after last weeks 3 shipments i have only read a few soo another 12 will take a few weeks to catch up...
greenlanterns #15
nightwing #13 okok im quite fond of some dc books too
amazing spiderman #23
clone conspiracy #4
Gamora #2 first issue was nice
Invincible iron man #3
mighty captain marvel #1 yay another capt marvel #1

Monsters unleashed #1 what is this going to be about??
SpiderGwen #16 after the spiderman xover im seriously considering cutting this, like silk and spiderdrew more
Squadron supreme #15 thought last issue was the last?
SW Dr Aphra #3 aphra is cool
USavengers #2 not read #1 yet, but liked newavengers
Ultimates2 #3 seems to continue more or less where first volume ended with similar mission
greenvalley #4 is still in the to-read-pile, but its been going wackier and wackier for every issue and the last cliffhanger kinda implied that we didnt know the whole story about where they are in time and fantasy landscape.drew wrote:heard this one gets a little wacky(er) reading it tonightNiklasJ wrote: greenvalley 4