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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight
Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 10:23 am
by erickowabunga
drew102e wrote:Thanks to TJ for the support on my (occasional) factoring price point into my grade; I am concerned about what the listener's think...
As a retailer, I love hearing it. It helps me to understand where readers are coming from, and what $4.99 books may be fully worth it to suggest. As I have noted before, our shop doesn't prey upon people by pushing high dollar items. We want to be knowledgeable and help people find the right books for them.
Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight
Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 12:51 pm
by drew
compsolut wrote:drew102e wrote:Thanks to TJ for the support on my (occasional) factoring price point into my grade; I am concerned about what the listener's think...
As a retailer, I love hearing it. It helps me to understand where readers are coming from, and what $4.99 books may be fully worth it to suggest. As I have noted before, our shop doesn't prey upon people by pushing high dollar items. We want to be knowledgeable and help people find the right books for them.
do you charge full retail for your pull list customers?
Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 2:29 pm
by MichaelCastle
This weeks episode was great I particularly liked the discussion of Saga. I think the graphic sex/language adds a layer of humor that is much needed considering the bleak situation the characters find themselves in most of the time. Although I agree with John a warning label or something should be noted that this is an adult comic. I know Drew is onto Scalped now and it is an amazing read. The deluxe versions are slowly being released in hardcover and they're awesome
Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 4:03 pm
by doctormo
I also enjoyed the discussion about Saga. I fall on both sides of the debate. I believe some of the sex, language, and violence is used as a marketing ploy to help make the series standout. But I also feel they are necessary story elements. Saga is about family, whether you are born into it or create it yourself. I also believe that BKV and Fiona Staples are exploring how sex and violence can used to create, maintain/protect, or even destroy a family.
Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight
Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 9:57 am
by erickowabunga
drew102e wrote:do you charge full retail for your pull list customers?
We are a very small shop, so we don't give heavy discounts, but what we do is give 10% off if you bring your last receipt in for your pull list. We also provide a free Previews! to those who have 10+ books on their list. We also have occasional promotional sales where we will offer 20% off if you prepay for an entire event (Archie vs Predator, Batman vs TMNT).
As back issues are our highest margin item, we tend to focus our sales on our back issues, and have quarterly back issue blowouts (note we do NOT mark up prices ahead of this, and we use eBay sold listings as our guide to current prices, not Overstreet. Any retailer who uses Overstreet should not get your business, as they are most likely gouging the heck out of you).
Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight
Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 10:05 am
by drew
compsolut wrote:
We are a very small shop, so we don't give heavy discounts, but what we do is give 10% off if you bring your last receipt in for your pull list. We also provide a free Previews! to those who have 10+ books on their list. We also have occasional promotional sales where we will offer 20% off if you prepay for an entire event (Archie vs Predator, Batman vs TMNT).
those are nice perks
compsolut wrote:As back issues are our highest margin item, we tend to focus our sales on our back issues, and have quarterly back issue blowouts (note we do NOT mark up prices ahead of this, and we use eBay sold listings as our guide to current prices, not Overstreet. Any retailer who uses Overstreet should not get your business, as they are most likely gouging the heck out of you).
i like that you use sold listings only...i had a former LCS that used the highest buy it now price on ebay to price back issues which is freaking highway robbery...note i said FORMER
Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight
Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 2:52 pm
by erickowabunga
drew102e wrote:i like that you use sold listings only...i had a former LCS that used the highest buy it now price on ebay to price back issues which is freaking highway robbery...note i said FORMER
Yeah, we have a few local-ish competitors that will either use the highest Buy it Now price on eBay, or use Overstreet prices. Our shop is very quickly becoming known for quality back issues at market prices - which is right where we want to be.
Would it be nice to sell a book at 20% over market value, sure - but that is not a long term sales solution. All it takes is that person finding a book on eBay cheaper, and just going there from then on.
Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 10:00 am
by doctormo
Hi John,
I believe the comic you were referring to in episode 439 was The Mighty by Keith Champagne, Peter Tomasi, and Peter Snejbjerg (
I like Drew's suggestion of testing out new characters in the DC Universe. Instead of using the Vertigo imprint, how about creating an imprint within DC Comics proper set on the other 52 Earths. The imprint could be called The Multiversity.
Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 1:50 pm
by drew
that was driving him crazy that his 99.999% total comic recall missed one-for me its expected
doctormo wrote:
I like Drew's suggestion of testing out new characters in the DC Universe. Instead of using the Vertigo imprint, how about creating an imprint within DC Comics proper set on the other 52 Earths. The imprint could be called The Multiversity.
I would be down for that- and like a farm system the good ones occasionally get called up to the big leagues, in this case DC proper, to share the universe
Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 6:24 pm
by JohnMayo
You are indeed correct. It was The Mighty that I was thinking of. Great series and one I highly recommend.
Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight
Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 3:59 pm
by clobberin_time_bs
Re: Secret Wars #9
Great episode John and Drew. As a long time F4 fan Secret Wars #9 was very bittersweet for me. It was a great story and a cool ending for the Richards family but it's been used as an excuse to shelve the F4 instead of telling the great stories that could be told about their adventures in the new multi-verse. Whatever reason or conspiracy you believe about the F4's downplay in the Marvel Universe, it's been a tough year to be a fan (did you see Bendis making the Thing belittle his time with the F4 because now he's a Guardian in GoG #1?).
As for Doom's admittance that Reed would do a better job with the power, I think Doom is a different person after Hickman's run on F4. Reed and Valeria had to restore his intellect and save him from the Doom dimension. Those were probably very humbling experiences for Victor. I think that's why Hickman choose to write that scene that way. As for his, shall we say assault, on an amnesiac Sue, he tried to finness it by saying she chose him but the forced amnesia muddies that water.
Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight
Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 8:42 am
by drew
anyone read any of the books we reviewed in the last few episode(s) - agree/disagree with our grades?
Weekly Comics Spotlight #443 (2/3/2016)
DC: BATGIRL #48 John C+ Drew B-
Marvel: SPIDER-MAN #1 John B- Drew B-
Weekly Comics Spotlight #444 (2/10/2016)
Marvel: GUARDIANS OF GALAXY #5 John C+ Drew C-
Other: KINGS ROAD #1 DARK HORSE John B+ Drew B+
Weekly Comics Spotlight #445 (2/17/2016)
Marvel: POWER MAN AND IRON FIST #1 John B Drew A-
Other: TOMB RAIDER #1 [DARK HORSE] John C+ Drew C-
Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight
Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 5:05 am
by NiklasJ
Im reading Batgirl, #48, somewhere B/C depending on taste is where I´d put it too. Im trying out this not having read any prior batgirl/oracle at all. Its ok but the run has been a little too all-ages and all-inclusive for me. Its too happy, everyones too friendly... Will probably finish and not continue after rebirth, unless new team and direction sounds promising. (Ill need a place in pullist if Im continuing with doubleshipping grayson/nightwing...)
GotG #5 was my last issue of this run for now. Only good things about it are Kitty and the Thing. I liked it more when it was sci-fi not funny superhero sci-fantasy. Nice art and so but this didnt catch me. C grade.
Was nice to hear good things about poison ivy, spider-man (i read every other spider but this one...) and many positives on powerman ironfist, a title i gathered was DOA.
You havent done Amazing SpiderMan, IronMan, Ultimates, HowardtheDuck or any Xmen or Inhumans for a while in the Marvel segment

I imagine black widow will make an appearance soon?
Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight
Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 8:44 am
by drew
NiklasJ wrote:
You havent done Amazing SpiderMan, IronMan, Ultimates, HowardtheDuck or any Xmen or Inhumans for a while in the Marvel segment

I imagine black widow will make an appearance soon?
stay tuned, your friendly neighborhood and other arachnid might make an appearance soon

Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight
Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 8:13 am
by Joe3c
drew wrote:anyone read any of the books we reviewed in the last few episode(s) - agree/disagree with our grades?
On Batgirl #48, I was really enjoying it until we found out who the antagonist was that was affecting Barb's memories. That knocked it down to a B- for me.
I just read Poison Ivy #2 last night, still knocking around in my head, but right now, a solid B.
Lastly, while I really enjoyed Power Man and Iron Fist, I don't feel the great need to read the next issue. B+