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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 6:32 am
by drew
NiklasJ wrote: Suggestions for future marvel picks:
Howard the duck
Silk, spiderwoman, spiderwomen crossover (you might have done them not too long ago?)
Moon knight
AN xmen
Silver surfer
yep all good candidates, a couple done recently and a couple slotted in future episodes
NiklasJ wrote:Future indie:
Rachel rising #42
I read 2 out of 3 of those, not sure how easy it would be to get a copy of Rachel, might need to go digital for that one - is that the last issue?
NiklasJ wrote: Edit:
Civil war 2
Ms marvel
Vote loki
The spiderfly effect (AMS and Silk)
Sw: han solo
Scarlet #10
Lots of good comics

yeah, there are always WAAAY more comics (almost-darn 5th weeks) to choose from than slots for the next episode
Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 8:26 am
by JohnMayo
NiklasJ wrote:
Future indie:
Rachel rising #42
Scarlet #10
I'm not getting these titles which reduces (but doesn't eliminate) the chances of us reviewing them.
Rachael Rising and Brithright are both titles I got and then dropped.
Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 8:50 am
by Perseus
Thanks to Marvel Unlimited, I just tried out Silk, Ms Marvel, Howard the Duck, Ant-Man, and Unbeatable Squirrel Girl.
All were good. Really liking Ms Marvel. Glad I gave that character a chance.
Drew, I saw they have the whole Superior Foes of Spider-Man. I will be reading it soon.
Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 10:06 am
by NiklasJ
Yes Rachel rising #42 would be the last one of the series, was trying to figure out some special issues that would be more interesting to have in a weekly pick.
With the DC rebirth therell be plenty new stuff to pick there come summer.
there are a few team ups coming out soon, daredevil/punisher, deadpool/punisher, might be of interest?
another ANAD marvel one that havent been picked for some time is Nova i think?
Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 11:55 am
by Joe3c
Other than Carnage, Empress looks like it could be a good choice.
Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight
Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 11:57 am
by drew
Perseus wrote:
Drew, I saw they have the whole Superior Foes of Spider-Man. I will be reading it soon.
I think you will enjoy it
Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight
Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 2:02 pm
by doctormo
Here is my two cents about potential comics to review.
Future Indie Picks:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer #30 (the final issue)
Stargate Atlantis: Return To Pegasus
Faith #4 or the new #1 (when it becomes an ongoing this summer)
Future DC Picks:
DC Universe Rebirth #1
Future Quest #1
Scooby Apocalypse #1
Now regarding X-Men '92 #1 (from this week's episode)...I can understand why John and Drew disliked the comic. Personally, I thought it was okay. I think their goal was slapstick Deadpool using the X-Men instead. I am going to pick up the second issue. I read some of the interviews Chris Sims and Chad Bowers did regarding the book. I knew going in it would be a parody of the X-Men '92 cartoon, and 90s X-Books in general. Sims and Bowers were trying to ape the writing style of that time period, this is probably why there was so much dialogue at times. Generation X was included in this book because they were products of the 90s. To the best of my memory the only Gen X characters who appeared in the cartoon were Jubilee, Banshee, and Emma Frost. I think this book is aimed at individuals who grew up with the X-Men cartoon as their touchstone, but like comics & cartoons in the vain of Steven Universe or Adventure Time.
Ironically the cartoon was a fairly straight adaptation of X-lore with tweaks. The show ran from 1992-1997 ( By the time the cartoon started Chris Claremont was no longer writing an X-Book; he only wrote issues 1-3 of adjectiveless X-Men. Scott Lobdell and Fabian Nicieza were handling Uncanny X-Men and X-Men during most of this time period.
The reason why I am giving X-Men '92 another issue is because I am not a fan of the current storylines (a new take on M-Day or the Legacy Virus) in Uncanny X-Men and Extraordinary X-Men. I enjoy All New X-Men, it reminds me of X-Factor from the 1980s mixed with New Mutants. I do not always need my X-titles to exist in the same universe or share continuity. I went through a similar phase in the 2000s. I enjoyed Ultimate X-Men because it was so different from Uncanny, Astonishing, or X-Treme.
Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight
Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 4:16 pm
by JohnMayo
doctormo wrote:
Stargate Atlantis: Return To Pegasus
I'm game for that. I'm a big fan of Stargate.
doctormo wrote:
DC Universe Rebirth #1
Future Quest #1
Scooby Apocalypse #1
All of those sound good to me.
doctormo wrote:
I read some of the interviews Chris Sims and Chad Bowers did regarding the book. I knew going in it would be a parody of the X-Men '92 cartoon, and 90s X-Books in general. Sims and Bowers were trying to ape the writing style of that time period, this is probably why there was so much dialogue at times.
If it it was meant to be a parody of the cartoon and/or 90s X-Books then they should have clearly marketed it as such. My thoughts on the comic remain the same.
Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight
Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 4:54 pm
by Perseus
John and/or Drew,
Do you think Image should have more all ages appropriate books in their lineup? Or do you think they would leave that to publishers like IDW, Boom!, Marvel, DC. etc. ?
Also, did either or both of you check out the new title announcements from Image Expo? Which titles look interesting to you?
Drew, which would you go with by Rucka, Lazarus or Black Magick?
Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight
Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 6:59 am
by JohnMayo
Perseus wrote:
Do you think Image should have more all ages appropriate books in their lineup? Or do you think they would leave that to publishers like IDW, Boom!, Marvel, DC. etc. ?
Yes. Why wouldn't you want a comic to appeal to as wide an audience as possible? Obviously some concepts aren't all-ages material. But a lot of concepts are.
Perseus wrote:
Also, did either or both of you check out the new title announcements from Image Expo? Which titles look interesting to you?
I've glanced at it but have read it enough for any titles to jump out at me as particularly interesting.
Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight
Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 8:40 am
by drew
Perseus wrote:Do you think Image should have more all ages appropriate books in their lineup? Or do you think they would leave that to publishers like IDW, Boom!, Marvel, DC. etc. ?
I wouldn't care as long as it didn't come at the expense of adding new content without restrictions...some of my favorite series - Walking Dead, Saga, Remender's and Jason Aarron titles are not all ages and would suffer if they were-but I am okay with lots of books for lots of people, just give me my grown up stuff
Perseus wrote:Also, did either or both of you check out the new title announcements from Image Expo? Which titles look interesting to you?
I am most excited for:
BLACK CLOUD by Jason Latour, Ivan Brandon, Greg Hinkle, Matt Wilson
(hinkle was amazing on airboy)
KILL OR BE KILLED by Ed Brubaker, Sean Phillips,
(lead pipe lock-no need to read the solicit)
MOONSHINE by Brian Azzarello & Eduardo Risso
(great writer)
MOTOR CRUSH by Brenden Fletcher, Cameron Stewart, & Babs Tarr
(nice to see the batgirl team together again)
SEVEN TO ETERNITY by Rick Remender & Jerome Opeña
(Low is amazing, hope this is too)
VS by Ivan Brandon, Esad Ribić
(although it will be delayed constantly, It will be beautiful to look at)
Perseus wrote:Drew, which would you go with by Rucka, Lazarus or Black Magick?
Lazarus by a mile
Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight
Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 1:47 pm
by doctormo
Drew, were you a fan of Remender and Opeña on Uncanny X-Force? Opeña did the first arc then came back for most of The Dark Angel Saga. The book is dark and violent but is infused with character moments/beats throughout.
SEVEN TO ETERNITY by Rick Remender & Jerome Opeña
(Low is amazing, hope this is too)
Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight
Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 2:00 pm
by doctormo
Speaking of a Batman Family style book! James Tynion IV will write Detective Comics as of DC Rebirth. Detective will be a team book featuring Batman, Batwoman, Spoiler, Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain and Clayface.

Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight
Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 11:43 pm
by GABE!
doctormo wrote:Speaking of a Batman Family style book! James Tynion IV will write Detective Comics as of DC Rebirth. Detective will be a team book featuring Batman, Batwoman, Spoiler, Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain and Clayface.

This is probably the title I'm looking forward to the most in DC: Rebirth. For the longest time fans wanted to see the return of Spoiler and Cassy Caine, and boy did it take DC a long long time to make that happen. Now we get to see them alongside Batman in the returned to regular numbering Detective series. I can not wait.
Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight
Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 12:10 pm
by MrAloha
Dear John and Drew,
May I ask if you guys can review Panel Syndicate's The Walking Dead: The Alien (One Shot) in a future episode?