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Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 10:57 am
by comicm
Avengers #1 - Bendis and JRJR. Avengers Next was interesting (Loved the cartoon and it was on of my favorite animated features, which surprised the hell out of me because I thought it was going to be bad). It was good but one of the weaker books from Avengers Relaunch. What happened to Wonder Man? Must have happened in a story I was not reading. Decent (3/5)
Secret Avengers #1 - Bruebaker and Dedato. I liked this one slightly better then Avengers but it still was not my favorite. My favorite is Avengers Academy so far. I really liked that Ant-man, Valkyrie, and Moon Knight were on the team. It was also cool to see Sharon featured quite a bit in the book. (4/5)
Penny for your Soul #1 - Very interesting (sexy) story with pretty good art. Hutchinson is doing some interesting concepts and I would recommend trying this one and Critter. I know Bob is a fan of both.
Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 6:20 pm
by comicm
Titans Villains for Hire Special #1 - Very interesting story and twist on the title itself. Should prove to be a different book and another book that features villains which is cool. I was disappointed with what happened to one of the Heroes in this book because I liked his character a lot but it was still a very solid read with good artwork. I was also hoping two of the characters would be heroes (4/5)
New Avengers #1 - This was a good story and it looks interesting. I did not like how Luke was so upset though.
Avengers Prime #1 - Liked it but did not love it. Issue two looks like it will get interesting for the three heroes. Did not care for Iron Man having teeth.
Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 10:23 am
by Frank Castle
New Avengers #1 - Much better than Avengers with JRJR. Bendis knows how to write for the NA. So overall, I rank them:
Secret Avengers
New Avengers
Avengers Academy
Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 7:37 am
by IanG
BobBretall wrote:Buzzard #1 (Dark Horse) - Beautiful art by Eric Powell as he explores the Buzzard character from the Goon. Starts on kind of a "slow roll" but promises to deliver some (bleep)-kickin' action in subsequent issues. "Billy the Kid's Old-Timey Oddities 6-page backup by Powell & Kyle Hotz was pretty good too!
I finally got around to reading this one last night. It totally felt like something out of the Warren
Creepy or
Eerie magazines. Except this is comic book size and in color, instead of magazine size and b/w. Powell is such an acolyte of Mignola, but he's totally got his own style too. It's mostly his writing that reminds me of Mignola. Powell's art is very different than Mignola, and better in many ways. This probably isn't one for John though, the gore factor is pretty high.
Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:08 pm
by Frank Castle
Scarlet #1 - I think I really liked this book. It was totally different than what I thought from reading the blurb about it. I think I enjoyed 'the breaking of the 4th wall' so I'll be back for more!
Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 4:17 pm
by comicm
Jokers Asylum II Mad Hatter #1 .The Joker tells a pretty creepy story about Jervis Tetch with very creepy artwork by Kieth Giffen and Bill Sienkiewicz. (4/5)
Joker's Asylum II The Riddler #1 - The Joker tells a love story about Edward Nigma. Another insane tale of madness. (4/5)
Dazzler #1 - A one shot I wanted to love because I have always enjoyed the 80s comic book. The artwork worked for me by the story was not executed to my liking.
Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 7:32 am
by spid
Avengers: The Children's Crusade#1 (Marvel) I was a fan of the original series and the return of the creative team to this group of characters is a welcome. I loved the first issue. The art was gorgeous, and Heinberg can really get into the heads of these characters. The only knock I have is the interaction with the Avengers is off in some places. However, Heinberg take on the treatment of the Scarlet Witch mirrored my own take on the story that turned into a psycho.
Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 7:59 am
by IanG
Frank Castle wrote:Scarlet #1 - I think I really liked this book. It was totally different than what I thought from reading the blurb about it. I think I enjoyed 'the breaking of the 4th wall' so I'll be back for more!
I'm also interested to see where this goes. I like that Bendis is getting to be more experimental with his comics than he is on things like the Avengers. I love the part that is individual snippets of Scarlet's life leading up to where she is now, very funny. I really like Maleev's art in some panels but in others it's kind of corny. I think it's the expressions on people's faces that end up looking corny because they're from a photo of a model.
Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 8:23 am
by IanG
X-Men #1 (Marvel) - I want to see where this story goes and I'm not really in to vampires right now. I think that's because the writer has me wanting to know more. This really should have been a $2.99 or even 1.99 cover price. Luckily DCBS had it at 75% off, for 99 cents. This issue didn't have a lot of new content for me because I had already read it in that free preview issue Marvel put out. Also, Marvel put in a ton of in-house advertising in this issue, for things like the "Curse of the Mutants" one-shots and the Shadowland preview. If I had paid cover price for this I would have felt let down on this particular issue.
X-Force: Sex and Violence #1 (of 3) (Marvel) - This first issue is more violence than sex, it's also very entertaining. I'm a fan of X-Force and I think you'll enjoy this if you are too. The painted style artwork is very good if you like that sort of thing. Can't wait for issue #2. I'll miss Kyle and Yost on the X-Force series. [WebWiz19]
X-Files/30 Days of Night #1 (of 6) (Wildstorm/IDW) - This one is disgusting, lots of gore, but I need to know more. I'm sucker for new X-Files content and I do like Steve Niles writing. I'd like to see issue #2 before I commit in the whole mini-series. I don't think I ordered any more issues yet. If I find it a my local shop I'll probably get it, if not, oh well.
Strange Science Fantasy #1 (of 6) (IDW) - I have to give the creator a lot of credit for originality but I don't think I'm along for the ride. These are more comic strips than comic books. The package is really nice, I love the cover, the design, and paper stock. There just wasn't a story to speak of, or maybe I'm not smart enough or willing to find it. I've already got #2 on order, but I'm going to remove #3 from my July order.
Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 12:49 pm
by BobBretall
Sweets #1 (Image) - Great murder mystery kicking off here, I'm in for the rest of the mini.
Doctor Solar #1 (Dark Horse) - This was OK, but not good enough to jump onto my pull list. It's not the Valiant Doctor Solar, and it's also NOT the original Doctor Solar (the origin has been updated and he seems way too close to Watchmen's Dr. Manhatten now).
Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 4:24 am
by RadConsv
Being an ex-punk rocker from the 1980's (Dead Kennedy's stilll are awesome!) I got struck by
CBGB #1... giving it a try

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 6:17 pm
by comicm
I really did not like Batman Odyssey #1 by Neil
Adams. Could it be all of the pain meds I am on right now? I thought
it was horrible.
Thor The Mighty Avenger #1 - I really enjoyed reading this even though it is out of continuity. I thought it was much better than the current main title.
Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 4:05 am
by RadConsv
comicm wrote:I really did not like Batman Odyssey #1 by NeilAdams. Could it be all of the pain meds I am on right now? I thought
it was horrible.
No comicm you are not wrong it was "not to my taste" too. I was just like huh? Turn the page huh? Turn the page wtf? It was my introduction to Mr. Adam's and I was very underwhelmed.
As far as CBGB goes, The Kieron Gillen story was amazing (can we hire this guy to write nothing but comics about music?) The second story was pretty cool. Nothing earth shattering amazing, but they took a predictable story and made it somewhat poignant.
Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 10:07 pm
by BobBretall
Frank Castle wrote:Scarlet #1 - I think I really liked this book. It was totally different than what I thought from reading the blurb about it. I think I enjoyed 'the breaking of the 4th wall' so I'll be back for more!
Exact opposite reaction here:
Scarlet #1 - I really disliked 'the breaking of the 4th wall' so I'll not be back for #2........
Just goes to show that everyone should try things for themselves. As they said in TV sit-com land:
Now, the world don't move to the beat of just one drum,
What might be right for you, may not be right for some.
Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 10:10 pm
by BobBretall
comicm wrote:I really did not like Batman Odyssey #1 by Neil Adams. Could it be all of the pain meds I am on right now? I thought it was horrible.
I liked the art, but the story was not to my taste either. I've pulled this book off my list, I'm not getting past #2....