Weekly Comic Spotlight

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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by drew »

MrAloha wrote:Dear John and Drew,

May I ask if you guys can review Panel Syndicate's The Walking Dead: The Alien (One Shot) in a future episode?

Yes sir, We already scheduled that for next week Jason
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by MrAloha »

drew wrote:Yes sir, We already scheduled that for next week Jason
Dear Drew,

Thank you.

I look forward to hearing your guy's review.

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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by NiklasJ »

Thanks for the spotlight on ANAD "breakout characters" Howard the Duck (and Squirrel Girl). Its a good comic and pokes fun at marvels volumes/renumbering quite a bit.

I thought the subtext(?) worked really well, and the crossover was quirky but nice.
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by NiklasJ »

I was a bit surprised that Batman #51 was as uninteresting as it was, had checked reviews

http://comicbookroundup.com/comic-books ... -(2011)/51

before reading and to say that theyre glowing (average 9,1) is an understatement, nothing much happens but maybe its the whole run that gets the grade and not just the last whimper of an issue.
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by drew »

yeah, i liked it but i can see why some didnt,
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by drew »

Did you agree with our reviews - what did you think of these books or others releases on April 27th?

Weekly Comics Spotlight ##455 (4/27/2016)

John C Drew B

Marvel: ULTIMATES #6
John B+ Drew B-

John B+ Drew C-

in case you haven't listened yet - I included spoiler tags for our grades
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by GABE! »

drew wrote:Did you agree with our reviews - what did you think of these books or others releases on April 27th?

Weekly Comics Spotlight ##455 (4/27/2016)

John C Drew B
in case you haven't listened yet - I included spoiler tags for our grades
I just read Batman #51 today. I took a break from reading Batman in singles, cause for a few years I was strictly hardcovers. But with Rebirth I decided to start back with singles and I wanted to read the last arc of this round of Batman. I noticed a big shift in Snyder's writing style for the Batman character in issue 50 and 51.
Batman was cracking jokes, nothing gut busting or hilarious, but funny enough that made me say to myself, "Batman should be making jokes in the middle of a fight like this."
I agree with Drew grade. What I said above didn't affect my grading of the book that harshly, but it did stop me from grading the book higher.
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by GABE! »

drew wrote:Did you agree with our reviews - what did you think of these books or others releases on April 27th?

Weekly Comics Spotlight ##455 (4/27/2016)

John C Drew B
in case you haven't listened yet - I included spoiler tags for our grades
I just read Batman #51 today. I took a break from reading Batman in singles, cause for a few years I was strictly hardcovers. But with Rebirth I decided to start back with singles and I wanted to read the last arc of this round of Batman. I noticed a big shift in Snyder's writing style for the Batman character in issue 50 and 51.
Batman was cracking jokes, nothing gut busting or hilarious, but funny enough that made me say to myself, "Batman should be making jokes in the middle of a fight like this."
I agree with Drew's grade. What I said above didn't affect my grading of the book that harshly, but it did stop me from grading the book any higher. Does anything one think Snyder's Batman was off, too?
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by doctormo »

I am really really sorry about Stargate Atlantis: Return to Pegasus. Like John, I was looking forward to this title. I was so excited about the book that I suggested a book to review. I was a huge SG-1, Atlantis, and Universe fan though I did not get Showtime when SG-1 aired on that channel. Typically I waited until it aired in syndication a few months later. I pre-ordered it based on the Greg Larocque sketches. I am a fan of Larocque's runs on Legion of Super-Heroes and The Flash. The writing was so weak that I wondered if the writing team were new to comics. I was shocked to discover they have written titles for IDW. Needless to say Stargate Atlantis has been removed from my pull list.

In more positive news - Thanks for letting us know about the KowCast. I am trying to finalize which DC Rebirth titles I will be getting. Don't worry, my devotion to the Comic Book Page will not waiver.
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by doctormo »

Do listeners get a 'no prize' for making it through the supersized episode! :-)

Thoughts about DC Rebirth: I am (very cautiously) optimistic about DC coming out of rebirth. I agree with John, the company has setup several things pre-Flashpoint and during the New 52 that were never fully executed. Not using the Kaldur'ahm version of Aqualad (IMO) was one of DC's big missteps post-Flashpoint. Part of the reason I am cautious is because we do not know how much of Geoff John's blueprint for the DCU will be followed; Johns will not be writing comics for the foreseeable future now that that he will be involved with DC Films. If the entire editorial team (especially Dan Didio and Jim Lee) are not fully embracing this directions, things will not workout. As John has said on many occasions, comic books (not just DC or even Marvel) need really good editors.
I have mixed feelings on using the Watchmen characters in the DCU. I like the notion that everything exists in some corner of the DC Multi-Hypertime-Verse. The meta commentary on how Dr. Manhattan (and by extension deconstructionist super-heroes) impacted that universe was wonderful. However, the characters bring a whole lot of baggage.

Carrot-top Wally West has not been seen since Flashpoint; he got a revamped costume during Flash Rebirth in order to distinguish himself from Barry. Bart Allen became the Flash for a bit after Infinite Crisis; he started in his own Flash title for year then died. Geoff Johns resurrected Bart along with Conner Kent in Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds. After Final Crisis we got Flash Rebirth, the Barry Allen Flash series that started during Brightest Day, and then Flashpoint. Whew...
Thoughts on Captain America #1:
aka Hydra Cap #1
I think online comics fandom need to calm down. I am sure Nick Spencer has an exit strategy and Hydra Cap will not forever tarnish Steve's good name. According to a recent episode of Word Balloon featuring Nick Spencer, the domestic abuse backstory for Steve was started during Rick Rememder's run on Cap (the Marvel Now era I think). I think it was a fairly well told issue, but I believe Marvel's marketing for this comic was a bit annoying...'Cap will never be the same again'.
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by drew »

doctormo wrote:Do listeners get a 'no prize' for making it through the supersized episode! :-)
yes, you earned it...consider it in the mail
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by GABE! »

I'm still getting through the long episode. I usually listen to podcasts on my drive to and from work. But it's a great episode so far. My DC knowledge is no where near John's level, so I'm enjoying listening to him and Drew go on about the details of Rebirth #1 that I missed.

Keldur in the Young Justice cartoon was in a serious relationship with a woman named Tula, who then fell in love with Keldur's best friend Garth after Aqualad decided to leave for the surface world and become a part of Young Justice.

I seriously second John's recommendation on The Young Justice cartoon. It's the best comic book animated series since Justice League Unlimited and the entire series is on Netflix.
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by JohnMayo »

GABE! wrote:Keldur in the Young Justice cartoon was in a serious relationship with a woman named Tula, who then fell in love with Keldur's best friend Garth after Aqualad decided to leave for the surface world and become a part of Young Justice.
Garth was the original Aqualad and Tula was his girlfriend. Garth later went by the name Tempest.
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by GABE! »

One thing that DC Universe Rebirth #1 did successfully do was to get people discussing DC comics again. I seems like the excitement for the universe has been ignited once again.

Also, for me, this issue made me remember how much I loved Wally West. I kind of forgot about him outside of the Young Justice cartoon. It almost was like I was in the DC UNIVERSE and my memories and enjoyment of Wally were taken away. And now that he's back, I remembered him again :)

But seriously, I do want to go back and read the Wally Flash years.
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Re: Weekly Comic Spotlight

Post by Perseus »

Gabe, you are in luck. DC is finally releasing the Mark Waid run on the Flash (Wally West) this year in trade paperback.

Drew, I agree with you on your opinion on DC Rebirth. Geoff Johns basically wrote a love letter on DC Comics, and he issued an apology to the fans.

He also wrote a great commentary on the state of DC Comics and comics in general since the 80's. Wonderful issue.
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