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Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 12:51 pm
by comicm
Joe The Barbarian #1 - Enjoyed the artwork but the story did not leave me wanting. I will not be picking up the second issue. If buzz is good I will get in trade format. I will note it was fantastic for the price I paid for it.

Stumptown #1
by Greg Rucka was a really great story about a woman gambler PI who has to go looking for the casino owners granddaughter. Great stuff. Looking forward to #2.

G.I. Joe Cobra Special #1
- Continues from the Chuckles mini. By far my favorite GI Joe comic and I have never read GI Joe before IDWs version. Recommended.

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 12:59 pm
by BobBretall
Demo, Vol.2 #1 (Vertigo) -More in the vein of the 1st series, which is to say: very unconventional but well told stories.
If you liked the 1st Demo series, you'll probably like this (like me). If you have not experienced Demo, give it a look, unlike anything else on the stands. Becky Cloonan's art is spot-on perfect for the series.

Aladdin: Legacy of the Lost #1 (Radical) - More great "painted style" art from Radical, compliments of Patrick Reilly. Nothing spectacularly new in the Aladdin story, but really well told and enough cool little tweaks to get me loving the issue and wanting to see what happens next.

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 6:03 pm
by deadpool
Hit Monkey 1# i brought this with the same opinion i talked about with the guy infront of me in the comic book store had, sometimes its fun to buy something wacky so when your friends asked you what you brought this week... but i was happy with this book, while it didn't blow my mind it was a nice simple little origin story, i look forward to seeing the character in Deadpool in a month or two but then i believe he'll be a digtial comic, so thats where i'll leave it

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 4:41 pm
by spid
comicm wrote:Transformers #1 from IDW by Mike Costa and Don Figueroa. The war with the Decepticons is over and the Autobots find themselves battling there one time alley the humans. This is my first Transformers comic since the first 4 issues that Marvel put out. I enjoyed it but still have some reservations. Off to read #2.
If you want jump back into the Transformers you might want to try All Hail Megatron. The series is very old time Transformers cartoon fan friendly.

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 7:14 am
by comicm
spid wrote:
comicm wrote:Transformers #1 from IDW by Mike Costa and Don Figueroa. The war with the Decepticons is over and the Autobots find themselves battling there one time alley the humans. This is my first Transformers comic since the first 4 issues that Marvel put out. I enjoyed it but still have some reservations. Off to read #2.
If you want jump back into the Transformers you might want to try All Hail Megatron. The series is very old time Transformers cartoon fan friendly.
Well I am not really into the Transformers so I thought I would try this ongoing. After reading a few others issues I decided it really was not for me. I have never been into big robots.

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 7:32 pm
by BobBretall
Captain Swing #1 (Avatar) - At first, the text pages interspersed in giving me background info kind of bugged me, but then, as I was finding that info beneficial to appreciating the story, I got into it. Pretty good read, I'll be back for #2

Devil #1 (Dark Horse) - Kind of a generic "super-vampires" manga, I'd like this better if the entire comic series was in a single Manga volume, and if they just called them Vampires instead of "Devils" as a euphemism for vampire.

Choker #1 (Image) - I loved this. Went in with zero expectations (other than figuring I'd love the Templesmith art) and I still don't know what the heck the title means in the context of the story, but I really liked the dystopian world McCool has created.

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 12:37 pm
by Frank Castle
BobBretall wrote:Choker #1 (Image) - I loved this. Went in with zero expectations (other than figuring I'd love the Templesmith art) and I still don't know what the heck the title means in the context of the story, but I really liked the dystopian world McCool has created.
Loved the bit about how his wallet reeked of greed and regret or something like that!

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 1:05 pm
by BobBretall
Fall of the Hulks: Savage She-Hulk #1 (Marvel) - I'm reading all of the Fall of the Hulks stuff, and this issue seemed kind of inconsequential to me. I think if you skip this you're not really going to be missing much.

First Wave #1 (DC) - LOVED IT! Bit of a slow start, but Azzarello demonstrated a nice knowledge/respect of Doc Savage & his crew. Some may be disappointed that Batman (featured on the cover) does not make an appearance in the issue. I think this could easily be read in trade (and may read better in that format).

Girl Comics #1 (Marvel) - Like with any anthology, there will be stuff many love, some that is OK, some that they dislike. I think Marvel editorial made a mistake here in deciding to go with a predominantly "fringe indie" look-and-feel. Not sure the audience they are trying to attract. People who LOVE this will find little similar coming out from Marvel. That said, I loved the Franklin & Valeria story (which was decidedly non-Marvel), thought the Wolverine & Punisher stories were OK, got a grin out of the Doc Ock story, and thought the rest of the issue was not to my tastes.

Green Hornet #1 (Dynamite) - An adaptation of Kevin Smith's movie script, I think this would work better as a movie than a comic. I loved seeing the original Green Hornet/Kato at the beginning of the issue. Then it flashes forward and becomes clear that the rest of the series is going to focus on the "new" Green Hornet & Kato. I'll pick the rest of the series up out of $1 bins, not worth the $3.99 cover price.

Nemesis the Impostors #1 (DC) - Almost completely incomprehensible......I'm probably at a disadvantage not having read the Final Crisis mini featuring Nemesis, but there was nothing at all here to get me to come back for #2.

New Ultimates #1 (Marvel) - The Frank Cho art here is worth the price of admission. I've not been a big fan of Jeph Loeb's comic writing for quite some time, and this is no exception. The Tony Stark narration running through the issue didn't work for me, but I'll keep getting this as long as Cho is on the art, which is a visual feast.

Sparta, USA #1 (DC/Wildstorm) - This issue left many questions unanswered, but there was a great amount of set-up here that made me want to come back and see what happens next (and why things are the way they are). This is now on my "pull list".

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 12:20 pm
by IanG
BobBretall wrote:Girl Comics #1 (Marvel) - Like with any anthology, there will be stuff many love, some that is OK, some that they dislike. I think Marvel editorial made a mistake here in deciding to go with a predominantly "fringe indie" look-and-feel. Not sure the audience they are trying to attract. People who LOVE this will find little similar coming out from Marvel. That said, I loved the Franklin & Valeria story (which was decidedly non-Marvel), thought the Wolverine & Punisher stories were OK, got a grin out of the Doc Ock story, and thought the rest of the issue was not to my tastes.
I agree with everything you've said about Girl Comics. It's like all female version of Strage Tales, that Marvel did recently. I'd like to see Marvel do another all female version that's less indy. I'd pick up the rest of the series in a dollar bin though.
New Ultimates #1 (Marvel) - The Frank Cho art here is worth the price of admission. I've not been a big fan of Jeph Loeb's comic writing for quite some time, and this is no exception. The Tony Stark narration running through the issue didn't work for me, but I'll keep getting this as long as Cho is on the art, which is a visual feast.
I agree again, the writing was hokey, but the art alone is worth the price of admission. The visuals in this title are about the opposite of Girl Comics. I can't wait to see what Cho has in store for us next. I also get Loeb's Hulk just for the Ed McGuinness art. Same for Ultimate X and Art Adams. It's become a Loeb trend, awesome artists and so-so writing. He must give the artists an extra cut of dough or something. Maybe he's just a nice guy to work with, which I got to give him credit for.

X-Factor Forever #1 (Marvel) - It was fun but I don't need another explanation of why Angels wings are now metal. The art was okay for me, the figures were too skinny and tall, and the coloring was too faded. Again, I'd check get it out in the 50 cent of dollar bins.

American Vampire #1 (Vertigo) - I don't yet understand or like how it's broken up in to two different timelines and stories. I gather that it would read better in trade. I not that big on vampires right now, even less so than zombies. I'll wait to read about how it ends up and maybe pick it up in trade.

Stephen King's N #1 (Marvel) - I liked this better than American Vampire and I read them back to back. I could wrap my head more around this story and wanted to know more what happens next. I do like Maleev's decoupage style even though his figures get a little stiff at times. I think he might be tracing his own model photos in Photoshop. I loved Maleev's recreation of Goya's painting "Saturn Devouring his Sons." It still haunts me a little today.

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 7:47 am
by comicm
American Vampire #1 - I really enjoyed both stories and felt I got my monies worth. This was way better than I anticipated. Now I am torn to waiting for the trade or picking it up monthly.

First Wave #1
- I was really looking forward to this and was disappointed. The artwork was perfect but the story was really confusing to me. The only part I was following was the Doc Savage part. All of these other situations confused the hell out of me and made me think that I should have waiting until I had all six issues in hand before reading this.

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 9:42 am
by Frank Castle
Nemesis - Not great but not bad. I think after the hype machine that is Millar, I expected more from it. I really think this will read well as a whole when it is over but as a first issue it was just average.

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 9:20 pm
by BobBretall
Hulked Out Heroes #1 (Marvel)- Yet another Deadpool comic....Just with "Hulkpool" instead. Zany story involving time travel that fans of Deadpool will probably eat right up.

World War Hulks #1 - Total waste of whatever you end up paying for this one. Maybe if you are a Hulk completist and find it in a $1 bin. This does nothing to advance the WW Hulk storyline.

The Waking #1 (Zenoscope)- Decent horror/suspense comic with corpses rising from the dead to avenge their killers. Sort of zombie-ish, but not zombie outbreak/plague kind of stuff. Nice art for this type of series.

Pantheon #1 (IDW)- Mostly setup in this issue, with a new (to me, at least) take on the "return of the Greek gods in modern days" genre.

Kill Shakespeare #1 (IDW)- I really enjoyed this one. The main protagonist is Hamlet. I've read (and seen performed live & in movies) a lot of the Shakespeare plays and am familiar with most of the characters. I'd be interested in what someone without that background thinks of this series.

Flash Secret Files & Origins#1 (DC)- I like the story, but I'm really not a fan of Scott Kolins' art. It's a personal thing, but it hits me kind of like Lenil Yu's work. I can see that some people would love it, but I'm not one of them. I'm on this for the Geoff Johns writing ONLY.

S.H.I.E.L.D. #1 (Marvel) - Extremely different from what I was expecting, but I really liked it. This kind of story seems to be in Remender's "sweet spot", lots of neat heretofore unknown bits of revelation about the Marvel U's history (back 100s of years).

Codebreakers #1 (Boom!)- Really cool story, not sure how accurate the world inside the cryptography community is, but it seems neat. Nicely layered story with some good reveals and pacing. Left me at the end wanting to come back for #2.

Avengers: The Origin #1 (Marvel)-Nice art by Phil Noto, but this is a series that really does not need to exist. The first issue makes it to the 2nd panel of Page 7 in Avengers #1. Along the way adds more flavor & backstory to the original, and updates it to more current day (Rick Jones & the teen brigade have computers and send an e-mail to the FF instead of the original Ham radio call, for instance). Good for what it is, but I'd rather see now stories instead of re-hashing old ones.

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 5:08 am
by Trev
BobBretall wrote:
Flash #1 (DC)- I felt kind of hosed when the story in this $3.99 comic ended after 18 pages and I got the balance of the issue in "Who's Who" pages. I like the story, but I'm really not a fan of Scott Kolins' art. It's a personal thing, but it hits me kind of like Lenil Yu's work. I can see that some people would love it, but I'm not one of them. I'm on this for the Geoff Johns writing ONLY.

S.H.I.E.L.D. #1 (Marvel) - Extremely different from what I was expecting, but I really liked it. This kind of story seems to be in Remender's "sweet spot", lots of neat heretofore unknown bits of revelation about the Marvel U's history (back 100s of years).
Bob, you know that Flash issue was a secret files issue, right? Unless it really is Flash #1 and you're saying the first issue is same format as secret files.

I never read Flash much before the last couple of years, so getting the orientation around Central City and Keystone City was really helpful for me. And the Kolins art seemed to have a lighter line than usual which I really liked. Thought maybe he had an inker on this, but looks like he still inked it himself.

Loved SHIELD. Hickman does crazy Marvel conspiracy theories. Awesome stuff.

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 8:59 am
by BobBretall
Trev wrote:
BobBretall wrote: REVISED:
Flash Secret Files & Origins 2010 (DC)- I liked the 18-page story, but I'm really not a fan of Scott Kolins' art. It's a personal thing, but it hits me kind of like Lenil Yu's work. I can see that some people would love it, but I'm not one of them. I'm indifferent to the Who's Who pages.
Bob, you know that Flash issue was a secret files issue, right? Unless it really is Flash #1 and you're saying the first issue is same format as secret files.

I never read Flash much before the last couple of years, so getting the orientation around Central City and Keystone City was really helpful for me. And the Kolins art seemed to have a lighter line than usual which I really liked. Thought maybe he had an inker on this, but looks like he still inked it himself.

Big "The Flash", much smaller & offset "secret files & origins 2010".

As a Secret Files, I should have expected all the who's who stuff......

Still not a big fan of Kolins, though.

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 9:04 am
by BobBretall
Captain America/Black Panther: Flags of Our Fathers #1 (Marvel)- I LOVED this series! Cap & the Howling Commandos! Baron Strucker and the Red Skull! Black Panther (I'm assuming this is T'Challa's dad T'Chaka).......Hudlin/Cowan/Janson hit this one out of the park for me.

She-Hulk: Sensational #1 (Marvel)- I really enjoyed this. An 18 page Peter David story, a 32 page Brian Reed story, and a good choice of a reprint from the John Byrne run on She-Hulk. Worth the price of admission even without the reprint.