2 IDW
P233 Outcast #17 Image
P317 Klaus #4 Boom
P388 Another Castle #1 Oni Press

Re: Previews Spotlight #099 (Jan->Mar) Deadline: Sat AM, Jan

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 11:31 pm
by bralinator
Finally got my selections turned in. Looking forward to everyone's persuasive picks.

Re: Previews Spotlight #099 (Jan->Mar) Deadline: Sat AM, Jan

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 4:13 am
by MrAloha
bralinator wrote:Finally got my selections turned in. Looking forward to everyone's persuasive picks.
Dear Bralinator,

I got mine's done. I'm looking forward to hearing your clips.


Re: Previews Spotlight #099 (Jan->Mar) Deadline: Sat AM, Jan

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 4:23 am
by MrAloha
drew102e wrote: P317 Klaus #4 Boom
Dear Drew,

Thank you for the heads up on Klaus #4 being in this month's Previews Issue #328.

I didn't see it in last month's Previews Issue #327. And was wondering if I had missed it.

Thank you for reading my review on your podcast: Comics For Fun and Profit (Episode #282).

John's podcast, your podcast, and This Week In Marvel are the only three podcast I download every week.

In the words of a famous man, "See Ya!"

Re: Previews Spotlight #099 (Jan->Mar) Deadline: Sat AM, Jan

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 11:49 am
by drew
MrAloha wrote: Thank you for reading my review on your podcast: Comics For Fun and Profit (Episode #282).

John's podcast, your podcast, and This Week In Marvel are the only three podcast I download every week.

In the words of a famous man, "See Ya!"
No problem, i appreciate it when folks take the time to do that

this may be the first time kyle has ever been quoted :lol:

Re: Previews Spotlight #099 (Jan->Mar) Deadline: Sat AM, Jan

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 8:06 pm
by bralinator
Just a friendly reminder for DCBS customers, you should be able to order your handful of FCBD selections (limited to a formula based on how much you ordered in 2015) from over 50 different offerings once you begin to checkout on the website with your current order.

My limit was 3 books.

Re: Previews Spotlight #099 (Jan->Mar) Deadline: Sat AM, Jan

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 10:59 pm
by JohnMayo
bralinator wrote:Just a friendly reminder for DCBS customers, you should be able to order your handful of FCBD selections (limited to a formula based on how much you ordered in 2015) from over 50 different offerings once you begin to checkout on the website with your current order.

My limit was 3 books.
Nice. I hadn't realized that. I still need to factor in the discounted bundles before I'm ready to submit my order.

Re: Previews Spotlight #099 (Jan->Mar) Deadline: Sat AM, Jan

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 3:05 pm
by drew
bralinator wrote:Just a friendly reminder for DCBS customers, you should be able to order your handful of FCBD selections (limited to a formula based on how much you ordered in 2015) from over 50 different offerings once you begin to checkout on the website with your current order.

My limit was 3 books.
my limit was 5 last year which i found disappointing since they only pay less than a quarter for them...wonder what the max is?

Re: Previews Spotlight #099 (Jan->Mar) Deadline: Sat AM, Jan

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 1:24 pm
by MrAloha
Power Cubed trade (Dark Horse) (Issue #328 Jan->March) on page 76

I just saw this solicit in my Previews magazine today, 1/14/16. If I had caught this earlier from the on-line solicits, I would have sent in a clip. (My Previews sometimes comes late in the mail. One of the draws back of order through DCBS. But love the discounts.)

John and Drew gave a positive review on Power Cubed #1 (Weekly Comics Spotlight Episode #424), I wanted to check out this mini series. I'm picking up the trade.

If you haven't put your DCBS order for this month, January, and considering picking up this trade, the Power Cubed trade is in this month's Previews (Issue #328 Jan->March) on page 76.

John and Drew, thank you for the recommendation!


Re: Previews Spotlight #099 (Jan->Mar) Deadline: Sat AM, Jan

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 2:06 pm
by MichaelCastle
Previews Spotlight was great I'm preordering The Massive Library Edition which I missed out on when it was ongoing. I loved Rebels by Brian Wood so I was excited to hear about another series by him. I just picked up Starve volume 1 yesterday. Thanks for the great work on all the episodes John and Drew I know it's a lot of work