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Re: Mike's Week Reads and Ranks

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 2:32 pm
by comicm
Week Beginning 01/05/2015
5 - Love it, 4 - Really Like It , 3 Like It, 2 - did not like it, 1 - hated it.

Batman Eternal #30-31

Infinity Man and the Forever People #3
Cable and X-Force #18-19
Uncanny X-Force #16-17 (2nd Series)
Death Defying Doctor Mirage #4
Avengers World #12-16
Uncanny X-Force #1-2 (1st Series)

Death of Wolverine: The Weapon X Program #5
Avengers #25
Recipes for the Dead #1-2

Last Born #4

Blackmask: 1
DC: 3
GreenTea Publishing: 2
Marvel: 13
Valiant: 1

Total: 20

Re: Mike's Week Reads and Ranks

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 8:20 pm
by comicm
Week Beginning 01/12/2015
5 - Love it, 4 - Really Like It , 3 Like It, 2 - did not like it, 1 - hated it.

Unity #0, 12-13
X-O Manowar #31

Unity #11
Delinquents #1-2
Ragdoll TPB

Avengers #26

Marvel: 1
Mike Wolfer Publications: 1
Valiant: 6

Total: 8
Week Beginning 01/19/2015
5 - Love it, 4 - Really Like It , 3 Like It, 2 - did not like it, 1 - hated it.

Phantom Force #1
The Valiant #1-2

Star Wars #1
Unity #0
Armorines Vol. 1 #0
Conan/Red Sonja #1
Elephantmen #51
Infinity Man and the Forever People #4-5
Black Kiss XXXmas In July Special #1
Shadow Agents of the Shadow GN
Zombie Tramp #6
Sheena Queen of the Jungle (Moonstone) #3
All New Captain America #2-3

Holy F@ck #1
Vampirella #100

Bloodskirt #1

Action Lab: 2
Dark Horse/Dynamite: 1
DC: 2
Dynamite: 2
Image: 3
Marvel: 3
Moonstone: 1
Spoof Comics: 1
Valiant: 4

Total: 19

Week Beginning 01/26/2015
5 - Love it, 4 - Really Like It , 3 Like It, 2 - did not like it, 1 - hated it.

X-O Manowar #32
Unity #14
FBP Federal Bureau of Physics #14-16
Batman Eternal #32-35

Green Lantern/New Gods Godhead #1
Green Lantern New Guardians #35-36
Infinity Man and the Forever People #6
Green Lantern Corps #29-36
Red Lanterns #35-36
Green Lantern #30-36

DC: 28
Valiant: 2
Total: 30

Re: Mike's Week Reads and Ranks

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 7:46 am
by comicm
Week Beginning 02/02/2015
5 - Love it, 4 - Really Like It , 3 Like It, 2 - did not like it, 1 - hated it.

X-O Manowar#33
Armed and Dangerous #1-4 SE
World's Finest Comics #168

Imperium #1
Postal #1
Sinestro #7-8
Green Lantern Corps 37
Red Lantern #37
Green Lantern 37
Action Comics Annual #13 (Vol 1)
(bleep) Planet #2
Superman #25-28
Zombie Tramp #7
Spawn #250
Grayson #4-7, Annual #1

King: The Phantom #1

Imp-Unity #1

Acclaim: 5
Action Lab: 1
DC: 16
Dynamite: 1
Image: 3
Spoof: 1
Valiant: 2

Total: 29

Week Beginning 02/09/2015
5 - Love it, 4 - Really Like It , 3 Like It, 2 - did not like it, 1 - hated it.

R.E.B.E.L.S Vol 2 #6-9, 17-28, Annual #1
Divinity #1

Xombi #3-6
Milestone Forever #1-2
Green Lantern Annual #3
Green Lantern Corps Annual #2
Omega Men #1-2
Zatanna #6-13
Superboy #4-8
Green Lantern #38
Death-Defying Doctor Mirage #5
King: Flash Gordon #1

DC: 41
Dynamite: 1
Valiant: 2

Total: 44

Week Beginning 02/16/2015
5 - Love it, 4 - Really Like It , 3 Like It, 2 - did not like it, 1 - hated it.

Warlord #2-16

Zatanna #14-16
Superboy #9-11
The Air Fighters Meet Sgt. Strike #1
War that Time Forgot #2
Aquaman 1st Series #58-63
Multiversity Guidebook #1
Rogues! The Cold Ship #3-4
Sherwood #1
(bleep) Planet #3
Green Lantern Corps #38
Green Lantern New Guardians #38

Assassins #1

12-Gauge: 1
Amigo: 2
DC: 32
Eclipse: 1
Image: 1

Total: 37
Week Beginning 02/23/2015
5 - Love it, 4 - Really Like It , 3 Like It, 2 - did not like it, 1 - hated it.

X-O Manowar #1 (1st series)
X-O Manowar #1 (3rd Series)
Divinity #1 (2nd read)
Multiversity Mastermen #1
Avengers World #17

Rai #5-7
Star Wars #2
X-O Manowar #1 (2nd series)
Lady Demon #1-2
The War that Time Forgot #3-4
The Auteur #5
Darth Vader #1
Zombie Tramp #8
Rogues! Cold Ship #5
Dry Spell #2
Solar Man of the Atom #2-4 (Dynamite)
Wonder Woman #38-39
Green Lantern Corps #39
Sherwood Texas #2-5
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents The Little Mermaid #1
Doctor Spektor Master of the Occult #3-4

The Phantom #2 (Hermes)
Chaos #5-6
Green Lantern New Guardians #39
Spider-Gwen #1

Lady Death Apocolypse #1

12-Gauge: 4
Action Lab: 2
Amigo: 1
Boundless: 1
DC: 7
Dynamite: 9
Hermes: 1
Marvel: 4
Oni: 1
Valiant: 7
Zenoscope: 1

Total: 38

Week Beginning 03/02/2015
5 - Love it, 4 - Really Like It , 3 Like It, 2 - did not like it, 1 - hated it.

Darth Vader #2
X-O Manowar #32-33 (2nd read)

Shadowman Vol. 2 #16-20
Joe Frankenstein #1
Black Hood #1
Unity #15
The Valiant #3
Turok, Dinosaur Hunter #7-12
Solar Man of the Atom #5-7
X-O Manowar #34

Suiciders #1
Marvel Team-up 67
World's Finest #232
Holy F@ck #2

Dark Engine #5

Week Beginning 03/09/2015
5 - Love it, 4 - Really Like It , 3 Like It, 2 - did not like it, 1 - hated it.

Hellbreak #1

Ninjak #1 (Vol 3)
Spider-Woman #5
Ninjak #1 (Vol 1)
Blue Beetle #1-2
Infinity Man and the Forever People #8
Sinestro #10
Star Wars Princess Leia #1
Solar, Man of the Atom #8-9 (Dynamite)
Vampirella Altered States #1
Silk #1
Ninjak #1 (Vol. 2)
Howard the Duck #1
Red Hood and the Outlaws #26
Batman Arkham Knight #1

Red Sonja Altered States #1
Red Lanterns #37,#39
Blackcross #1
Spider-Gwen #2
Deathmatch #8

Boom!: 1
DC: 8
Dynamite: 5
Marvel: 5
Oni: 1
Valiant: 3

Total: 23

Week Beginning 03/09/2015
5 - Love it, 4 - Really Like It , 3 Like It, 2 - did not like it, 1 - hated it.

Batgirl #28-40
Spawn Resurrection #1
Red Hood and the Outlaws #27
Zombie Tramp #9

Batgirl Annual #2

Action Lab: 1
DC: 15
Image: 1
Total: 17

Week Beginning 03/30/2015
5 - Love it, 4 - Really Like It , 3 Like It, 2 - did not like it, 1 - hated it.
Ninjak #1 Vol. 3 (2nd read)
Convergence #0
The Valiant #4
Kanan: The Last Padawan #1
Ninjak #1 Vol. 1 (2nd read)

Lady Killer #1-4
Suiciders #2
Space Riders #1
Joe Frankenstein #2
Black Hood #2
All Star Comics #3
Star Wars #3
Big Thunder Mountain Railroad #1
Avengers World #18
Superman #39
Ninjak Vol. 2 #1 (2nd Read)
X-O Manowar #34 (2nd time)
Imperium #2
Spider-Woman #1-4
Lady Demon #3
Puppet Master #1
Tales from the Con #2
Red Hood and the Outlaws #28-29
Guardians Team-up #1-2
Solar Man of the Atom #10
Puppet Master #1
Dark Horse Comics Presents #8

Descender #1
Past Aways #1
Spider-Gwen #3

Action Lab: 1
Archie: 1
Blackmask: 1
Dark Horse: 6
DC: 6
Dynamite: 2
IDW: 1
Image: 2
Marvel: 11
Valiant: 6
Total: 37

Week Beginning 04/6/2015
5 - Love it, 4 - Really Like It , 3 Like It, 2 - did not like it, 1 - hated it.

Convergence: Nightwing/Oracle #1
Unity #16
Convergence: Question #1
X-O Manowar #35
Convergence #1
Big Man Plans #1
Convergence Justice League #1

Spider-Woman #6
Convergence: Batgirl #1
Convergence: Speed Force #1
Convergence: Titans 1
Red Hood and the Outlaws #32-40
Convergence: Superman #1
Convergence: Batman and Robin #1
Silk #2
Convergence: Harley Quinn #1
Batman: Arkham Knight #2
Blackcross #2
Poet Anderson The Dream Walker #1
Howard the Duck #2
No Mercy #1
Deadside #1

Red Hood and the Outlaws Annual #2
Flash Gordon #2

DC: 21
Dynamite: 2
Image: 2
Magnetic Press :1
Marvel: 3
Valiant: 3

Total: 31

Week Beginning 04/13/2015
5 - Love it, 4 - Really Like It , 3 Like It, 2 - did not like it, 1 - hated it.

Batman: Gotham Knights #43
Jon Sable: Freelance #6
Batman Eternal #36-37
Convergence: Suicide Squad #1
Convergence #2

Bloodshot Reborn #1
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents: The Little Mermaid #2
Imperium #3
Run Love Kill #1
Convergence: Catwoman #1
Convergence: Shadow of the Bat #1
Convergence: Green Lantern/Parallax #1
Convergence: Man of Steel #1
Convergence: Justice League International #1
Convergence: Green Arrow #1
Catwoman Vol. 2 #14
Convergence: Superboy #1
Convergence: Supergirl/Matrix #1
Convergence: Aquaman #1

DC: 15
First: 1
Image: 1
Valiant: 2
Zenoscope 1

Total: 20

Re: Mike's Week Reads and Ranks

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 7:36 am
by comicm
Week Beginning 04/20/2015
5 - Love it, 4 - Really Like It , 3 Like It, 2 - did not like it, 1 - hated it.

Ninjak #2
Convergence: Batman and the Outsiders #1
Divinity #2-3
Ivar, Timewalker #1
Convergence: Hawkman #1
Convergence: Wonder Woman #1

Princess Leia #2
Convergence: Justice League of America #1
Convergence: Adventures of Superman 1
Darth Vader #3
Convergence: Superboy and the Legion of Super-heroes #1
Convergence: Swamp Thing #1
Convergence: New Teen Titans #1
Convergence: Green Lantern Corps #1
Zombie Tramp #10
Kaptara #1
Red Lanterns #38

Action Lab: 1
DC: 10
Image: 1
Marvel: 2
Valiant: 4

Total: 18

Re: Mike's Week Reads and Ranks

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 1:53 pm
by drew
you need to catch this up mike